Ansible Role: auditbeat
Installs auditbeat on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
This role requires Ansible 2.4 or higher.
Role Variables
The role defines most of its variables in defaults/main.yml
Example Playbook
Run with default vars:
- hosts: all
- { role: ansible-auditbeat }
Tests are performed using Molecule.
Install Molecule or use docker-compose run --rm molecule
to run a local Docker container, based on the enterclousuite/molecule project, from where you can use molecule
- Run
molecule create
to start the target Docker container on your local engine. - Use
molecule login
to log in to the running container. - Edit the role files.
- Add other required roles (external) in the molecule/default/requirements.yml file.
- Edit the molecule/default/playbook.yml.
- Define infra tests under the molecule/default/tests folder using the goos verifier.
- When ready, use
molecule converge
to run the Ansible Playbook andmolecule verify
to execute the test suite.
Note that the converge process starts performing a syntax check of the role.
Destroy the Docker container with the commandmolecule destroy
To run all the steps with just one command, run molecule test
In order to run the role targeting a VM, use the playbook_deploy.yml file for example with the following command: ansible-playbook ansible-auditbeat/molecule/default/playbook_deploy.yml -i VM_IP_OR_FQDN, -u ubuntu --private-key private.pem