Ansible Role: MySql
An Ansible Role that install, secure Mariadb or MySql server on Ubuntu and EL (RHEL and derived Linux distributions).
Role Variables
The available variables are listed below, for all references see defaults/main.yml
It is used to be able to choose between Mariadb server and MySql.
Possible values: mariadb | mysql
default: mariadb
mysql_type: mariadb
Set Mysql root password on first install then it will be copied to /root/.my.cnf
If not entered or if empty a random password will be created.
default: empty password
mysql_root_password: ''
If true force set new mysql_root_password and secure mysql by delete test db, anonymous users and not local root users.
default: false
force_root_password: false
It's a boolean value and if set allow to delete test db on first install.
default: true
secure_mysql_rm_test_db: true
It's a boolean value and if set allow to delete anonymous users on first install.
default: true
secure_mysql_rm_anon_users: true
It's a boolean value and if set allow to delete non local root users on first install.
default: true
secure_mysql_rm_non_local_root: true
It's an array of hash value where the keys are:
- name: is the db name to create/delete/check
- collation: is the db collation
- encoding: is teh db encoding
- state: is the state present or absent
default: []
- name: mydbtest
collation: utf8_general_ci
encoding: utf8
state: present
It's an array of hash value where the keys are:
- name: is the user to create/delete/check
- host: is the host where user can connect to
- priv: is the privileges of the user ('mydbtest.*:ALL')
- password: is the user's password
- state: is the state present or absent
default: []
- name: myusertest
host: localhost
priv: 'mydbtest.*:ALL'
password: 'v44Hv67n7J3aLits'
state: present
No dependencies in particolar
Example Playbook
Install with:
ansible-galaxy install eniocarboni.mysql
Example 1: use default variables
- hosts: all
become: true
- eniocarboni.mysql
Example 2: with use of custom variables
- hosts: all
become: true
- role: eniocarboni.mysql
mysql_type: mariadb
mysql_root_password: "My secure password: unset for use random password"
GNU General Public License v3.0, see LICENSE file
Author Information
This role was created in 2023 by Enio Carboni
ansible-galaxy install eniocarboni.mysql