
Boinc client

Install and configure the BOINC client on a target host.

Installation is done using the package module for simplicity unless the target distribution required differently.
apt and pacman require their cache to be built before a package can be installed, so their respective modules are used instead.

Only a couple of settings are available for the client's configuration; see the role variables for more information.

Users in the boinc group can usually read but not write files; use the boinc_set_files_group_writable variable to change this.

This role has also been validated on vagrant boxes.



Role Variables

Variable name Type Default value Description
boinc_acct_mgr_password string null the account manager's password
boinc_acct_mgr_url url the account manager's URL
boinc_acct_mgr_username string null the account manager's username
boinc_add_user_to_the_boinc_group boolean false wether to add the current ansible user to the boinc group
boinc_allow_remote_gui_rpc boolean false wether to allow remote gui rpc connections
boinc_apt_install_recommends boolean opposite of boinc_headless on apt-based systems, wether to install recommended packages
boinc_attach_to_acct_mgr boolean false wether to start the client to an account manager
boinc_config_dir_by_os_family dictionary see the main variables the default configuration directory, categorized by ansible_os_family
boinc_config_dir string the (dynamic) os family's default configuration directory usually the same as boinc_data_dir unless the system has it differently (e.g. debian)
boinc_data_dir_by_system dictionary see the main variables the default data directory, categorized by ansible_system
boinc_data_dir string the (dynamic) system's default data directory see BOINC Data directory
boinc_enable_opencl_integration boolean false wether to enable opencl integrations; will not install drivers or other non-boinc packages
boinc_enable_virtualbox_integration boolean false wether to enable virtualbox integrations; will not install virtualbox or other non-boinc packages
boinc_groups list zero or more of [render,video,virtualbox] additional groups the boinc user is member of
boinc_gui_rpc_auth_password string ansible-generated password the password to use to connect to the client
boinc_headless boolean false wether to install the manager and other gui utilities
boinc_install_tui boolean same as boinc_headless wether to install the tui
boinc_packages_by_pkg_mgr dictionary see the main variables the (dynamic) list of packages to install for each package manager
boinc_remote_hosts list [] the list of hosts for which remote gui rpc is allowed; only fqdns or ip addresses work here
boinc_set_files_group_writable boolean false wether to set all files writable to boinc users
boinc_start_at_boot boolean true wether to start the client at boot



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: mcereda.ansible-role-boinc-client
        boinc_allow_remote_gui_rpc: true
          - faraday.lan
          - ''
        boinc_gui_rpc_auth_password: 'horse battery staple'
        boinc_attach_to_acct_mgr: true
        boinc_acct_mgr_username: jbgood
        boinc_acct_mgr_password: delorean





Install and configure the BOINC client

ansible-galaxy install mcereda/ansible-role-boinc-client
GitHub repository