

Ansible Role: flask-uwsgi-nginx

This role for Ansible deploys your Flask application from a git source repository.

The role packages your Flask app as a wheel and then installs it into a virtualenv.


  • .python-version file

    This file must contain the version of python you are targeting.

  • python setup.py bdist_wheel

    The role will run this command. Test ahead of time and make sure your project can build a wheel.

Role Variables

app_repo_url: 'https://github.com/lex00/flask-github-jobs'

  • python repository containing flask application

app_subfolder: ''

  • if your project is in a subfolder in the repo, specify this here, otherwise set blank

app_description: 'A Flask that lists jobs from the github jobs API'

  • this will go into the system service script

app_name: 'flask_github_jobs'

  • app folders and service name

app_user: 'flask_github_jobs'

  • system user and group will both be this value

app_domain: 'notarealdomain.com'

  • domain that nginx will answer to

app_module: 'flask_github_jobs'

  • python module for uwsgi.ini

app_callable: 'app'

  • python callable for uwsgi.ini

app_port: '80'

  • service port

app_health_ep: '/'

  • health endpoint

uwsgi_process_count: '4'

  • number of uwsgi processes

uwsgi_thread_count: '2'

  • number of uwsgi threads



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
  - import_role:
       name: lex00.flask-uwsgi-nginx

Python configuration

You can use any version of Python you like.

  • .python-version file

    • Your project must have this file
  • /home/{{ app_user }}/.pyenv/versions

    • pyenv will build and install Python here
  • /opt/{{ app_name }}/venv

    • The application will be installed into this virtualenv

Uwsgi configuration

Uwsgi will be installed into the virtualenv. No system packages for Uwsgi will be installed.

  • /etc/{{ app_name }}/app_name.ini

    • Uwsgi configuration file
  • /var/run/{{ app_name }}/{{ app_name }}.sock

    • Uwsgi socket file

Flask static assets

This role will autodiscover your static asset folders and configure them in nginx.

For this to work:

  • Put your assets in a folder called static in your flask app module.

  • set static_url_path to blank

    app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='')

service management

Ubuntu 14.04 Start/Stop the Uwsgi service

sudo start {{ app_name }}

Ubuntu 14.04 Start/Stop Nginx

sudo start nginx

Ubuntu >= 16 Start/Stop the Uwsgi service

sudo systemctl start {{ app_name }}

Ubuntu >= 16 Start/Stop Nginx

sudo systemctl start nginx


Logs will be placed in /var/log/{{ app_name }}

They will be owned by {{ app_user }}

Vagrant + Galaxy Example

Create a requirements.yml with these contents:

- src: lex00.flask-uwsgi-nginx

The provisioner needs galaxy_role_file set to this.

config.vm.provision "ansible", type: "ansible_local" do |ansible|
  ansible.verbose = true
  ansible.become = true
  ansible.extra_vars = "vars.json"
  ansible.config_file = "ansible.cfg"
  ansible.galaxy_roles_path = "roles"
  ansible.galaxy_role_file = "requirements.yml"
  ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"

Packer + Galaxy Example

Create a requirements.yml with these contents:

- src: lex00.flask-uwsgi-nginx

The provisioner needs galaxy_file set to this.

  "type": "ansible-local",
  "host_vars": "{{ user `vars_path` }}",
  "playbook_dir": "{{ user `ansible_path` }}",
  "playbook_paths": "{{ user `ansible_path` }}",
  "role_paths": "{{ user `ansible_path` }}/roles",
  "playbook_file": "{{ user `ansible_path` }}/playbook.yml",
  "galaxy_file": "{{ user `ansible_path` }}/requirements.yml",
  "extra_arguments": [ "--extra-vars \"@host_vars/vars.json\"" ]

Testing with Vagrant

A Vagrantfile is included to help test the role locally.

Vagrant > 2.0 is required.

Start the Vagrant

The first time you do this, it will run Ansible.

flask-uwsgi-nginx$ vagrant up

The Vagrant should provision cleanly.

Reprovision the Vagrant

You can run the role again with:

flask-uwsgi-nginx/tests $ vagrant provision




Deploy Flask from a git source repository

ansible-galaxy install lex00/flask-uwsgi-nginx
GitHub repository