
Docker Ansible Role

This is a very simplified Ansible Role for installing Docker as a systemd service. I'm using this role for many personal and enterprise projects and will do my best to keep it update and customizable with the latest changes which would be useful for me (and others).

Distributions and Their Releases

Right now, these OS distributions and releases are tested:

  • Debian
    • Jessie
    • Stretch
    • Buster
  • Ubuntu
    • Xenial
    • Bionic
    • Focal

How to Use It

You can simply install this role on your machine or hosts by using the below command:

ansible-galaxy install hamidyousefi.docker

Also, if you defined your playbook, you can simply add below lines to your roles/requirements.yml. You can create this file if your playbook doesn't have it yet.

- name: hamidyousefi.docker
  version: master

master is the most updated version of this role. You should define which version you are going to use just by replacing it with something like v1.3.0. You can find the versions list and their changelogs from releases page.

Login to Registries

This role can login the defined users into specified registries. Below code shows how it is possible:

  - user: linux-user
    url: registry.domain.tld
    username: registry-username
    password: '123456'

Additional Extensions and Configurations

I added few extra features to this role. docker-compose and or service level proxy can be set up easily just by adding the below block in your group_vars or host_vars related YAML files.

Docker Compose

Installing docker-compose will be installed by default. If you don't want to install it, add below block to your variable:

extensions: []

Additionally, You can add your docker-compose.yml files to the targeted remote host and paths. Configure the below values in your group or host variables.

  - template_path: where-the-template-placed/docker-compose.yml.j2
    destination_path: path-to-place/docker-compose.yml

HTTP(S) Proxy

If you want to configure http and (or) https proxy on your docker, you can add below variables:

  http: 'http://your-server:80'
  https: 'https://your-server:443'
ansible-galaxy install hamidyousefi/ansible-docker
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Software & DevOps Engineer