

Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Install and configure PortSentry in Debian-like systems

Role Variables

About the /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf file

  • portsentry_tcp_ports: [default: 1,11,15,79,111,119,143,540,635,1080,1524,2000,5742,6667,12345,12346,20034,27665,31337,32771,32772,32773,32774,40421,49724,54320]: TCP port configs for classic and basic Stealth modes
  • portsentry_udp_ports: [default: 1,7,9,69,161,162,513,635,640,641,700,37444,34555,31335,32770,32771,32772,32773,32774,31337,54321]: UDP port configs for classic and basic Stealth modes
  • portsentry_advanced_exclude_tcp: [default: 113,139]: TCP ports to ignore, PortSentry will simply not respond to incoming requests, in effect PortSentry treats them as if they are actual bound daemons
  • portsentry_advanced_exclude_udp: [default: 520,138,137,67]: UDP ports to ignore, PortSentry will simply not respond to incoming requests, in effect PortSentry treats them as if they are actual bound daemons
  • portsentry_ignore_file: [default: /etc/portsentry/portsentry.ignore]: Hosts to ignore
  • portsentry_history_file: [default: /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.history]: Hosts that have been denied (running history)
  • portsentry_blocked_file: [default: /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.blocked]: Hosts that have been denied this session only (temporary until next restart)
  • portsentry_RESOLVE_HOST: [default: 0]: DNS Name resolution, 1 will turn on DNS lookups, 0 (or any other value) will shut it off
  • portsentry_block_udp: [default: 0]: Enable automatic response options for UDP/TCP (you want to block UDP, but not TCP), 0 Do not block UDP/TCP scans, 1 Block UDP/TCP scans, 2 Run external command only
  • portsentry_block_tcp: [default: 0]: Enable automatic response options for UDP/TCP (you want to block TCP, but not UDP), 0 Do not block UDP/TCP scans, 1 Block UDP/TCP scans, 2 Run external command only
  • portsentry_kill_route: [default: /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $TARGET$ -j DROP]: This command is used to drop the route or add the host into a local filter table
  • portsentry_scan_trigger: [default: 0]: Enter in the number of port connects you will allow before an alarm is given, the default is 0 which will react immediately

About the /etc/portsentry/portsentry.ignore.static file

  • portsentry_ignore_static: [default: []]: Put hosts in here you never want blocked (format: ip/netmask), if you don't supply a netmask it is assumed to be 32 bits



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - portsentry




Install and configure PortSenrty in Debian-like systems

ansible-galaxy install maxlareo/ansible-portsentry
GitHub repository