Installs the latest minishift binary, and creates a minishift instance.
Performs the following tasks:
- Downloads and installs the latest minishift binary
- Copies the latest oc binary from ~/.minishift/cache/oc to a directory in your PATH
- Installs the Docker Machine driver
- Creates a minishift instance
- Grants cluster admin to the admin account
Accessing the registry
After the role executes, and minishift is running, you will be able to access the internal registry after setting the minishift docker-env eval command:
eval $(minishift docker-env)
docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t)
Supported platforms
- Debian
- Red Hat
- Ansible 2.4+
- Prior to running the role, clear your terminal session of any DOCKER* environment variables.
- sudo access is required for installing packages
- git (if using community addons)
- gnu tar (brew install gnu-tar)
Mounting /Users to the Minishift VM
When the Minishift VM is started, the /Users volume will be mounted to the VM. This is done by setting the environment variable XHYVE_VIRTIO_9P=true
- KVM installed and working. The role installs the Docker Machine driver for KVM, but it assumes KVM is already installed, and working.
- Ansible 2.4+
- Install packages python2-dnf, and libselinux-python
Known Issues
Before accessing the Docker daemon on the Minishift instance, you'll need to modify the
script to prevent it from overriding the DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable. Edit the file, and change the lineDOCKER_CERT_PATH=/etc/docker
to the following:if [ -z "${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}" ]; then DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/etc/docker fi
minishift_repo: minishift/minishift
Repo where the minishift binary can be found
URL to access GitHub API.
minishift_release_tag_name: ""
Defaults to installing the latest release. Use to install a specific minishift release.
minishift_dest: /usr/local/bin**
Where to install the minishift binary.
minishift_force_install: yes
Overwrite any existing minishift binary found at {{ minishift_dest }}
minishift_restart: yes
Stop and recreate the existing minishift instance.
minishift_delete: yes
minishift delete
, and remove~/.minishift
. If you're upgrading, you most likely want to do this.
minishift_start_options: []
Provide a list of options to pass to
minishift start
. For example:['--memory', '4GB', '--cpus', '4']
openshift_client_dest: /usr/local/bin
Where to install the OpenShift client binary.
openshift_force_client_copy: yes
Overwrite any existing OpenShift client binary found at {{ openshift_client_dest }}.
minishift_experimental: no
Enable experimental features
minishift_service_catalog: no
Enable service catalog component
use_hyperkit: no
For MaxOSX you can "try to" use hyperkit instad of xhyve by setting this to yes
minishift_addons_enable no
To use addons set to yes
minishift_addons_community_enable: no
To use community addons set to yes and set path
minishift_addons_community_path: $HOME\Downloads\git
Set this to the community addons path you'll install to (must exist)
minishift_redhat_login: '123456|magicalyak' minishift_redhat_password: 'token_stuff_stuff_token'
Set this to the redhat container service account username and password
Example Playbook
Below is a sample playbook that includes all of the default parameters. You'll find an example of this in the root of the project tree.
- name: Install minishift
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: yes
- role: magicalyak.minishift_nginx
minishift_repo: minishift/minishift
minishift_release_tag_name: ""
minishift_dest: /usr/local/bin
minishift_force_install: yes
minishift_restart: yes
minishift_delete: yes
minishift_start_options: []
openshift_client_dest: /usr/local/bin
openshift_force_client_copy: yes
minishift_experimental: no
minishift_service_catalog: no
use_hyperkit: yes
minishift_addons_enable: no
anyuid: no
registry_route: no
admissions_webhook: no
htpasswd_identity_provider: no
xpaas: no
redhat_registry_logon: no
che: no
prometheus: no
admin_user: yes
minishift_addons_community_enable: no
minishift_addons_community_path: $HOME/Downloads/git
ansible_service_broker: no
dotnet: no
example: no
grafana: no
helm: no
istio: no
management_infra: no
workshop: no
eap_cd: no
After you install the role, copy minishift-nginx.yml to your project directory, and execute it with the --ask-become-pass
option. For example:
# Install the role
$ ansible-galaxy install magicalyak.minishift_up
# Copy the playbook from your roles path to the current working directory
$ cp ${ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH}/magicalyak.minishift_up/minishift-up.yml .
# Create a localhost inventory file
$ echo "localhost">./inventory
# Run the playbook
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory --ask-become-pass minishift-up.yml
git (if using community addons) gnu-tar (brew install gnu-tar)
Apache v2
I took most of this off of Chris Houseknechts role minishift-up-role on ansible galaxy @chouseknecht
ansible-galaxy install magicalyak/minishift-up