
.. _section-role-postgresql:

Role postgresql

  • Ansible Galaxy page <>__
  • GitHub repository <>__
  • Travis CI page <>__

Ansible role for convenient installation of the PostgreSQL <>__ database.

This role is intended to keep the things as simple as possible and performs only basic installation and configuration of the PostgreSQL service. Any advanced configuration adjustments have to be done manually. This role installs the latest version 12 and can optionally remove the previous 10.x and 11.x versions. The actual migration is however quite complex process and must be done manually.

Table of Contents:

  • :ref:section-role-postgresql-installation
  • :ref:section-role-postgresql-dependencies
  • :ref:section-role-postgresql-usage
  • :ref:section-role-postgresql-variables
  • :ref:section-role-postgresql-files
  • :ref:section-role-postgresql-author

This role is part of the MSMS <>__ package. Some common features are documented in its :ref:manual <section-manual>.

.. _section-role-postgresql-installation:


To install the role honzamach.postgresql <>__ from Ansible Galaxy <>__ please use variation of following command::

ansible-galaxy install honzamach.postgresql

To install the role directly from GitHub <>__ by cloning the ansible-role-postgresql <>__ repository please use variation of following command::

git clone honzamach.postgresql

Currently the advantage of using direct Git cloning is the ability to easily update the role when new version comes out.

.. _section-role-postgresql-dependencies:


This role is not dependent on any other role.

Following roles have direct dependency on this role:

  • :ref:griffin <section-role-griffin>
  • :ref:mentat <section-role-mentat>
  • :ref:mentat_dev <section-role-mentat-dev>

.. _section-role-postgresql-usage:


Example content of inventory file inventory::


Example content of role playbook file role_playbook.yml::

- hosts: servers_postgresql
  remote_user: root
    - role: honzamach.postgresql
    - role-postgresql

Example usage::

# Run everything:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass --inventory inventory role_playbook.yml

# For package cache update before installing any packages:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass --inventory inventory role_playbook.yml --extra-vars '{"hm_pgsql__apt_force_update":"yes"}'

It is recommended to follow these configuration principles:

  • Create/edit file inventory/group_vars/all/vars.yml and within define some sensible defaults for all your managed servers. Example::

      hm_pgsql__monitoring_password: "{{ vault_hm_pgsql__monitoring_password }}"
  • Create/edit :ref:vault <section-overview-vault> encrypted file inventory/group_vars/all/vault.yml and within store your backup encryption password::

      vault_hm_pgsql__monitoring_password: something-so-secret-no1-is-gonna-guess
  • Use files inventory/host_vars/[your-server]/vars.yml to customize settings for particular servers. Please see section :ref:section-role-postgresql-variables for all available options.

.. _section-role-postgresql-variables:

Configuration variables

Internal role variables

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__apt_key_url

    URL leading to GPG key for signing PostgreSQL packages.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``""``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__apt_key_id

    Identifier of the signing key.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"ACCC4CF8"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__apt_repository

    Location of PostgreSQL repository.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"deb[ansible_lsb['codename']]-pgdg main"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__major_version

    Major version your wish this role would install to target host.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"12"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__remove_packages

    List of packages defined separately for each linux distribution and package manager,
    that MUST NOT be present on target system. Any package on this list will be removed
    from target host. This role currently recognizes only ``apt`` for ``debian``.

    * *Datatype:* ``dict``
    * *Default:* (please see YAML file ``defaults/main.yml``)
    * *Example:*

    .. code-block:: yaml

              - syslog-ng
              - ...

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__remove_previous

    Remove previous version of PostgreSQL database (true/false).

    * *Type:* ``bool``
    * *Default:* ``false``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__install_packages

    List of packages defined separately for each linux distribution and package manager,
    that MUST be present on target system. Any package on this list will be installed on
    target host. This role currently recognizes only ``apt`` for ``debian``.

    * *Datatype:* ``dict``
    * *Default:* (please see YAML file ``defaults/main.yml``)
    * *Example:*

    .. code-block:: yaml

              - syslog-ng
              - ...

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__apt_force_update

    Force APT cache update before installing any packages ('yes','no').

    * *Datatype:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"no"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__user

    Name for the UNIX system user for PostgreSQL database.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"postgres"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__group

    Name for the UNIX system group for PostgreSQL database.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"postgres"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__monitoring_user

    Name for the restricted user account for monitoring PostgreSQL database.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"watchdog"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__monitoring_password

    Password for the restricted user account for monitoring PostgreSQL database.
    You should encrypt this password with vault.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"watchdog"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__databases

    List of all PostgreSQL databases that should be present on target system.

    * *Type:* ``list of strings``
    * *Default:* ``[]`` (empty list)

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__logdir

    Path to log directory.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"/var/log/postgresql"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__logfile

    Path to log file.

    * *Type:* ``string``
    * *Default:* ``"{{ hm_pgsql__logdir }}/postgresql-{{ hm_pgsql__major_version }}-main.log"``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__logrotate

    Log rotation switch (true/false).

    * *Type:* ``bool``
    * *Default:* ``true``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__logrotate_options

    Log rotation options.

    * *Type:* ``list of strings``
    * *Default:* (please see YAML file ``defaults/main.yml``)

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__procs_mincnt

    Minimal number of running PostgreSQL processes for health monitoring.

    * *Type:* ``int``
    * *Default:* ``1``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__procs_maxcnt

    Maximal number of running PostgreSQL processes for health monitoring.

    * *Type:* ``int``
    * *Default:* ``100``

.. envvar:: hm_pgsql__checks

    Configurations for various Nagios check warning and critical thresholds.

    * *Type:* ``dict``
    * *Default:* (please see YAML file ``defaults/main.yml``)
    * *Example:*

    .. code-block:: yaml

            w: 5 minutes
            c: 10 minutes

Foreign variables

This role uses following foreign variables defined in other roles:


    You may flag certain users as administrators of this PostgreSQL database and
    superuser accounts will be created for them in database and ``peer`` level
    authentication access will be configured. Use flag ``is_admin_postgresql: true``
    as property of an account.

    * *Example:*

    .. code-block:: yaml

            is_admin_postgresql: true


    Name of the NRPE service in case the server is in **servers_monitored**
    group and the playbook is automagically configuring monitoring of the Mentat

Built-in Ansible variables


List of group names current host is member of. This variable is used to resolve
:ref:`soft role dependencies <section-overview-role-soft-dependencies>`.


Linux distribution codename. It is used to generate correct APT repository URL
and for :ref:`template customizations <section-overview-role-customize-templates>`.

Group memberships

* **servers_monitored**

  In case the target server is member of this group Nagios monitoring is automagically
  configured for the PostgreSQL database.

* **servers_commonenv**

  In case the target server is member of this group system status script is automagically
  configured for the PostgreSQL database.

.. _section-role-postgresql-files:

Managed files

.. note::

    This role supports the :ref:`template customization <section-overview-role-customize-templates>` feature.

This role manages content of following files on target system:

* ``/etc/logrotate.d/postgresql-common`` *[TEMPLATE]*
* ``/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/postgresql.cfg`` *[TEMPLATE]*
* ``/opt/system-status/system-status.d/20-postgresql`` *[TEMPLATE]*

.. _section-role-postgresql-author:

Author and license

| *Copyright:* (C) since 2019 Honza Mach <[email protected]>
| *Author:* Honza Mach <[email protected]>
| Use of this role is governed by the MIT license, see LICENSE file.

Ansible role for convenient installation of the PostgreSQL database.

ansible-galaxy install honzamach/ansible-role-postgresql
GitHub repository