

GitHub latest release Ansible Galaxy

:warning: Warning: this project is no longer maintained :warning:

I decided to convert the Ansible code to Bash for simplicity.

Ansible role to turn your Linux device into a web kiosk (i.e. a device whose sole purpose is to display a web page and consent minimal user interaction). This can sometimes be useful e.g. to display information on a large screen or something like that.

:information_source: To make the system as lightweight as possible, only Xorg and a full-screen Chromium browser instance are started. No window manager needed! :slightly_smiling_face:

This role has been tested with Debian 12 (bookworm).


  1. Install this role using the ansible-galaxy CLI tool
  2. You can then include it into the tasks section of your Ansible Playbook. See test/playbook.yml for an example of how to do that. Remember to replace the role name with dmotte.webkiosk.

Note: this role must be run as root (ansible_become: true).

Role variables

See defaults/main.yml.


If you want to contribute to this project, you can use the test/playbook.yml file to test the role while editing it.

Place your inventory file (e.g. hosts.yml) inside the test folder.

Edit the vars section of the test/playbook.yml file to match your scenario.

You can then execute the playbook against your host:

cd test/
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml
ansible-galaxy install dmotte/ansible-role-webkiosk
GitHub repository