Setup webserver (nginx | httpd)
This playbook allows you to configure and httpd or nginx web server. If you require some vhost's take a look at my other ansible role's.
This playbook checks if you have nginx or httpd installed already. if you select nginx and httpd is already installed it will stop and do nothing.
There are no requirements as of yet
Role Variables
While everyting will work out of the box without any changes, there are a couple variables that you can change. (the vallues that are set bellow are the standard ones) The most important will be the:
webService: httpd
You can set this to either httpd or nginx. The standard vallue will be httpd
The port's can also be set here:
webServicePort: 80
webServiceSecurePort: 443
If you want to disable server signatures:
webServiceSignatures: true
The following variables can be set but will be most of the time not needed
apacheErrorLog: logs/error_log
apacheAccessLog: logs/access_log
apacheSecureErrorLog: logs/ssl_error_log
apacheSecureAccessLog: logs/ssl_access_log
apacheLogLevel: warn
apacheUser: apache
apacheGroup: apache
apacheAdmin: root@localhost
apacheConfLocationSSL: "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf"
apacheConfLocation: "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"
These are the nginx equivalent. There are not allot of these yet
nginxErrorLog: /var/log/nginx/error.log
nginxAccessLog: /var/log/nginx/access.log
nginxConfLocation: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Example Playbook
- name: Setup webserver
hosts: all
- ggiinnoo.webserver
Author Information
Creator: Gino Jansen
Website: www.ginojansen.nl
ansible-galaxy install ggiinnoo/ansible-role-webserver