cribl ansible role
A simple ansible role to setup cribl.
Requirements & Dependencies
It was tested on the following versions:
- 2.13
Operating systems
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04
Example Playbook
Just include this role in your list. For example
- host: myhost
- juju4.cribl
you probably want to review variables
cribl_from: 'url'
cribl_url: 'https://cdn.cribl.io/dl/3.5.3/cribl-3.5.3-08986e05-linux-x64.tgz'
cribl_hash_url: 'https://cdn.cribl.io/dl/3.5.3/cribl-3.5.3-08986e05-linux-x64.tgz.sha256'
# cribl_from: 'file' # from orchestrator
cribl_filepath: ''
cribl_user: _cribl
cribl_userhome: /var/empty
cribl_home: "/opt/cribl"
# If not empty, will be use to restrict service communication with systemd
cribl_wep_proxy: ''
cribl_inputs_template: inputs.yml
- name: slicendice
template: slicendice-conf.yml
# Example. To store in vault. Cribl will hash password on first read of users.json.
# Exclude default admin user
- username: john
first: john
last: doe
email: [email protected]
roles: user
passwd: john
install_archives: /var/_install
is_container: false
Continuous integration
$ pip install molecule docker
$ molecule test
$ MOLECULE_DISTRO=ubuntu:20.04 molecule test --destroy=never
Troubleshooting & Known issues
For cribl users, the creation works but not the initial password which has to be reset from Web UI.
You can test logs ingestion with local logs aka File Monitor and logger command
logger "local logger test from `hostname -s`"
Ensure to provide read access to cribl user, for example with acl:
sudo setfacl -m u:_cribl:r /var/log/syslog
- Worker activity from logs
cat /opt/cribl/log/worker/*/cribl.log | jq -r 'select(.clientip == "w.x.y.z") | [.level, .url, .method, .status, .size]'
- Source logs "Premature close" errors
message:Dropping request due to error
error:Premature close
- Elasticsearch source
- No data ingestion. Check if not a beat-server version mismatch even if minor version, update+commit in cribl and restart cribl. On source beat log
Connection marked as failed because the onConnect callback failed: Elasticsearch is too old. Please upgrade the instance. If you would like to connect to older instances set output.elasticsearch.allow_older_versions to true. ES=8.4.3, Beat=8.6.2
- Server returns HTTP 503 Service Unavailable error for Elasticsearch source
{"text":"Server is busy, max active connections reached","code":9}
- Test Raw HTTP with curl - NOK
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:10081 -d 'Test Raw HTTP from curl POST'
- Eventually use a local file destination to help troubleshooting. If using a Filesystem destination, this will be a directory with multiple json output files.
BSD 2-clause