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An Ansible Role to install the Music Player Daemon application from source instead of via a package manager. Some package managers may not include features such as MP3 support, so compiling from the source code may help.

This is a complete rebuild of the ansible-install-mpd role I created and maintained for years, undertaken due to changes in CI/CD and naming conventions in Ansible Galaxy.

I do not recommend the default configuration for unprotected connection directly to the Internet, as the server configuration includes access without a password. Instead, I recommend the operator increase security by configuring a host or group variable that overrides mpd_conf_src with a custom file from outside the repository, as shown in the Example Playbook section below.

All tasks are tagged with mpd.

The following distributions have been tested automatically:

Version Matrix

Role Version/Tag MPD Version
1.0.19 0.23.15
1.0.18 0.23.14
1.0.16 - 1.0.17 0.23.13
1.0.14 - 1.0.15 0.23.12
1.0.13 0.23.11


If the server has a firewall enabled, it may need alteration to allow incoming packets on TCP ports 6600/8000. The role includes no music or playlists, so you'll need to supply those. See the Role Variables section below for those locations.

Role Variables

The default values shown below should work "out-of-the-box" and only need customization if they don't meet your needs.

Name Description Default Value
mpd_apt_prereqs List of APT packages to install (See NOTE A below)
mpd_audio_output Dictionary containing audio output definitions (See NOTE B below)
mpd_bind_to_address Address to bind the control interface to; examples are "any" or "localhost" "any"
mpd_comment Comment for the MPD user "Music Player Daemon"
mpd_compile_creates Full path name of the file created when compiling MPD "{{ mpd_src }}/output/release/mpd"
mpd_conf Full path name of the MPD configuration file "{{ mpd_home }}/mpd.conf"
mpd_conf_mode File mode settings of the MPD configuration file "0644"
mpd_conf_src Relative or full path name of the MPD configuration file source mpd.conf.j2
mpd_configure_creates Full path name of the file created when configuring the source of MPD "{{ mpd_src }}/output/release/"
mpd_database_plugin Type of database plugin to use; see Database plugins for options. "simple"
mpd_database_path Full path name of the MPD database file "{{ mpd_home }}/tag_cache"
mpd_database_cache_directory The path of the cache directory for additional storages mounted at runtime "{{ mpd_home }}/cache"
mpd_executable Full path name of the MPD executable "/usr/local/bin/mpd"
mpd_filename File name of the MPD archive "{{ mpd_shortname }}.tar.xz"
mpd_group Group of the user that will own the daemon process "{{ mpd_user }}"
mpd_home Main directory for the application to run in "/home/{{ mpd_user }}"
mpd_log_file Full path name of the MPD log file "{{ mpd_home }}/log"
mpd_metadata_to_use Use only the specified comma-separated tags, and ignore the others; see Tags for a list of supported tags "AlbumArtist,Artist,Album,Title,Track,Disc,Genre,Name"
mpd_mode File mode settings of the MPD source, music, and playlist folders "0755"
mpd_music_directory Folder to store music in "{{ mpd_home }}/music"
mpd_neighbors List of neighbor plugins to enable (See NOTE C below)
mpd_pid_file Full path name of the MPD PID file "{{ mpd_home }}/pid"
mpd_pip_prereqs List of PIP packages to install "meson>0.56.0"
mpd_playlist_directory Folder to store playlists in "{{ mpd_home }}/playlist"
mpd_port TCP port to bind the control interface to "6600"
mpd_ratings_file Full path name of the MPD ratings file "{{ mpd_home }}/ratings.db"
mpd_shortname Short name of the MPD archive "mpd-0.23.15"
mpd_src Directory to unarchive the source code in "{{ mpd_src_base }}/{{ mpd_shortname }}"
mpd_src_base Directory to place the source code archive in "{{ mpd_home }}/src"
mpd_state_file Full path name of the MPD state file "{{ mpd_home }}/state"
mpd_sticker_file Full path name of the MPD sticker file "{{ mpd_home }}/sticker.sql"
mpd_systemd_service_dest Full path name of the MPD systemd service unit file "/etc/systemd/system/mpd.service"
mpd_systemd_service_group Group of the user that will own the systemd unit file "root"
mpd_systemd_service_owner Name of the user that will own the systemd unit file "root"
mpd_systemd_service_mode File mode settings of the systemd unit file "0644"
mpd_systemd_service_src Relative or full path name of the MPD systemd service unit file source "systemd.mpd.service.j2"
mpd_url Full URL to download the source code archive "{{ mpd_url_base }}/{{ mpd_filename }}"
mpd_url_base Base of the URL to download the source code archive ""
mpd_user Name of the user that will own the daemon process "mpd"


mpd_apt_prereqs - List of APT packages to install:

  • meson
  • g++
  • libfmt-dev
  • libpcre2-dev
  • libmad0-dev
  • libmpg123-dev
  • libid3tag0-dev
  • libflac-dev
  • libvorbis-dev
  • libopus-dev
  • libogg-dev
  • libadplug-dev
  • libaudiofile-dev
  • libsndfile1-dev
  • libfaad-dev
  • libfluidsynth-dev
  • libgme-dev
  • libmikmod-dev
  • libmodplug-dev
  • libmpcdec-dev
  • libwavpack-dev
  • libwildmidi-dev
  • libsidplay2-dev
  • libsidutils-dev
  • libresid-builder-dev
  • libavcodec-dev
  • libavformat-dev
  • libmp3lame-dev
  • libtwolame-dev
  • libshine-dev
  • libsamplerate0-dev
  • libsoxr-dev
  • libbz2-dev
  • libcdio-paranoia-dev
  • libiso9660-dev
  • libmms-dev
  • libzzip-dev
  • libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  • libyajl-dev
  • libexpat-dev
  • libasound2-dev
  • libao-dev
  • libjack-jackd2-dev
  • libopenal-dev
  • libpulse-dev
  • libshout3-dev
  • libsndio-dev
  • libmpdclient-dev
  • libnfs-dev
  • libupnp-dev
  • libavahi-client-dev
  • libsqlite3-dev
  • libsystemd-dev
  • libgtest-dev
  • libboost-dev
  • libicu-dev
  • libchromaprint-dev
  • libgcrypt20-dev


mpd_audio_output - Dictionary containing audio output definitions:

  type: httpd
  name: My HTTP Stream
  encoder: lame
  port: 8000
  bitrate: 128
  format: "44100:16:2"
  always_on: "yes"
  tags: "yes"


mpd_neighbors - List of neighbor plugins to enable; see Configuring Neighbor Plugins for more information.

  • udisks
  • upnp


None yet defined.

Example Playbook

Configure each MPD server with a customized local mpd.conf:

- hosts: music-servers
    - { role: kso512.mpd, mpd_conf_src: local/mpd.conf.j2 }


GNU General Public License version 2

Author Information



Ansible role to install Music Player Daemon from source

ansible-galaxy install kso512/mpd
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