
Raspi PDF Kiosk

This Ansible Role implements a simple info-kiosk for the Raspberry Pi. A Raspberry Pi configured with this role will download a PDF file and automatically display it to the HDMI out every time it is booted. It can also display a message in scrolling rainbow ASCII art once a week.


The role is supposed to be used with Raspbian Light. It requires a working network connection to download the PDF. It is also a good idea to make sure that the Raspberries timezone and display are configured correctly

Role Variables

Required Variables

There are no variables that are truly required for the role to function. However raspi_pdf_kiosk_pdf_uri is set so the Raspberry Pi will display a shedule for a certain canteen of the RWTH Aachen University by default. So you might want to change that.

Optional Variables

  • raspi_pdf_kiosk_user (default: pi): User that will be used to display the PDF
  • raspi_pdf_kiosk_refresh: The Pi will reboot once per day to refresh the displayed PDF. All subvariables except their respective Cron notation.
    • weekday (default: *)
    • hour (default: 3)
    • minute (default: 30)
  • raspi_pdf_kiosk_friday_afternoon:
    • active (default: no): Boolean that determins wether the friday afternoon script gets installed
    • message (default: Besprechung_): Message to display once a week. Underscores get replaced by spaces in the final message.
    • line_delay (default: 0.04): Delay in seconds between lines of scrolling text
    • chars_per_line (default: 34): Chars of the message that will be displayed per line. 34 should be a good default for a 1080p resolution. For more information see defaults/main.yml
    • weekday (default: 5): Day and time to show the message in Cron notation
    • hour (default: 15)
    • minute (default: 55)



Example Playbook

- hosts: raspi
    - role: gliech.raspi_pdf_kiosk
      raspi_pdf_kiosk_pdf_uri: http://www.example.com/kiosk.pdf
      raspi_pdf_kiosk_refresh.weekday: 1
      raspi_pdf_kiosk_friday_afternoon.active: yes
      raspi_pdf_kiosk_friday_afternoon.message: Happy_Early_Weekend_
      raspi_pdf_kiosk_friday_afternoon.hour: 13




Implements a simple PDF based info-kiosk for the Raspberry Pi

ansible-galaxy install gliech/raspi-pdf-kiosk-ansible-role
GitHub repository