
Ansible Role: User

An Ansible Role that sets login definitions, user policies and also perform security checks related to users and groups. Target systems: RHEL/CentOS, Fedora, and Debian/Ubuntu.


No additional requirements.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

user_skip_config: false

If set to true, it will skip all user configuration and will do only add/remove of users and groups

user_new_password: "{{ vault_admin_password }}"

If the password of the user running ansible changes, this variable needs to have the new password, so ansible_become_pass and ansible_ssh_pass can be updated. Recommended to store the password on another file and encrypt it with vault.

user_configure_single_user: no

Indicates if single user mode is to be configured (needs to have root password set)

user_max_days: 365

Number of days before password expire

user_min_days: 7

Number of days until user is allowed to change password

user_inactive_days: 30

Number of days before user is considered inactive

user_warn_age: 7

Number of days before password expire that will generate a warning to the user

user_umask: '027'

UMASK to be used by all users

user_shell_timeout: 900

Shell timeout in seconds

user_fix_existing_accounts: yes

If set to true/yes it will perform security checks on users and groups.

root_password: ''

Sets the root password.

user_account_add: []
  #- name: example
  #  comment: This is an example
  #  uid: 1076
  #  groups: ['admin']
  #  shell: /bin/bash
  #  password: encpwd

Add/Change the specified accounts. Default value is empty list. The lines above that are commented show an example on how to specify an entry. All options from ansible.builtin.user are available, in addition to a new option "linger", which enables/disables user lingering (check loginctl command for more information on user lingering). If linger is not specified, lingering will not be changed. If set to false, lingering will be disabled. If set to true, lingering will be enabled. NOTE: linger will not work on containers because it needs systemd and dbus.

user_account_remove: []
  #- acc_to_be_removed

List of user names to be removed from the system.

user_group_add: []
#  - name: admin
#    gid: 760

Add the specified groups to the system. Default is empty list. The lines above that are commented show an example on how to specify an entry. The only mandatory parameter for each user entry is the name (group name) field.

user_group_remove: []
#  - mygroup

Remove the specified groups from the system.

user_alias: []
#  - user: example
#    alias: ll
#    command: ls -l --color=auto
#    state: present

Specify aliases to be created/removed from user's bashrc file. Command is not required when state is absent. Default is empty list. The lines above that are commented show an example on how to specify an entry.


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    user_max_days: 365
    user_min_days: 7
    user_inactive_days: 30
    user_warn_age: 7
    user_umask: '027'
    user_shell_timeout: 900
    user_fix_existing_accounts: yes
    root_password: mypass
      - name: example
        comment: This is an example
        uid: 1076
        groups: ['admin']
        shell: /bin/bash
        password: encpwd
        linger: false
      - removeme
      - name: admin
        gid: 760
      - mygroup
      - user: example
        alias: myls
        command: ls -l --color=auto
        state: present

     - { role: guidugli.user }



Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by Carlos Guidugli.


Add/Remove users; define and check security settings

ansible-galaxy install guidugli/ansible-role-user
GitHub repository