An Ansible role for automating the build of the LTS Linux kernel RPMs for Fedora.
Builds of this kernel are published to a Fedora Copr repository. Instructions on how to enable the repository and install the kernel can be found here.
- Ansible >= 2.6
Role Variables
Immutable (should not be changed unless rebasing ontop a new X.Y
- kernel_version_major = The major Linux kernel version.
- kernel_version_minor = The minor Linux kernel version.
Mutable (user configurable):
- kernel_version_patch = The patch Linux kernel version.
- git_repository_kernel = The Git repository to use for the upstream Fedora kernel.
- git_branch_kernel = The branch, commit, or tag to checkout from the Git repository.
- rpmbuild_sources_dir = The path to the "SOURCES" directory that will be used by rpmbuild.
Example Playbook
- An example "site.yml" Playbook file. By default, source RPMs will built.
- hosts: build_host
- ansible_role_fedora_kernel_lts
- Run the Playbook as a non-root user with privileges to install build dependencies and then build the RPMs.
$ ansible-playbook --become-method sudo --ask-become-pass site.yml
- When re-running the Playbook, installing the dependencies can be skipped.
$ ansible-playbook --skip-tags become site.yml
- Optionally build the binary RPM.
$ ansible-playbook --skip-tags become --extra-vars rpmbuild_options="-bb --with headers --without cross_headers --without debug --without debuginfo --without pae" site.yml
$ molecule converge -- -vvv
$ molecule destroy
For rebasing kernels and removing patches, use this Bash command to get all of the changelogs since the last release of the kernel used in ansible-role-fedora-kernel-lts. A lot of Fedora patches get backported into the upstream kernel. The example grabs all of the changelogs for 4.19.15 through 4.19.20.
$ for i in $(seq 15 20); do curl$i >> /tmp/kernel.changelog; done