Ansible role to install Drupal Drush on a webserver
A very simple role to install Drupal Drush globally.
Additionally, it installs a daily cronjob to update Drush.
PHP Composer needs to be available in order for this role to work.
# The location of the entire drush installation (includes all the supporting
# files, as well as the drush executable file.
drush_install_path: /usr/local/share/drush
# The path where drush will be installed and available to your system. Should be
# in your user's $PATH so you can run commands simply with `drush` instead of
# the full path.
drush_path: /usr/local/bin/drush
# The version of Drush to install (examples: "8.0.2", "7.x", "7.1.0", "master").
# This should be a string as it refers to a git branch, tag, or commit hash.
drush_version: 8.1.0
# Path to where Composer is installed.
drush_composer_path: /usr/local/bin/composer
# Whether to keep Drush up-to-date with the latest revision of the branch
# specified by drush_version.
drush_keep_updated: no
This Ansible role is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 or later.
Copyright 2017 Jonas Meurer