

ansible-lint.yml ansible-test.yml codeql.yml markdownlint.yml python-unit-test.yml shellcheck.yml tft.yml tft_citest_bad.yml woke.yml

This role configures the firewall on machines that are using firewalld. If firewalld is not in use, the role will install (if not already installed), unmask, and enable firewalld.

The role can also attempt to disable known conflicting services.

For the configuration the role uses the firewalld client interface which is available in RHEL-7 and later.

Supported Distributions

  • RHEL-7+, CentOS-7+
  • Fedora


See below

Collection requirements

The role requires external collections only for management of rpm-ostree nodes. Please run the following command to install them if you need to manage rpm-ostree nodes:

ansible-galaxy collection install -vv -r meta/collection-requirements.yml


Configuration over Network

The configuration of the firewall could limit access to the machine over the network. Therefore it is needed to make sure that the SSH port is still accessible for the ansible server.

The Error Case

WARNING: If the configuration failed or if the firewall configuration limits access to the machine in a bad way, it is most likely be needed to get physical access to the machine to fix the issue.

Gathering firewall ansible facts

To gather the firewall system role's ansible facts, call the system role with no arguments e.g.


Another option is to gather a more detailed version of the ansible facts by using the detailed argument e.g.

    detailed: true

WARNING: firewall_config uses considerably more memory (+ ~165KB) when detailed=True. For reference, by default, firewall_config takes ~3KB when converted to a string.

Available ansible facts


This ansible fact shows the permanent configuration of of firewalld on the managed node in dictionary format. The top level of the fact is made up of three keys:

  • default
  • custom
  • default_zone

Each dictionaries custom and default have the keys:

  • zones
  • services
  • icmptypes
  • helpers
  • ipsets
  • policies (if supported by remote host's firewalld installation)

Each of the keys contains a list of elements present in permanent configuration for each respective option.

custom will have a list of subdictionaries for each key, providing a more detailed description.

default will have only the names of each setting, unless the detailed option is supplied, in which case it will be structured in the same manner as custom.

default_zone contains the configured default zone for the managed node's firewalld installation. It is a string value.

JSON representation of the structure of firewall_config fact:

  "default": {...},
  "custom": {...},
  "default_zone": "public",


The default subdictionary of firewall_config contains the default configuration for the managed node's firewalld configuration. This subdictionary only changes with changes to the managed node's firewalld installation.

default without detailed parameter set to true

"default": {
  "zones": ["public",...],
  "services": ["amanda_client",...],
  "icmptypes": [...],
  "helpers": [...],
  "ipsets": [...],
  "policies": [...],

default when parameter set to true

"default": {
  "zones": {
    "public": {
  "services": {
  "icmptypes": {
  "helpers": {
  "ipsets": {
  "policies": {


The custom subdictionary contains any differences from the default firewalld configuration. This includes a repeat for a default element if that element has been modified in any way, and any new elements introduced in addition to the defaults.

This subdictionary will be modified by any changes to the firewalld installation done locally or remotely via the firewall system role.

If the managed nodes firewalld settings are not different from the defaults, the custom key and subdictionary will not be present in firewall_config. Additionally, if any of firewalld's settings have not changed from the default, there will not be a key-value pair for that setting in custom.

Below is the state of the custom subdictionary where at least one permanent change was made to each setting:

"custom": {
  "zones": {
    "custom_zone": {
  "services": {
    "custom_service": {
  "icmptypes": {
    "custom": {
  "helpers": {
  "ipsets": {
  "policies": {



By default, the firewall role does not attempt to disable conflicting services due to the overhead associated with enumerating the services when disabling services is potentially unecessary. To enable this feature, set the variable firewall_disable_conflicting_services to true:

- name: Enable firewalld, disable conflicting services
  include_role: linux-system-roles.firewall
    firewall_disable_conflicting_services: true

List of known conflicting services:

  • iptables
  • nftables
  • ufw

Please submit a GitHub issue at the linux-system-roles/firewall there are services missing or add it locally to vars/main.yml.


The firewall role uses the variable firewall to specify the parameters. This variable is a list of dict values. Each dict value is comprised of one or more keys listed below. These are the variables that can be passed to the role:


firewalld_conf can be used to modify directives in firewalld's configuration file (/etc/firewalld/conf by default) if support for their modification has been implemented.

permanent: true must always be set to run this option without error

  - firewalld_conf:
      allow_zone_drifting: false
    permanent: true

Supported Directives


Changes the AllowZoneDrifting directive.

This parameter will do nothing if AllowZoneDrifting has been deprecated and no longer exists.

    allow_zone_drifting: true
  permanent: true


The default zone is the zone that is used for everything that is not explicitly bound/assigned to another zone.

That means that if there is no zone assigned to a connection, interface or source, only the default zone is used. The zone should exist before setting it as the default zone.

  - zone: mycustomzone  # ensure custom zone exists first
    state: present
  - set_default_zone: mycustomzone  # set custom as default
    state: enabled


Name of the zone that should be modified. If it is not set, the default zone will be used. It will have an effect on these variables: service, port, source_port, forward_port, masquerade, rich_rule, source, interface, icmp_block, icmp_block_inversion, and target.

You can also use this to add/remove user-created zones. Specify the zone variable with no other variables, and use state: present to add the zone, or state: absent to remove it.

zone: public


Name of a service or service list to add or remove inbound access to.

service: ftp
service: [ftp,tftp]

If a specified service does not exist in firewalld, the module will fail in diff mode, and when run in check mode will always report no changes and warn the user of the potential for failure.

User-defined services

You can use service with state: present to add a service, along with any of the options short, description, port, source_port, protocol, helper_module, or destination to initialize and add options to the service e.g.

  # Adds custom service named customservice,
  # defines the new services short to be "Custom Service",
  # sets its description to "Custom service for example purposes,
  # and adds the port 8080/tcp
  - service: customservice
    short: Custom Service
    description: Custom service for example purposes
    port: 8080/tcp
    state: present
    permanent: true

Existing services can be modified in the same way as you would create a service. short, description, and destination can be reassigned this way, while port, source port, protocol, and helper_module will add the specified options if they did not exist previously without removing any previous elements. e.g.

  # changes ftp's description, and adds the port 9090/tcp if it was not previously present
  - service: ftp
    description: I am modifying the builtin service ftp's description as an example
    port: 9090/tcp
    state: present
    permanent: true

You can remove a service or specific port, source_port, protocol, helper_module elements (or destination attributes) by using service with state: absent with any of the removable attributes listed. e.g.

  # Removes the port 8080/tcp from customservice if it exists.
  - service: customservice
    port: 8080/tcp
    state: absent
    permanent: true
  # Removes the service named customservice if it exists
  - service: customservice
    state: absent
    permanent: true

NOTE: permanent: true needs to be specified in order to define, modify, or remove a service. This is so anyone using service with state: present/absent acknowledges that this will affect permanent firewall configuration. Additionally, defining services for runtime configuration is not supported by firewalld

For more information about custom services, see


Name of the ipset being created, modified, or removed. Use source to add and remove ipsets from a zone

When creating an ipset, you must also specify ipset_type, and optionally short, description, ipset_entries

Defining an ipset with all optional fields:

  - ipset: customipset
    ipset_type: "hash:ip"
    short: Custom IPSet
    description: set of ip addresses specified in entries
    state: present
    permanent: true

Adding an entry to an existing ipset

  - ipset: customipset
    state: present
    permanent: true

Changing the short and description of an ipset

  - ipset: customipset
    short: Custom
    description: Set of IPv4 addresses
    state: present
    permanent: true

Removing entries from an ipset

  - ipset: customipset
    state: absent
    permanent: true

Removing an ipset

  - ipset: customipset
    state: absent
    permanent: true


Port or port range or a list of them to add or remove inbound access to. It needs to be in the format <port>[-<port>]/<protocol>.

port: '443/tcp'
port: ['443/tcp','443/udp']


Type of ipset being defined. Used with ipset.

For a list of available ipset types, run firewall-cmd --get-ipset-types, there is no method to get supported types from this role.

ipset: customipset
ipset_type: hash:mac

See ipset for more usage information


List of addresses to add or remove from an ipset Used with ipset

Entrys must be compatible with the ipset type of the ipset being created or modified.

ipset: customipset

See ipset for more usage information


Port or port range or a list of them to add or remove source port access to. It needs to be in the format <port>[-<port>]/<protocol>.

source_port: '443/tcp'
source_port: ['443/tcp','443/udp']


Add or remove port forwarding for ports or port ranges for a zone. It takes two different formats:

  • string or a list of strings in the format like firewall-cmd --add-forward-port e.g. <port>[-<port>]/<protocol>;[<to-port>];[<to-addr>]
  • dict or list of dicts in the format like ansible.posix.firewalld:
  port: <port>
  proto: <protocol>
  [toport: <to-port>]
  [toaddr: <to-addr>]


forward_port: '447/tcp;;'
forward_port: ['447/tcp;;','448/tcp;;']
  - 447/tcp;;
  - 448/tcp;;
  - port: 447
    proto: tcp
  - port: 448
    proto: tcp

port_forward is an alias for forward_port. Its use is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.


Enable or disable masquerade on the given zone.

masquerade: false


String or list of rich rule strings. For the format see (Syntax for firewalld rich language rules)[]

rich_rule: rule service name="ftp" audit limit value="1/m" accept


List of source address address range strings, or ipsets. A source address or address range is either an IP address or a network IP address with a mask for IPv4 or IPv6. For IPv4, the mask can be a network mask or a plain number. For IPv6 the mask is a plain number.


Ipsets are used with this option by prefixing "ipset:" to the name of the ipset

source: ipset:ipsetname


String or list of interface name strings.

interface: eth2

This role handles interface arguments similar to how firewalld's cli, firewall-cmd does, i.e. manages the interface through NetworkManager if possible, and handles the interface binding purely through firewalld otherwise.

WARNING: Neither firewalld nor this role throw any errors if the interface name specified is not tied to any existing network interface. This can cause confusion when attempting to add an interface via PCI device ID, for which you should use the parameter interface_pci_id instead of the interface parameter.

Allow interface named '8086:15d7' in dmz zone


  • zone: dmz interface: 8086:15d7 state: enabled

The above will successfully add a nftables/iptables rule for an interface named 8086:15d7, but no traffic should/will ever match to an interface with this name.

TLDR - When using this parameter, please stick only to using logical interface names that you know exist on the device to avoid confusing behavior.


String or list of interface PCI device IDs. Accepts PCI IDs if the wildcard XXXX:YYYY applies where:

  • XXXX: Hexadecimal, corresponds to Vendor ID
  • YYYY: Hexadecimal, corresponds to Device ID
# PCI id for Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection
interface_pci_id: 8086:15d7

Only accepts PCI devices IDs that correspond to a named network interface, and converts all PCI device IDs to their respective logical interface names.

If a PCI id corresponds to more than one logical interface name, all interfaces with the PCI id specified will have the play applied.

A list of PCI devices with their IDs can be retrieved using lcpci -nn. For more information on PCI device IDs, see the linux man page at:


String or list of ICMP type strings to block. The ICMP type names needs to be defined in firewalld configuration.

icmp_block: echo-request


ICMP block inversion bool setting. It enables or disables inversion of ICMP blocks for a zone in firewalld.

icmp_block_inversion: true


The firewalld zone target. If the state is set to absent,this will reset the target to default. Valid values are "default", "ACCEPT", "DROP", "%%REJECT%%".

target: ACCEPT


Short description, only usable when defining or modifying a service or ipset. See service or ipset for more usage information.

short: Short Description


Description for a service, only usable when adding a new service or modifying an existing service. See service or ipset for more information

description: Your description goes here


list of destination addresses, option only implemented for user-defined services. Takes 0-2 addresses, allowing for one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address or address range.

  • IPv4 format: x.x.x.x[/mask]
  • IPv6 format: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x[/mask] (x::x works when abbreviating one or more subsequent IPv6 segments where x = 0)


Name of a connection tracking helper supported by firewalld.

# Both properly specify nf_conntrack_ftp
helper_module: ftp
helper_module: nf_conntrack_ftp


The amount of time in seconds a setting is in effect. The timeout is usable if

  • state is set to enabled
  • firewalld is running and runtime is set
  • setting is used with services, ports, source ports, forward ports, masquerade, rich rules or icmp blocks
timeout: 60
state: enabled
service: https


Enable or disable the entry.

state: 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'present' | 'absent'

NOTE: present and absent are only used for zone, target, and service operations, and cannot be used for any other operation.

NOTE: zone - use state: present to add a zone, and state: absent to remove a zone, when zone is the only variable e.g.

  - zone: my-new-zone
    state: present

NOTE: target - you can also use state: present to add a target - state: absent will reset the target to the default.

NOTE: service - to see how to manage services, see the service section.


Enable changes in runtime configuration. If runtime parameter is not provided, the default will be set to True.

runtime: true


Enable changes in permanent configuration. If permanent parameter is not provided, the default will be set to True.

permanent: true

The permanent and runtime settings are independent, so you can set only the runtime, or only the permanent. You cannot set both permanent and runtime to false.


If you want to completely wipe out all existing firewall configuration, add previous: replaced to the firewall list. This will cause all existing configuration to be removed and replaced with your given configuration. This is useful if you have existing machines that may have existing firewall configuration, and you want to make all of the firewall configuration the same across all of the machines.

WARNING: When using this option, there's a small time window when firewall is being reset and all new connections to the system are rejected. Existing connections will be unaffected. Applying changes with this option in production might cause temporary service failures with new connections during the operation.


This variable is used to handle reboots required by transactional updates. If a transactional update requires a reboot, the role will proceed with the reboot if firewall_transactional_update_reboot_ok is set to true. If set to false, the role will notify the user that a reboot is required, allowing for custom handling of the reboot requirement. If this variable is not set, the role will fail to ensure the reboot requirement is not overlooked.

firewall_transactional_update_reboot_ok: true

Examples of Options

By default, any changes will be applied immediately, and to the permanent settings. If you want the changes to apply immediately but not permanently, use permanent: false. Conversely, use runtime: false.

Permit TCP traffic for port 80 in default zone, in addition to any existing configuration:

  - port: 80/tcp
    state: enabled

Remove all existing firewall configuration, and permit TCP traffic for port 80 in default zone:

  - previous: replaced
  - port: 80/tcp
    state: enabled

Do not permit TCP traffic for port 80 in default zone:

  - port: 80/tcp
    state: disabled

Add masquerading to dmz zone:

  - masquerade: true
    zone: dmz
    state: enabled

Remove masquerading to dmz zone:

  - masquerade: false
    zone: dmz
    state: enabled

Allow interface eth2 in trusted zone:

  - interface: eth2
    zone: trusted
    state: enabled

Don't allow interface eth2 in trusted zone:

  - interface: eth2
    zone: trusted
    state: disabled

Permit traffic in default zone for https service:

  - service: https
    state: enabled

Do not permit traffic in default zone for https service:

  - service: https
    state: disabled

Allow interface with PCI device ID '8086:15d7' in dmz zone

  - zone: dmz
    interface_pci_id: 8086:15d7
    state: enabled

Example Playbooks

Erase all existing configuration, and enable ssh service:

- name: Erase existing config and enable ssh service
  hosts: myhost

      - previous: replaced
      - service: ssh
        state: enabled
    - linux-system-roles.firewall

With this playbook you can make sure that the tftp service is disabled in the firewall:

- name: Make sure tftp service is disabled
  hosts: myhost

      - service: tftp
        state: disabled
    - linux-system-roles.firewall

It is also possible to combine several settings into blocks:

- name: Configure firewall
  hosts: myhost

      - {service: [tftp,ftp],
         port: ['443/tcp','443/udp'],
         state: enabled}
      - {forward_port: [eth2;447/tcp;;,
          state: enabled}
      - {zone: internal, service: tftp, state: enabled}
      - {service: tftp, state: enabled}
      - {port: '443/tcp', state: enabled}
      - {forward_port: 'eth0;445/tcp;;', state: enabled}
    - linux-system-roles.firewall

The block with several services, ports, etc. will be applied at once. If there is something wrong in the block it will fail as a whole.

- name: Configure external zone in firewall
  hosts: myhost

      - {zone: external,
         service: [tftp,ftp],
         port: ['443/tcp','443/udp'],
         forward_port: ['447/tcp;;',
         state: enabled}
    - linux-system-roles.firewall




Thomas Woerner



ansible-galaxy install linux-system-roles/firewall
GitHub repository