
Ansible Role: pwquality

Tests Ansible Galaxy License

Role to install and configure pwquality for enforcing password strength. As well as configuring pwquality itself it adds the pwquality module to the PAM config.


  • Ansible >= 2.9

  • Linux Distribution

    • Debian Family

      • Ubuntu

        • Bionic (18.04)
        • Focal (20.04)

Role Variables

The following variables will change the behavior of this role (default values are shown below):

# Number of characters in the new password that must not be present in the
# old password.
pwquality_difok: 1

# Minimum acceptable size for the new password (plus one if
# credits are not disabled which is the default). (See pam_cracklib manual.)
# Cannot be set to lower value than 6.
pwquality_minlen: 8

# The maximum credit for having digits in the new password. If less than 0
# it is the minimum number of digits in the new password.
pwquality_dcredit: 0

# The maximum credit for having uppercase characters in the new password.
# If less than 0 it is the minimum number of uppercase characters in the new
# password.
pwquality_ucredit: 0

# The maximum credit for having lowercase characters in the new password.
# If less than 0 it is the minimum number of lowercase characters in the new
# password.
pwquality_lcredit: 0

# The maximum credit for having other characters in the new password.
# If less than 0 it is the minimum number of other characters in the new
# password.
pwquality_ocredit: 0

# The minimum number of required classes of characters for the new
# password (digits, uppercase, lowercase, others).
pwquality_minclass: 0

# The maximum number of allowed consecutive same characters in the new password.
# The check is disabled if the value is 0.
pwquality_maxrepeat: 0

# The maximum number of allowed consecutive characters of the same class in the
# new password.
# The check is disabled if the value is 0.
pwquality_maxclassrepeat: 0

# Whether to check for the words from the passwd entry GECOS string of the user.
# The check is enabled if the value is not 0.
pwquality_gecoscheck: 0

# Path to the cracklib dictionaries. Default is to use the cracklib default.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: gantsign.pwquality
      pwquality_minlen: 16
      pwquality_maxrepeat: 3

More Roles From GantSign

You can find more roles from GantSign on Ansible Galaxy.

Development & Testing

This project uses Molecule to aid in the development and testing; the role is unit tested using Testinfra and pytest.

To develop or test you'll need to have installed the following:

Because the above can be tricky to install, this project includes Molecule Wrapper. Molecule Wrapper is a shell script that installs Molecule and it's dependencies (apart from Linux) and then executes Molecule with the command you pass it.

To test this role using Molecule Wrapper run the following command from the project root:

./moleculew test

Note: some of the dependencies need sudo permission to install.



Author Information

John Freeman

GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)


Ansible role for installing and configuring pwquality.

ansible-galaxy install gantsign/ansible_role_pwquality
GitHub repository