
gitlab-runner role

License Build Status Build Status Galaxy Ansible Ansible


This Ansible role has the following features:

  • Install gitlab-runner


  • Version of the ansible for installation: 2.8
  • Supported OS:
    • EL (RedHat, CentOS)
      • 7, 8
    • Amazon2 Linux
    • Ubuntu
      • 16.04
      • 18.04
    • Debian
      • 8, 9

Role Variables

  • required
    • gitlab_version
      Specific version of Gitlab-Runner. Default value is latest.
    • gitlab_api_token
      A token you need to access Gitlab API. Default value is ''.
    • gitlab_ci_token
      A Token you obtained to register the Runner. Default value is ''.
    • gitlab_runner_description
      The unique name of the runner. Default value:
    {{ ansible_fqdn }}
    {{ ansible_distribution }}
    {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}
  • defaults

    • no_logs
      Hide sensitive information from logs. Default value is true
    • gitlab_runner_skip_registration
      Skip gitlab-runner registration after installation. Default value is false
    • gitlab_host
      Docker gitlab server. Default value is
    • gitlab_url
      Gitlab url address. Default value: https://{{ gitlab_host }}/
    • gitlab_runner_tags
      The tags associated with the Runner. Should be comma delimited. Default value is delegated
    • gitlab_runner_access_level: not_protected
      Determines if a runner can pick up jobs from protected branches. Available values: ref_protected not_protected Default value is not_protected
    • gitlab_runner_untagged_builds_run
      Config that prevents it from picking untagged jobs. Default value is false
    • gitlab_runner_lock_to_project
      Config that lock the Runner to current project. Default value is false
    • gitlab_runner_executor
      Runner executor. Default value is shell
    • gitlab_runner_extra_options
      Extra option for runner registration process. Default value is undefined
    • gitlab_runner_limit
      Config that Limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this token. 0 simply means don't limit. Default value is 1
    • gitlab_runner_concurrent
      Limits how many jobs globally can be run concurrently. The most upper limit of jobs using all defined runners. 0 does not mean unlimited. Default value is ansible_processor_vcpus
    • gitlab_runner_request_concurrency
      Limit number of concurrent requests for new jobs from GitLab. Default value is 1
    • gitlab_runner_env_vars
      Append or overwrite environment variables. Default value is ["ENV=value", "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8"]
    • gitlab_runner_package Gitlab-runner package name. Default: gitlab-runner
    • gitlab_runner_packages_additional
      Install additional packages for all installs. Default value is []
    • gitlab_runner_gpg
      GPG key for Debian. Default value is
    • gitlab_global_section
      Global section of gitclab config. Default is dictionary:
      concurrent: '{{ gitlab_runner_request_concurrency }}'
      check_interval: 0
    • gitlab_session_server_section
      Server section of gitlab config. Default is dictionary: session_timeout: 1800
    • gitlab_runners_section
      Runners section of gitlab config. Default is dictionary:
      name: '{{ gitlab_runner_description }}'
      url: '{{ gitlab_url }}'
      token: '{{ gitlab_runner.runner.token | default(omit) }}'
      executor: '{{ gitlab_runner_executor }}'
      environment: '{{ gitlab_runner_env_vars }}'
  • advanced configuration

    • gitlab_runner_config
      Dictionary used for advanced configs:
      • params
        Environment variables used during the registration process
      • global_values
        Dictionary with key:value used to add/change non string values in the file "config.toml"
      • global_strings
        Dictionary with key:value used to add/change string values in the file "config.toml"
  • additional variables

    • yum_libselinux_python_library
      Selinux python library name. Default value: libselinux-python For RedHat 8 or Fedora library name may be different, e.g. python3-libselinux.
    • yum_libselinux_config_libraries
      Selinux config libraries. Default value is list: [policycoreutils-python, libsemanage-python]. For RedHat 8 or Fedora value may be different:
      • python3-policycoreutils
      • python3-libsemanage
    • epel_repository_url
      URL of EPEL repo package. Default:{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm
    • epel_rpm_key
      EPEL rpm key. Default value: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}
    • gitlab_runner_python_module_version
      Version of python-gitlab library. Default: '1.12.1'
    • pip_executable
      Name of pip executable binary. Default:
      • pip for RedHat based targets
      • pip3 for Debian based targets
    • python_executable
      Name of python executable. Default:
      • python for RedHat based targets
      • python3 for Debian based targets

Some examples of the installing current role

With playlabs you can install this role with just one command, ie:

playlabs install lean_delivery.gitlab_runner @localhost gitlab_ci_token=yourcommand gitlab_runner_limit=4 gitlab_version=11.6

Or, without playlabs, install with galaxy so that you can use with your playbook:

ansible-galaxy install lean_delivery.gitlab_runner

Example Playbook

Installing gitlab-runner without registration:

- name: Converge
  hosts: gitlab_runner
    - role: lean_delivery.gitlab_runner
    gitlab_runner_concurrent: 1
    gitlab_runner_skip_registration: true

Installing gitlab-runner with registration and config:

- name: Converge
  hosts: gitlab_runner
    - role: lean_delivery.gitlab_runner
      gitlab_runner_concurrent: 4
      gitlab_runner_skip_registration: false
      gitlab_api_token: >-
        {{ lookup('env', 'GITLAB_API_TOKEN') }}
      gitlab_ci_token: >-
        {{ lookup('env', 'GITLAB_REGISTRATION_TOKEN') }}
      gitlab_runner_description: 'My Great Runner'
        - deploy_test
        - shell
      gitlab_runner_untagged_builds_run: false
      gitlab_runner_concurrent: 1
      gitlab_version: '12.5.1'
      gitlab_runner_skip_registration: false




Author Information


ansible-galaxy install lean-delivery/ansible-role-gitlab-runner
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