Ansible Role: Kompose
Role to download and install Kompose the tool for converting Docker Compose files to Kubernetes resources.
Ansible Core >= 2.12
Linux Distribution
Debian Family
- Buster (10)
- Bullseye (11)
- Bionic (18.04)
- Focal (20.04)
RedHat Family
Rocky Linux
- 8
Note: other versions are likely to work but have not been tested.
Role Variables
The following variables will change the behavior of this role (default values are shown below):
# Kompose version number
kompose_version: '1.29.0'
# SHA256 sum for the redistributable Kompose package (i.e. kompose-linux-amd64.tar.gz)
kompose_redis_sha256sum: '1167e6cc3c3aac346616f6b0232739ae438ea6a1e0aeae0b938831f96298eb55'
# Mirror to download the Kompose from
kompose_mirror: 'https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/releases/download/v{{ kompose_version }}'
# Directory to store files downloaded for Kompose
kompose_download_dir: "{{ x_ansible_download_dir | default(ansible_env.HOME + '/.ansible/tmp/downloads') }}"
Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- role: gantsign.kompose
Tab Completion for Zsh
Using Ansible
We recommend using the gantsign.antigen role to enable tab completion for Kompose (this must be configured for each user).
- hosts: servers
- role: gantsign.kompose
- role: gantsign.antigen
- username: example
- name: kompose
url: gantsign/zsh-plugins
location: kompose
Using Antigen
If you prefer to use Antigen directly add the following to your Antigen configuration:
antigen bundle gantsign/zsh-plugins kompose
Manual configuration
To manually configure Zsh add the following to your .zshrc
eval "$(kompose completion zsh)"
More Roles From GantSign
You can find more roles from GantSign on Ansible Galaxy.
Development & Testing
This project uses the following tooling:
- Molecule for orchestrating test scenarios
- Testinfra for testing the changes on the remote
- pytest the testing framework
- Tox manages Python virtual environments for linting and testing
- pip-tools for managing dependencies
A Visual Studio Code Dev Container is provided for developing and testing this role.
Author Information
John Freeman
GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)
Ansible role for downloading and installing the Kompose tool for Kubernetes.
ansible-galaxy install gantsign/ansible_role_kompose