Ansible role for creating virtual machines based on Ubuntu Cloud Images in a vSphere environment.
Ubuntu Cloud Images
Ubuntu offers pre-installed images for usage in clouds. One of the available image formats is Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) that can be imported into VMware. The images use the cloud-init mechanism to allow very basic configuration. Sadly, there is no support for using static IP addresses and for adjusting the hardware during machine creation.
This role adds support for these features.
- Creates a virtual machine (VM) from a previously downloaded OVA file.
- Sets the hostname.
- Adds one or more ssh public keys and/or a password for the default user "ubuntu" so that Ansible can connect to the new machine.
- Optionally adjusts the hardware, e.g. number of CPUs or memory, see vmware_guest for possible customizations.
- Optionally sets VM notes (annotations), VM configuration file parameters and/or VM custom attributes.
- Disk size may be increased (defaults to 10GB), additional disks may be created and added.
- Optionally changes the dynamic IP address to a static one (taken either from the playbook or from DNS).
- The VM is turned on and can be used in the same playbook that invoked this role.
- Several VMs can be created in parallel.
- Tested with Ubuntu Cloud Images 21.04, 20.10, 20.04, 19.10, 19.04, 18.10, 18.04 and 17.10.
Older versions do not work because they do not use
for network configuration.
To use this role, you need
- a vSphere environment where the VM will be deployed.
- Credentials for the vCenter server of that environment with appropriate permissions, see below.
- an OVA file, e.g. ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova on the control machine.
If you want to retrieve the VM's IP addresses from DNS, you also have to
- install dnspython (python library, http://www.dnspython.org/) on the control machine.
- use fully qualified domain names (FQDN, e.g. host.example.org) in the inventory. The FQDN will also be used as the VM name.
- add A records for each VM you want to create.
The minimum Ansible version is 2.10.7. The minimum community.vmware collection version is 1.8.0, which is part of the Ansible community package 3.2.0.
vSphere Permissions
The minimum permissions to create a VM with this role are:
DataStore > Allocate Space
Network > Assign Network
Resource > Assign Virtual Machine to Resource Pool
vApp > Import
Virtual Machine > Interaction > Power On
Virtual Machine > Configuration > Add New Disk
To adjust CPU and memory settings, you need
Virtual Machine > Configuration > Change CPU count
Virtual Machine > Configuration > Memory
To adjust disk size, you need
Virtual Machine > Configuration > Extend virtual disk
Advanced configuration options might need additional privileges.
Role Variables
vCenter Connection
- The URL of the vCenter server is set with
or the environment variableVMWARE_HOST
. - The vCenter user is set with
or the environment variableVMWARE_USER
. - The vCenter password is set with
or the environment variableVMWARE_PASSWORD
. - Certificate validation can be disabled by setting
or setting the environment variableVMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS
VMware Settings
- The OVA file on the control machine is specified with
. - The VM is created in the datacenter
on the datastorevmware_datastore
. - The VM can be placed in a folder by specifying
and in a resource pool by specifyingvmware_resource_pool
. - The VM name is
by default. It can be changed withvm_guestname
VM Settings
- The machine's hostname is
by default. It can be changed withvm_hostname
. - Use
to set a list of public keys that will be added to the authorized_keys file of the user "ubuntu". At least one ofssh_keys
has to be specified so that Ansible can connect to the new machine. - Use
to set a password for the user "ubuntu". At least one ofssh_keys
has to be specified so that Ansible can connect to the new machine. - The hardware can be specified with
, containing a dictionary as specified in vmware_guest. - Disk size may be adjusted with
. This parameter accepts a list of disk specifications as documented in vmware_guest_disk. The first disk corresponds to the imported virtual disk. Its size may only be increased. See the example playbook below for usage. - User defined network mappings can be specified with
, see vmware_deploy_ovf for semantics. - VM notes can be set with
To use this feature, the VMware permissionVirtual Machine > Configuration > Set annotation
is required. - To set VM configuration file parameters, supply
with a list of dicts as shown in the example playbook. - To set VM custom attributes, supply
with a list of dicts as show in the example playbook. Note that new custom values will not be created, they should exist in vCenter prior to deploying.
To use a static IP address, use the following keys in the dictionary static_ip
- a specific IPv4 address you want to assign. Defaults to the IPv4 address found in DNS for the FQDN.netmask
- the netmask in CIDR notation, defaults to8
- the default gateway (required)dns_servers
- a list of the DNS servers' IP addresses, defaults to Google's public DNS servers.dns_search
- a list of domain names that should be used as DNS search suffixes. Use this to put your VM in a domain.
Inventory Settings
As the VMs do not exist yet, the ssh server's key is unknown. In order to connect to the new VMs, you need to turn off ssh host key checking. If you plan to frequently recreate VMs with the same FQDNs, ssh should not store the fingerprints in the known_hosts file.
Therefore, the recommended host/group variables are:
ansible_ssh_extra_args=-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
This role does not depend on other roles.
Example Playbook
- name: Deploy a Ubuntu Cloud Image Virtual Appliance
hosts: cloudimg
gather_facts: no
- role: hamburger_software.vmware_ubuntu_cloud_image
vcenter_hostname: vcenter.your.domain
vcenter_username: [email protected]
vcenter_password: verysecret
vcenter_validate_certs: no
vmware_datacenter: your-datacenter
vmware_datastore: your-datastore
vmware_folder: your-datacenter/vm/some-folder
ova_file: ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova
num_cpus: 4
memory_mb: 2048
annotation: 'sample VM based on Ubuntu Cloud Image'
# this avoids excessive syslog messages from multipathd under Ubuntu 20.04
- key: disk.EnableUUID
value: 'TRUE'
- key: 'yourkey'
value: 'yourvalue'
- size_gb: 20
datastore: your-datastore
scsi_controller: 0
unit_number: 0
- size_mb: 250
datastore: your-datastore
scsi_controller: 0
unit_number: 1
type: thin
netmask: 16
dns_servers: [,]
- your.domain
- ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz[...]== some-key-name
password: passw0rd
inventory with 5 hosts:
ansible_ssh_extra_args=-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
Author Information
This role was created by Harald Albers at HS - Hamburger Software GmbH & Co. KG.
Creates virtual machines based on Ubuntu Cloud Images in a vSphere environment.
ansible-galaxy install hamburger-software/ansible-role-vmware_ubuntu_cloud_image