
Role Name

warning: this is half-baked

This role will install the Cowrie medium interaction honeypot on any Debian based system. By default the cowrie process will listen on port 2222. IPTables is then used to rewrite any requests coming to port 22 to port 2222.



Role Variables


  • cowrie_user: System the process will be started as and file will be owned by. Default: cowrie
  • cowrie_group: System group the files will be owned by. Default: {{ cowrie_ user }}
  • cowrie_repo: The git repo to retrieve code from. Changing this allows the user to pull code from a fork of the code. Default:
  • cowrie_dir: Directory to clone the code to. Default: /home/{{ cowrie_user }}/cowrie
  • cowrie_version: The version tag to checkout. Default: v2.0.0
  • cowrie_port_pub: The public facing port that targets would connect to and IPTables rewrites. Default: 22
  • cowrie_port_priv: The port cowrie is actually listening on and that IPTables rewrites to. Default: 2222
  • cowrie_hostname: The hostname displayed within the cowrie environment. Default: srv02.
  • cowrie_log_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir for log files. (JSON, plain, tty, etc.). Default: var/log/cowrie.
  • cowrie_download_path: Path for cowrie to place downloaded/uploaded files for later analysis. Internal cowrie variables are also accepted here. Default: ${honeypot:state_path}/downloads
  • cowrie_data_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir for data. Default: data
  • cowrie_share_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir for shared data. Default: share/cowrie
  • cowrie_state_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir for state data. Default: var/lib/cowrie
  • cowrie_etc_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir for configuration files. Default: etc
  • cowrie_contents_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir that contains contents of files on the virtual filesystem. Default: honeyfs
  • cowrie_txtcmds_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir that contains the txtcmd files. Default: txtcmds
  • cowrie_ttylog: Boolean to control logging of tty session. Default: true
  • cowrie_ttylog_path: Path relative to cowrie_dir where tty logs should be stored. Default {{ cowrie_log_path }}/tty
  • cowrie_interactive_timeout: Timeout waiting for interactive logon in seconds. Default: 120
  • cowrie_auth_class: Authentication class setting. Value should be one of UserDB or AuthRandom. Default: UserDB
  • cowrie_backend: What kind of backend should be presented to the attacker. Value should be one of shell or proxy. Default: shell
  • cowrie_filesystem: Location of virtual filesystem contents. Internal cowrie variables are also accepted here. Default: "${honeypot:share_path}/fs.pickle"
  • cowrie_processes: Location relative to cowrie_dir of json file containing process information. Used with the ps command. Default: share/cowrie/cmdoutput.json
  • cowrie_arch: Fake architectures/OS of the honeypot. Default: linux-x64-lsb
  • cowrie_kernel_version: Kernel version displayed in the honeypot. Default: 3.2.0-4-amd64
  • cowrie_kernel_build_string: Kernal build string displayed in the honeypot. Default: #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u1
  • cowrie_hardware_platform: Hardware platform displayed in the honeypot. Default: GNU/Linux
  • cowrie_ssh_enabled: Boolean to control if SSH is used to access the honeypot
  • cowrie_rsa_public_key: Location of public half of rsa host key. Internal cowrie variables are accepted here. Default: ${honeypot:state_path}/
  • cowrie_rsa_private_key: Location of private half of rsa host key. Internal cowrie variables are accepted here. Default: ${honeypot:state_path}/ssh_host_rsa_key
  • cowrie_dsa_public_key: Location of public half of dsa host key. Internal cowrie variables are accepted here. Default: ${honeypot:state_path}/
  • cowrie_dsa_private_key: Location of private half of dsa host key. Internal cowrie variables are accepted here. Default: ${honeypot:state_path}/ssh_host_dsa_key
  • cowrie_ssh_version_string: Version shared when connections are attempted. Default: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2
  • cowrie_ssh_listen_endpoints: Endpoints to listen for new connections on. This should be in the format accepted by twisted. Default: tcp:{{ cowrie_port_priv }}:interface=
  • cowrie_sftp_enabled: Flag to control if sftp connections are accepted to upload/download files from the honeypot.
  • cowrie_ssh_forwarding: Flag to control if ssh forwarding should be allowed. Default: false
  • cowrie_forward_redirect: Flag to forward ports to other address/honeypots. Further configuration of this functionality is required and not yet implemented. Default: false
  • cowrie_userdb_location: Location of the userdb file on the Ansible system. When overridden, it is relative the files directory in the playbook's directory. Default: userdb.txt
  • cowrie_manager: The service manager to use to start, stop, and restart the cowrie service. Accepted values are native, and systemd. Default: systemd



Example Playbook

An example playbook that will install cowrie using all the default settings is.

# site.yml
- hosts: servers
  become: yes
  - lksnyder0.cowrie


BSD 2-Clause (License FreeBSD/Simplified)


Install, configure, and run the Cowrie medium interaction ssh honeypot

ansible-galaxy install lksnyder0/ansible-cowrie
GitHub repository