Ansible Role: Create Nebulon nPod
Creates a Nebulon nPod cluster. More information on using this role can be found in the Nebulon Ansible tutorial.
- Ansible 3.0 (Ansible Core 2.10) or later
- Nebulon nebulon.nebulon_on Ansible module 1.4.0
- Nebulon smartInfrastructure servers with the Nebulon Services Processing Unit (SPU) installed
- Internet connectivity to Nebulon ON UCAPI GraphQL endpoint
- Nebulon Python SDK (nebpyclient) 2.0.8
Role Variables
There are Nebulon SPU default variables in the defaults/main.yml file.
# Vault protected credentials. This assumes an Ansible Vault with the vault_neb_username
# and vault_neb_password variables are defined and passed to the role.
neb_username: "{{ vault_neb_username }}"
neb_password: "{{ vault_neb_password }}"
# Specify a name for the nPod to be created
npod_name: "Default nPod"
# Specify the nebulon ON template to use for creating the nPod
npod_template: "K8s Local"
# Specify the nebulon ON nPod group to build the nPod in.
npod_group: Kubernetes
# Time zone for nPod
timezone: "US/Pacific"
# Note to set for the nPod.
npod_note: "Created by Ansible playbook"
# Setting this to "present" creates the nPod.
npod_state: present
Example Playbook
# ===========================================================================
# Create Nebulon nPod
# ===========================================================================
- name: Create Nebulon nPod
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
tags: play_create_npod
# Ansible vault with all required passwords
- "../../credentials.yml"
- { role: jedimt.nebulon_create_npod, npod_name: "K8s_Lenovo" }
Author Information
Aaron Patten