An Ansible Role that installs Pure-FTPd on Debian/Ubuntu.
This role only have requirements if the TLS support will be enabled and you need to generate the certificate.
If the value of pureftpd_tls_certificate_method
is generate
, openssl
needs to be installed on the server.
If the value of pureftpd_tls_certificate_method
is certbot
, certbot
should be available on the remote server. You may use geerlingguy.certbot
to install it.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
- pure-ftpd-common
- pure-ftpd
List of packages to install with APT.
pureftpd_global_config_mode: standalone
pureftpd_global_config_virtualchroot: 'true'
pureftpd_global_config_uploadscript: ''
pureftpd_global_config_uploaduid: ''
pureftpd_global_config_uploadgid: ''
Properties for the global configuration of Pure-FTPd. They are used to generate /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common
. You can read more about these options on templates/pure-ftpd-common.j2
pureftpd_fortune: ''
Message to show on users login.
server: localhost
port: 3306
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
username: dbuser
password: dbpass
database: dbname
crypt: crypt
query_get_pw: SELECT Password FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_dir: SELECT Dir FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_uid: SELECT Uid FROM users WHERE User="\L"
default_uid: 1000
query_get_gid: SELECT Gid FROM users WHERE User="\L"
default_gid: 1000
query_get_qta_fs: SELECT QuotaFiles FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_qta_sz: SELECT QuotaSize FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_ratio_ul: SELECT ULRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_ratio_dl: SELECT DLRatio FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_bandwidth_ul: SELECT ULBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L"
query_get_bandwidth_dl: SELECT DLBandwidth FROM users WHERE User="\L"
force_tilde_expansion: true
transactions: true
This property set the configuration needed for the storage of virtual users on a MySQL server. There is more information of this configurations on Pure-FTPd documentation.
server: localhost
port: 5432
username: dbuser
password: dbpass
database: dbname
crypt: crypt
query_get_pw: SELECT "Password" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_dir: SELECT "Dir" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_uid: SELECT "Uid" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
default_uid: 1000
query_get_gid: SELECT "Gid" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
default_gid: 1000
query_get_qta_fs: SELECT "QuotaFiles" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_qta_sz: SELECT "QuotaSize" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_ratio_ul: SELECT "ULRatio" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_ratio_dl: SELECT "DLRatio" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_bandwidth_ul: SELECT "ULBandwidth" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
query_get_bandwidth_dl: SELECT "DLBandwidth" FROM "users" WHERE "User"='\L'
This property set the configuration needed for the storage of virtual users on a PostgreSQL server. There is more information of this configurations on Pure-FTPd documentation.
ldaps: True
tls: True
server: ldap.example.com
port: 389
bind_dn: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
version: 3
bind_password: bindpass
base_dn: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com
filter: '&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=\L)'
home_dir: homeDirectory
default_uid: 1000
force_default_uid: True
default_gid: 1000
force_default_gid: True
This property set the configuration needed for the storage of virtual users on an LDAP server. There is more information of this configurations on Pure-FTPd documentation.
AllowAnonymousFXP: 'no'
AllowUserFXP: 'no'
AltLog: 'clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log'
AnonymousBandwidth: '8'
AnonymousCanCreateDirs: 'no'
AnonymousCantUpload: 'yes'
AnonymousOnly: 'no'
AnonymousRatio: '1 10'
AntiWarez: 'yes'
AutoRename: 'no'
Bind: ',21'
BrokenClientsCompatibility: 'no'
CallUploadScript: 'yes'
ChrootEveryone: 'yes'
ClientCharset: 'UTF-8'
CreateHomeDir: 'yes'
CustomerProof: 'yes'
Daemonize: 'yes'
DisplayDotFiles: 'yes'
DontResolve: 'yes'
ExtAuth: /var/run/ftpd.sock
ForcePassiveIP: ''
FortunesFile: '/etc/pure-ftpd/cookie'
FSCharset: 'utf8'
IPV4Only: 'yes'
IPV6Only: 'yes'
KeepAllFiles: 'yes'
LDAPConfigFile: /etc/pureftpd-ldap.conf
LimitRecursion: '10000 8'
LogPID: 'yes'
MaxClientsNumber: '10'
MaxClientsPerIP: "{{ ansible_processor_cores }}"
MaxDiskUsage: '80'
MaxIdleTime: '15'
MaxLoad: '4'
MinUID: '1000'
MySQLConfigFile: /etc/pure-ftpd/mysql.conf
NoAnonymous: 'yes'
NoChmod: 'yes'
NoRename: 'yes'
NoTruncate: 'yes'
PAMAuthentication: 'no'
PassivePortRange: '30000 50000'
PerUserLimits: '3 20'
PGSQLConfigFile: /etc/pureftpd-pgsql.conf
PIDFile: '/var/run/pure-ftpd.pid'
ProhibitDotFilesRead: 'yes'
ProhibitDotFilesWrite: 'yes'
PureDB: /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb
Quota: '1000 10'
SyslogFacility: 'ftp'
TLS: '0'
TLSCipherSuite: 'ALL:!aNULL:!SSLv3'
TrustedIP: ''
Umask: '113 002'
UnixAuthentication: 'no'
UserBandwidth: '8'
UserRatio: '1 10'
VerboseLog: 'no'
List of configuration options for Pure-FTPd. There is more information of this configurations on Pure-FTPd documentation.
option has four posible values (From 0
to 3
). This values implies:
: support for SSL/TLS is disabled.1
: clients can connect either the traditional way or through an SSL/TLS layer.2
: cleartext sessions are refused and only SSL/TLS compatible clients are accepted.3
: cleartext sessions are refused and only SSL/TLS compatible clients are accepted. Clear data connections are also refused, so private data connections are enforced.
There is more information available at Pure-FTPd documentation.
pureftpd_auth_puredb: 10
pureftpd_auth_mysql: 0
pureftpd_auth_postgresql: 0
pureftpd_auth_ldap: 0
pureftpd_auth_pam: 80
pureftpd_auth_unix: 90
These properties set the prority of the different authentication methods. Only those with a value greater than 0
will be enabled.
- name: user1
password: p4ssW0rd
homedir: /var/ftp/user1
List of users that should be present on the system.
- name: user2
List of users that should not be present on the system. These is useful to delete old FTP accounts on the system.
pureftpd_virtual_users_user: ftp
pureftpd_virtual_users_group: ftp
If Pure-FTPd server will use virtual users, it need at least a system user and his corresponding group.
pureftpd_virtual_users_gid: ''
pureftpd_virtual_users_uid: ''
This properties force an UID and GID for them. They are not defined by default.
- name: vuser1
password: p4ssW0rd
homedir: /var/ftp/vuser1
uid: 2000
gid: 2000
quota_files: 2000
quota_size: 500
bandwidth_ul: 5
bandwidth_dl: 5
ratio_ul: 10
ratio_dl: 1
List of virtual users to create using PureDB as storage method. name
, password
and homedir
are mandatory.
- name: vuser2
List of users that should not be present on the PureDB database. These is useful to delete old FTP accounts.
pureftpd_virtual_users_import: false
With this property enabled, the role will import the system users as virtual users.
It should be noted that only accounts that have shell access will be imported. Accounts with the shell set to nologin have to be added manually.
pureftpd_tls_certificate_method: ''
This property has three valid values:
: This option will use certbot to request for a Let's Encrypt certificate.generate
: This option will useopenssl
to create a selfsigned certificate.upload
: This option will upload an existing certificate.pureftpd_tls_certificate_certbot: command: /opt/certbot/certbot-auto fqdn: ftp.example.com email: letsencrypt@example.com size: 4096 port: 80
When using certbot
, this dictionary set the path
for certbot command and a few options needed for certificate request. You need to set the FQDN for the certificate and the email for the Let's Encrypt account. You may change the certificate's key size and the port where certbot
will wait for Let's Encrypt challenge.
size: 4096
days: 365
fqdn: ftp.example.com
country: ''
state: ''
locality: ''
organization: ''
unit: ''
When using generate
, this dictionary set the options for the openssl
pureftpd_tls_certificate_file: ''
pureftpd_tls_certificate_content: ''
When using upload
, these options set the file to upload or the content of the certificate file to create on the server.
Example Playbook
- hosts: webservers
- gcoop-libre.pure-ftpd
Author Information
This role was created in 2017 by gcoop Cooperativa de Software Libre.