

Install and configure Request Tracker on your system.


CentOS 7:

I've allowed the option to install CPAN dependencies (see rt_cpan_modules in default/main.yml and/or __rt_cpan_modules in vars/main.yml) to get installed in a custom locallib path (see rt_cpan_locallib), but that option doesn't apply to CentOS 7. The issue is that the cpanminus yum package will cause some older Perl module dependencies to get installed, and that makes it difficult to do some other things. So for this role, I've avoided installing cpanminus on my own. I've made sure to fail the role if you attempt to use the rt_cpan_locallib value in CentOS 7 to help avoid confusion. You may prefer installing your CPAN dependencies globally anyway.

Also On CentOS 7, gnupg2 is only available up to version 2.0.x, but the dependency module GnuPG::Interface wants version 2.2+. In this case, you'll need to manually install a more recent version of gnupg2. An example of how you might do this in your Ansible playbook is available in the Install gnupg2 2.2+ task in molecule/defaults/prepare.yml.

If you're running only gnupg1, then you should be able to get by with that, since it's of the required version 1.4, but you will need to make sure that /usr/bin/gpg (or whatever is coming back for which gpg from your installing user) is that gpg1 binary. In other words, the installer isn't going to specifically look for a binary called gpg1, and it's not going to distinguish versions if you have another gnupg2 installation using that gpg binary name.

Role Variables

The configurable values and their descriptions can be read as comments in defaults/main.yml. You might glean a little bit more information on the defaults that are automatically determined for certain null values in vars/main.yml as well. These values are partitioned by distribution and version in a way that (I hope) should be obvious to the reader.

You'll also need to be somewhat careful about editing the rt_cpan_modules value during your install. The existing module defaults (listed in vars/main.yml) are there to make the make fixdeps part of the install happy. The official RT documentation recommends running make fixdeps multiple times to ensure that everything gets installed, but I would prefer to not have this role run that command multiple times if I can help it, hence the rt_cpan_modules value. So if you change the list of modules in that array, you should check that you're not losing dependencies that help the smooth (or as smooth as I've gotten it) installation flow.

I guess a more concise way to put this is that if you customize rt_cpan_modules, you should still include what's listed in vars/main.yml, and add to it unless you know what you're doing.


  • Due to a recent update/attempt to make ansible-lint happy, I've renamed tasks to their fully qualified collection name (fqcn). This means that the following collections are required:

    • ansible.posix
    • community.general
    • community.mysql - this is only used for backups during version upgrades
  • On CentOS 7, since we're not using cpanminus, you will need to have CPAN installed and configured before using this role.

  • As mentioned in the requirements section, CentOS 7 systems will probably need an updated gpg2 version to make RT happy. This will need to be installed beforehand.

Example Playbook

The general flow would look something like this:

- hosts: db_servers
    - block:
        - name: Install and configure the database
            name: dudefellah.postgresql
      become: true

- hosts: rt_servers
    - block:
        - name: Install RT
            name: dudefellah.rt
            rt_version: 5.0.1

        - name: Configure Apache
            name: geerlingguy.apache
            apache_vhosts: |

            apache_vhosts_ssl: |



Author Information

Dan - github.com/dudefellah


Install and configure Request Tracker (RT)

ansible-galaxy install dudefellah/ansible-role-rt
GitHub repository