
Ansible Role: ssmpfs

An Ansible role that reads AWS SSM Parameters create by Terraform module ssmpfs.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below:

Variable Default Required Comments (type)
key n/a Y A key to lookup in SSM Parameter Store
set_fact n/a N The name of a fact to set with the contents of the SSM param read from key
dest n/a N Destination path of file to populate with the contents of the SSM param read from key
ssmpfs_file_backup false N Used with dest. Should target file be backed up if already exists?
ssmpfs_file_follow false N Used with dest. This flag indicates that filesystem links in the destination, if they exist, should be followed
ssmpfs_file_force false N Used with dest. Influence whether the remote file must always be replaced
ssmpfs_file_mode '' N Used with dest. The permissions of the destination file or directory.

NB: You can pass either or both set_fact and dest, but one at least one of these should be used.


1. Retrieving a chunked file

In the example below, we retrieve a chunked SSM Parameter that was split across three blocks and save the composite result to outfile.txt.

The SSM Parameter keys may look like this:


The ansible call to the role may look something like this:

    - role: gibbsoft.ssmpfs
      key: /LoremIpsum
      dest: output.txt

The module will discover the child SSM Paramter keys and join their contents back together.

2. Setting a fact from an SSM parameter

You can set a new fact containing secret retrieved from the SSM Parameter. In this example we define that slack_endpoint should return the recovered value.

    - role: gibbsoft.ssmpfs
      key: "/demo/slack/endpoint"
      set_fact: slack_endpoint

You can make multiple calls to the role as required.


Released under the GNU General Public License v3 license.


Read AWS SSM Parameters create by Terraform module [ssmpfs](

ansible-galaxy install gibbsoft/ansible-role-ssmpfs
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