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= 3scale_multitenant


== Overview

This workload provisions a single centralized 3scale API Manager in a single OCP namespace.

This workload only needs to be executed once per OCP cluster.

It also allows for management (ie: creation / deletion) of a configurable number of API tenants in the 3scale API Manager installation.

This role might be valuable in the following circumstances:

. Instructor Led Training (ILTs), Hackathons and workshops: + Given X number of students in an ILT requiring 3scale, provision a single central multi-tenant Red Hat 3scale API Manager where each student is assigned their own tenant. + The student is provided with administrative credentials to their assigned tenant. + This approach might be more desirable than the alternative where each student provisions their own 3scale API Manager.

. Red Hat 3scale enablement + A few learning objectives might be:

.. Demonstrate the provisioning of 3scale on OCP. .. Integration with an external smtp provider to send out emails and facilitate a user self-registration workflow. .. Invocation of the REST Admin API of 3scale using OAuth2 access and refresh tokens.

=== Prerequisites and assumptions

==== OpenShift Client and Cluster . The version of 3scale provisioned in this lab (v2.4) is known to run on OpenShift Container Platform v3.11.*. + This version of OpenShift should already be pre-installed before executing this ansible role.

. Using a version of oc utility that corresponds to your target OCP cluster, ensure oc utility is already authenticated as the cluster-admin.

. This ansible role requires installation of the lxml python module on target host executing this ansible. ie: +

dnf install python3-lxml

. Ensure that you are explicitly logged onto the master API of the OCP cluster, from your bastion node. +

oc login master..openshift.opentlc.com

==== Resource requirements

This ansible role allows for provisioning of 3scale of different sizes based on the value of the following ansible variable: is_shared_cluster

. Resource utilization: is_shared_cluster = true .. The cluster quota for both CPU and RAM is set fairly high by default: ... CPU limit: 30 cores ... RAM limit: 30 Gi .. The cpu and RAM limits defined in the 3scale API Manager template are also set fairly high. .. These default settings are set intentionally high to allow for high throughput

. Resource utilization: is_shared_cluster = false + This is the default. The resources needed to provision 3scale drops down to about 12 Gi RAM and 6 CPU

==== SMTP Providers You'll want to have registered with an smtp provider to enable the 3scale API Manager with the ability to send emails.

In 3scale, smtp settings are configured globally and is leveraged by all API tenants. When provisioning 3scale, you can specify the following ansible variables:

  • smtp_host
  • smtp_userid
  • smtp_passwd
  • smtp_authentication

A few SMTP providers with Free Plans that this ansible role has been tested with are listed below:

. SocketLabs: Currently offering a free plan that allows for link:https://www.socketlabs.com/signup/[2000 emails per month] . SendGrid: Currently offering a free plan that allows for link:https://sendgrid.com/pricing/[100 emails per day]

You can choose to provision your 3scale API Manager such that it is not configured to send emails. To do so, ensure that the value of smtp_userid = "changeme"

=== Project Layout

. Notice the directory layout and files included in this project: +

$ tree

├── defaults │   └── main.yml ├── meta │   └── main.yml ├── README.adoc ├── tasks │   ├── main.yml │   ├── pre_workload.yml │   ├── remove_workload.yml │   ├── tenant_loop.yml │   ├── tenant_mgmt.yml │   ├── wait_for_deploy.yml │   └── workload.yml └── templates └── limitrange.yaml

. Highlights of the most important files are as follows:

.. defaults/main.yml : ansible variables and their defaults .. tasks/pre_workload.ymml : ansible tasks used to set clusterquota .. tasks/workload.yml : ansible tasks executed when provisioning 3scale API Manager .. tasks/tenant_mgmt.yml : ansible tasks executed when provisioning tenants

=== TO-DOs

. Paused DCs are redundant with link:https://github.com/3scale/3scale-amp-openshift-templates/blob/master/amp/amp.yml#L577-L594[initContainers in template] . Implement link:https://issues.jboss.org/browse/THREESCALE-962?filter=12339104[tenant deletion] . Upgrade to use of operator

== 3scale Deployment

=== Environment Variables

Update the following:

$ echo "export OCP_AMP_ADMIN_ID=api0" >> ~/.bashrc # OCP user that owns OCP namespace where mult-tenant 3scale resides # A cluster quota is assigned to this user # NOTE: this OCP user doesn't necessarily need to exist

$ echo "export API_MANAGER_NS=3scale-mt-$OCP_AMP_ADMIN_ID" >> ~/.bashrc # OCP namespace where 3scale API Manager resides

Execute the following:

$ source ~/.bashrc

SMTP Configurations to enable API Manager to send emails

the following SMTP configurations can be set to null values, if the hackathon or lab exercises you are delivering do not require 3scale Developer Portal sign-up flows

$ smtp_host=smtp.socketlabs.com $ smtp_port=587 $ smtp_authentication=login $ smtp_userid= $ smtp_passwd=

these fields have to contain valid values

$ adminEmailUser= # ie: jdoe $ adminEmailDomain= # ie: redhat.com

RESUME_CONTROL_PLANE_GWS=false # 3scale API Manager includes a staging and production gateway by default # These two GWs typically are not used for applying API policies to requests because the "data plane" (aka: gateways) tends to be deployed in a different environment # However, the staging gateway is needed by system-provider web application for API Gateway policies details. # Subsquently, the default value is: true

SUBDOMAIN_BASE= # OCP wildcard DNS after "apps"; ie; 2345.openshift.opentlc.com # examples: # oc cluster up vm: SUBDOMAIN_BASE=clientvm.oc whoami --show-server | cut -d'.' -f 2,3,4,5 | cut -d':' -f 1 # ravello vm : SUBDOMAIN_BASE=oc whoami --show-server | cut -d'-' -f 2 | cut -d':' -f 1 # ocp workshop : SUBDOMAIN_BASE=oc whoami --show-server | cut -d'.' -f 2,3,4,5 | cut -d':' -f 1 # ocp 4 workshop : SUBDOMAIN_BASE=oc whoami --show-server | cut -d'.' -f 2,3,4,5,6 | cut -d':' -f 1

use_rwo_for_cms=false # 3scale control plane consists of a Content Management System (CMS) that typically is scaled out for improved performance in a production environment # This CMS subsequently requires a ReadWriteMany access mode for its corresponding "system-storage" PVC # In a deployment of 3scale control plane to OCP 4.* where AWS EBS is used for storage, a ReadWriteMany access mode is not available # Reference: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.2/storage/understanding-persistent-storage.html#pv-access-modes_understanding-persistent-storage # In that scenario, set this environment variable to: true # Doing so hacks the 3scale control plane template to specify ReadWriteOnce (and not ReadWriteMany) # If you set this to true, then do not attempt to create more than one replica of the system-app pod

$ rht_service_token_user= # RHT Registry Service Account name as per: https://access.redhat.com/terms-based-registry $ rht_service_token_password= # RHT Registry Service Account passwd as per: https://access.redhat.com/terms-based-registry/

=== Ansible Set-up

. Install this role locally +

$ ansible-galaxy install gpe_mw_ansible.3scale_multitenant --force -p $HOME/.ansible/roles

. Create Playbook: +

$ echo "

  • hosts: all become: false gather_facts: False vars_files: roles:
    • gpe_mw_ansible.3scale_multitenant " > /tmp/3scale_multitenant.yml

=== Provision 3scale API manager

The OCP namespace for 3scale multi-tenant app will be owned by the following user: {{OCP_AMP_ADMIN_ID}}.

{{OCP_AMP_ADMIN_ID}} will be assigned a clusterquota so as to manage limits and requests assigned to 3scale

. Execute: +

API manager provision

$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local /tmp/3scale_multitenant.yml

. After about 5 minutes, provisioning of the API Manager should complete. . Being that the API Manager is a large application with many different components, the components are broought up in an ordered manner. + Subsequently, the ansible places itself in a wait loop at each stage of the provisioning process.

=== Tenant management

==== Sequence of generic tenants

. This ansible can optionally create multiple tenants in the previously provisioned 3scale API Manager. If so then ensure the following when invoking this ansible:

.. specify ACTION = "tenant_mgmt" .. specify "start_tenant" and "end_tenant" variables .. set value of CREATE_GWS_WITH_EACH_TENANT (true / false) to automate provisioning of a staging and production GW for each tenant

START_TENANT=1 END_TENANT=1 CREATE_GWS_WITH_EACH_TENANT=true # if true, then an OCP project with API gateways will be created for each corresponding tenant in the same OCP cluster where API Manager resides

ocp_user_name_base=ocp # base name of OCP users that will have access to their corresponding API Mgmt related projects. # ie; if OCP user names are: user01, user02, user03 ....... , then the value of this variable should be: "user" # default value = "ocp"

tenant_admin_user_name_base=api # base name of API users that will be admins of their API tenants (and admins of thier own API gateways) # ie; if desired API user names are: api01, api02, api03 ....... , then the value of this variable should be: "api" # default value = "api"

use_padded_tenant_numbers=true # if creating sequential generic tenants, specify whether the tenant names should include a padded numer or not # ie; ocp01, ocp02 ... ocp10 or ocp1, ocp2 ... ocp10 # default value is true # default value corresponds to the defualt use of padded numbers in: https://github.com/gpe-mw-ansible-org/rh-sso-multi-realm

$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local /tmp/3scale_multitenant.yml

. After the tenant provisioning completes, you will see messages similar to the following at the end of the ansible standard out: +

ok: [localhost] => { "msg": [ "tenant_output_dir: /home/jbride/provisioning_output/3295.openshift.opentlc.com/tenants_3scale-mt-api0", "tenant_provisioning_log_file = /home/jbride/provisioning_output/3295.openshift.opentlc.com/tenants_3scale-mt-api0/tenant_provisioning.log", "tenant_provisioning_results_file = /home/jbride/provisioning_output/3295.openshift.opentlc.com/tenants_3scale-mt-api0/tenant_info_file_1_2.txt", "start and end tenants = 1 2", "create API Gateways for each tenant = true" ] }

  • Feel free to review the files mentioned in those output messages.

. The tenant_provisioning_results_file is particularly important to share details about API tenants with students. + This is a tab delimited file that can be imported into Google Spreadsheets and made accessible to students.

==== Named tenants

Alternative to the ability to create a sequence of generica tenants, a named tenant can be created on an individual basis.


ocpAdminId=ocp01 # name of OCP user that will have access to their corresponding API Mgmt related projects.

tenantAdminId=api01 # name of API user that will be the admin of their API tenants (and admins of thier own API gateways)

CREATE_GWS_WITH_EACH_TENANT=true # if true, then an OCP project with API gateways will be created for each corresponding tenant in the same OCP cluster where API Manager resides


$ ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local /tmp/3scale_multitenant.yml

==== Tenant User credentials

Each tenant is provisioned with a user that has admin privleges to that tenant.

The useId and password are generated using the following ansible variables found in defaults/main.yml:

. Tenant admin userId: {{ tenant_admin_user_name_base }} (ie: api01, api02, api03 ...., api10 ) . Tenant admin password: {{ tenantAdminPasswd }}

=== Delete 3scale API manager

REMOVE_TENANTS_ONLY=true $ ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local /tmp/3scale_multitenant.yml

== Stale WILDCARD_DOMAIN State in API Manager There may be scenarios where the DNS of your originally provisioned API Manager changes. Specifically, the value of the WILDCARD_DOMAIN parameter utilized in the original provisioning of your API Manager is no longer valid.

An example of a scenario where this might occur is in Ravello where the original provisioning of the 3scale API Manager would be captured as a Ravello Blueprint. At runtime, a Ravello application is instantiated from this Ravello blueprint and the actual runtime DNS of the Ravello application is applied. This DNS applied to the runtime application will be different than the DNS originally utilized when creating the blueprint.

To correct issues pertaining to this stale state, the following needs to occur :

. Update all routes in the namespace of your API Manager . Update the stale URLs found in the system.accounts table in the system-mysql database of the API Manager. . Change the value of the THREESCALE_SUPERDOMAIN variable in the configmap: system-environment:

Examples of how to change the above are found link:https://gist.github.com/jbride/be32113707418cb43d73c9ef28a09b9d[here]


3scale Multitenant Automated Provisioning

ansible-galaxy install honghuac/3scale_multitenant
GitHub repository
SME in DatadevSecOps, Syndesis, Operators, Kubernetes, Containers, NodeJS, Camel, Drools, Maven, Java, CICD, Quarkus, SpringBoot, Ansible, 3scale, Datadog, RHEL