
Role ioannis1.pg_config

Configure a running postgres cluster. Ensures roles 'postgres', 'ioannis', and 'nagios' exist and can connect via md5 authendication. Password for role 'postgres' is (optionally) configurable, passwords for other roles are hardcoded. A new pg_hba.conf is installed, other configuration files are left untouched. Some databases and privs are created and set along with some extensions; this assumes you are not already running Flyway or Liquibase, if you are and if the variable 'changeset' is defined, I will assume that you don't really want to touch database schemas or extensions since these are managed externally; for example, if you are using Liquibase the table 'databasechangelog' must exit inside the 'postgres' database'; if so, set variable 'changelog' to 'databasechangelog', If using Flyway, set variable changelog to 'schema_version' to prevent this role from configuring databases, privs, extensions, or other things normally managed by Flyway or Liquibase.


Needs python's psycopg2 . The relevant package is installed if needed for the relevant platforms that this role supports; if yours is not supported, you will need to install psycopg2 yourself before using this role.

Assumptions: - postmaster is currently running; otherwise, an attempt will be made to start it. - Ansible executes as unix user 'postgres' - cluster has been initialized and pg_hda.conf permits role 'postgres' to connect

Post conditions:

  • pg_hba.conf is created or is left untouched, depending on option 'pg_hba'.
  • created postgres roles with passwords
  • created 'replication' role with password
  • added plpgsql to template1
  • created databases, extensions, languages, and set privsi. If var 'changelog' is defined and that table name exists in inside the 'postgres' database, it means you configuring this section externally and ths section is skipped.
  • enabled replication for roles 'postgres' and 'replication' (see pg_hba.conf)
  • pg_reload() the cluster after changes
  • postmaster might be left running, depending on option 'keep_running' in ../default/meta.yml
  • ensure /var/log/postgresql exists

Role Variables

Shown bellow are variables with their default values:

cluster: ~/postgres/green pport: 5434 postgres_passwd: No default exists for this variable. repl_and_pg_roles: True keep_running: True pg_hba: True allow_trust: False


cluster The Unix $PGDATA directory.

port Port where postgres accepts connection.

postgres_passwd Password for role postgres needed to login to the database and make changes. If this variable is not provided, it is expected that the auth method for the cluster is either 'trust' or user 'postgres' is able to successfully login without password, if not, no modifictions are possible and tasks will soon fail.

repl_and_pg_roles Adds postgres users 'postgres' and 'replication' so they don't have to be included using the 'users' list. But you could include them twice if you which, in which case, the definitions of these two users inside the 'users' list takes precedence. This option assingns the same password for both users 'postgres' and 'replication' to the value spesified by the 'postgress_passwd' variable; if this variable was not provided, any existings definitions for these two users remain intact and this option has no effect.

keep_running Whether to keep the server running after configuration has finished. Say 'False' to shutdown postmaster.

users A list of hashes, where each hash contains one or more of these keys: 'name', 'passwd', 'attr'. (See example playbook bellow.)

pg_hba Creates a new pg_hba.conf from knowledge gathered from other user options. Host-based logins via the 'trust' auth method are possible only if the cluster was originally passwordless and no new superuser password was provided, in this case, all entries are set to 'trust' (Adjust option 'allow_trust' to control if trust entries are commented out so they don't take effect.

allow_trust Don't comment out 'trust' entries in pg_hba.conf (see 'pg_hba' option), thus, we will allow 'trust' connections.


None. Though role 'ioannis1.pg_initdb', or any third-party role, could be used to initialize the postgres cluster since prior initialization is assumed.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
        - { name: ioannis,     passwd: apple,  attr: createdb    }
        - { name: nagios,      passwd: orange                    }
     - { role: ioannis1.pg_config, cluster: "~postgres/green", postgres_passwd="apple", port: 5432 }



Author Information

Ioannis Tambouras


configuration of postgresql roles, databases, extensions, privs

ansible-galaxy install ioannis1/pg_config
GitHub repository
Postgres DBA