Tableau Zabbix Monitoring
Role to enable the monitoring of a Tableau Server cluster status throgh Zabbix. Example Zabbix Template avaiable in the Files directory.
Python3 Pip module
- requests
Role Variables
tableau_server - IP or DNS of the server wich access the tableau server status page. The rle is usualy placed in the Tableau Cluster controller itself, but it can be placed in a server that has remote access to the Tableau Status XML page. (if locally, try using instead of 'localhost')
status_xml - Path and name of the XML status page file that will be downloaded and stored locally for futher process. This file wil be replaced evey time the script is called and need to be RW by zabbix user.
script_path: - Path that your script will be stored. If the path does not exists, it will be created by ansible as long as the path variable ends with a '/'.
python_path - Path for you python binary, eg.: '/usr/bin/python3'
userparameter_path - path for your userparameters. By default Zabbix uses '/etz/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/' but you can use any path as long as it is properly imported in zabbix_agent.conf.
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: luisesk.tableau-zabbix }
Author Information
Luis Alberto Paschoal - LuisesK
Role to enable the monitoring of a Tableau Server cluster status throgh Zabbix.
ansible-galaxy install luisesk/tableau-zabbix-monitoring