Ansible Role: F5 automation tool chain (ATC) deploy declaration
This role deploys declaratives to installed automation tool chain services (AS3, DO, TS) on your BIG-IP or BIG-IQ. You would use this role to post declarations to the following BIG-IP or BIG-IQ automation tool chain services: application services 3 extension, declaritive onboarding, or telemetry streaming. Information regarding these services along with example declaritives is available on f5-cloud-docs.
- note: this role determines which service to use by the referenced declarative which should contain the service class. For example, AS3 declaratives will contain a service pointer using key "class": with value "AS3" in json declared file Example. Be sure to define service pointers at the beginning of your declaration.
Corresponding ATC service must be installed on BIG-IP or BIG-IQ prior to deploying declaration.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below. For their default values, see defaults/main.yml
The provider dictionary is used in the role to define connection details to the BIG-IP in the same way F5 Modules work. Take a look at the Virtual Address module for more explanation on provider.
server: "f5"
server_port: "443"
user: "admin"
password: "supersecret"
validate_certs: "true"
atc_method: GET
atc_method accepted values include [POST, GET] for all services, and [DELETE] for AS3 only. atc_deploy role currently does not support AS3 PATCH method.
Local location of declaration, only required if atc_service
is not provided
URL of declaration location
Required if atc_declaration_file
is not present and the requested atc_method
is GET
File at url specfied is downloaded to path/filename specified in variable atc_declaration_file
Default is null.
atc_delay: 30
Amount of time between retires when checking service status
Default 30 seconds
atc_retries: 10
Number of times to retry service status
Default 10
POSTing to a specific AS3 tenant.
Starting with AS3 3.14.0, you have the option of using POST to the /declare endpoint with a specific tenant in the URI (for example …/declare/tenant1). This only updates the tenant you specified, even if there are other tenants in the declaration. This can be useful in some automation scenarios involving AS3.
For example, when POSTING to the URI /mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare/tenant1,tenant2:
If both tenant1 and tenant2 are in the declaration you are posting, both tenants are updated and AS3 returns both tenants in the response.
If only tenant1 is present in the declaration you are posting, only tenant1 is updated and returned in the response, despite the fact tenant2 is included in the URI.
If the tenant in the URI and the tenant in the declaration do not match (for example, only tenant3 is present in the declaration), AS3 returns a “no change” response.
Default is null.
as3_show: base
You can use the following URL query parameters for POST, GET, or DELETE
base means
system returns the declaration as originally deployed (but with secrets
like passphrases encrypted), full returns the declaration with all default schema
properties populated, expanded includes all URLs, base64s, and other references expanded
to their final static values.
Acceptable values include: base, full, expanded Default is base
as3_showhash: true
You can use the following URL query parameters for POST (Note: showHash for POST was introduced in AS3 3.14.0 and will only work on 3.14.0 and later):
This was introduced as a protection mechanism for tenants in a declaration (previously you had to use a separate GET request to retrieve the Optimistic lock). If you set “showHash=true”, the results include an optimisticLockKey for each tenant. Attempts to change/update any of the tenants without the correct optimisticLockKey will fail.
Default is false.
Provider variable for the followng examples is below:
server: f5
server_port: 443
user: admin
password: supersecret
validate_certs: true
GET AT Declaration
- name: GET AT Declaration
hosts: bigip
provider: "{{ provider }}"
- name: ATC GET
name: atc_deploy
atc_method: GET
# Select the service as AS3, Device, or Telemetry
atc_service: AS3
- debug: var=atc_GET_status
POST AT Declaration
- name: POST AT Declaration
hosts: bigip
provider: "{{ provider }}"
- name: ATC POST
name: atc_deploy
atc_method: POST
atc_declaration_url: https://testurl/as3.json
# AS3/Device/Telemetry is selected by looking at the class within the file
atc_declaration_file: files/as3.json
atc_delay: 10
atc_retries: 5
# atc_AS3_status, atc_DO_status , atc_TS_status
- debug: var=atc_AS3_status
Author Information
This role was created in 2019 by Greg Crosby.
A special thanks to Vinnie Mazza (@vinnie357) for the ansible playbook examples.
Allows declaration to be sent to automation tool chain service (AS3, DO, or TS)
ansible-galaxy install erjac77/ansible-role-f5_atc_deploy_declaration