i3wm Windows Manager
This role installs and configures i3wm and its dependencies.
Role Variables
This role has severall variables to specify the install behavior.
- i3-wm
- libglvnd
- dmenu
You can override this variable to specifiy other packages to install, If you do this you have to add i3wm as well to this variable.
i3wm_statusbar_package: i3status
This installs the status bar tool to provide information about your system and calls the JSON API of i3bar
i3wm_diplay_locker_package: i3lock
The lock manager. defaults to i3lock
Here you can add packages as a list, if you wand to install more packages dependent on your system and window manager. e.g: i3blocks, acpi etc.
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: thielking.i3wm, i3wm_additional_packages: acpi }
I am a DevOps Cloudengineer and using ansible to deploy cloud infrastructure and local development environments
ansible-galaxy install dvonessen/ansible-role-i3wm