
.. _section-role-certified:

Role certified

  • Ansible Galaxy page <https://galaxy.ansible.com/honzamach/certified>__
  • GitHub repository <https://github.com/honzamach/ansible-role-certified>__
  • Travis CI page <https://travis-ci.org/honzamach/ansible-role-certified>__

Main purpose of this role is server certificate management. It takes care of following tasks:

  • Management of custom server certificate repository, handling certificate changes.
  • Management of default CA certificate repository.
  • Management of default CA certificate key repository.
  • Management of trusted CA certificate repository.

Table of Contents:

  • :ref:section-role-certified-installation
  • :ref:section-role-certified-dependencies
  • :ref:section-role-certified-usage
  • :ref:section-role-certified-variables
  • :ref:section-role-certified-files
  • :ref:section-role-certified-author

This role is part of the MSMS <https://github.com/honzamach/msms>__ package. Some common features are documented in its :ref:manual <section-manual>.

.. _section-role-certified-installation:


To install the role honzamach.certified <https://galaxy.ansible.com/honzamach/certified>__ from Ansible Galaxy <https://galaxy.ansible.com/>__ please use variation of following command::

ansible-galaxy install honzamach.certified

To install the role directly from GitHub <https://github.com>__ by cloning the ansible-role-certified <https://github.com/honzamach/ansible-role-certified>__ repository please use variation of following command::

git clone https://github.com/honzamach/ansible-role-certified.git honzamach.certified

Currently the advantage of using direct Git cloning is the ability to easily update the role when new version comes out.

.. _section-role-certified-dependencies:


This role is not dependent on any other role.

Following roles have dependency on this role:

  • :ref:alchemist <section-role-alchemist>
  • :ref:griffin <section-role-griffin> [SOFT]
  • :ref:griffin_watchee <section-role-griffin-watchee> [SOFT]
  • :ref:logged <section-role-logged>
  • :ref:logserver <section-role-logserver>
  • :ref:postgresql <section-role-postgresql> [SOFT]

.. _section-role-certified-usage:


Example content of inventory file inventory::



Example content of role playbook file role_playbook.yml::

- hosts: servers_certified
  remote_user: root
    - role: honzamach.certified
    - role-certified

Example usage::

# Run everything:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass --inventory inventory role_playbook.yml

It is recommended to follow these configuration principles:

  • Create/edit file inventory/group_vars/all/vars.yml and within define some sensible defaults for all your managed servers::

      # This is mandatory for soft dependency mechanism to work.
      hm_certified__cert_host_dir: /etc/ssl/servercert
      hm_certified__cert_ca_dir: /etc/ssl/certs
      hm_certified__cert_key_dir: /etc/ssl/private
      hm_certified__trustedcert_ca_dir: /etc/ssl/trusted_ca
  • Use files inventory/host_vars/[your-server]/vars.yml to customize settings for particular servers. Please see section :ref:section-role-certified-variables for all available options.

  • Use directory inventory/group_files/servers/honzamach.certified/ca_certs to provide additional certification authority certificates to be uploaded to all servers. These will end up in both :envvar:hm_certified__cert_ca_dir and :envvar:hm_certified__trustedcert_ca_dir directories.

  • Use directory inventory/host_files/[your-server]/honzamach.certified/host_certs to provide certificates specific for particular server. These will end up in :envvar:hm_certified__cert_host_dir directory. Please do not forget to encrypt at least certificate keys with :ref:ansible-vault <section-overview-vault>.

.. _section-role-certified-variables:

Configuration variables

Internal role variables

.. envvar:: hm_certified__cert_host_dir

    Path to host certificate directory. This directory will contain custom server
    certificate. For soft dependency mechanism to work this must be defined globally,
    otherwise this variable will be undefined.

    * *Datatype:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``/etc/ssl/servercert``

.. envvar:: hm_certified__cert_ca_dir

    Path to CA certificate repository.

    * *Datatype:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``/etc/ssl/certs``

.. envvar:: hm_certified__cert_key_dir

    Path to private certificate key repository.

    * *Datatype:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``/etc/ssl/private``

.. envvar:: hm_certified__trustedcert_ca_dir

    Path to trusted CA certificate repository. These certificates may be anything
    you use and trust in your organization, even self-signed certificates for some
    custom internal application. One example use-case is a configuration setting
    `ca_dir() <https://www.syslog-ng.com/technical-documents/doc/syslog-ng-open-source-edition/3.25/administration-guide/ca_dir>`__
    of syslog-ng <https://www.syslog-ng.com/>`__ daemon, which you typically do not
    point to general ``/etc/ssl/certs`` directory, but to a directory containing
    a subset of certification authorities used by your log servers.

    * *Datatype:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``/etc/ssl/trusted_ca``

.. _section-role-certified-files:

Managed files

This role uploads certificates to remote directories according to configration
:ref:`variables <section-role-certified-variables>`. By default these directories
are following:

* ``/etc/ssl/servercert`` *[COPY]*
* ``/etc/ssl/certs`` *[COPY]*
* ``/etc/ssl/trusted_ca`` *[COPY]*

.. _section-role-certified-author:

Author and license

| *Copyright:* (C) since 2019 Honza Mach <[email protected]>
| *Author:* Honza Mach <[email protected]>
| Use of this role is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Ansible role for managing certificates on all target servers.

ansible-galaxy install honzamach/ansible-role-certified
GitHub repository