Ansible Prometheus
Installs and manages Prometheus server, Alertmanager, PushGateway, and numerous Prometheus exporters
This role was designed to allow adding new exporters with ease. Regular releases ensure it always provides the latest Prometheus software.
This role can register client exporters with the Prometheus server/s automatically (see tgroup management below).
- Ansible >= 2.8.0
- Facts must be gathered (gather_facts: true)
Supported Software and Operating Systems
Supported Operating Systems, Distributions, and Architectures
This module is intended to support as many distributions and architectures as possible. The following table specifies which combinations are currently tested. Most exporters will also work on ARM architectures:
OS | Release | Architectures |
Alpine | 3.2 through 3.11, edge | x86_64 (amd64) |
AmazonLinux | 1 and 2 | x86_64 (amd64) |
ArchLinux | Current | x86_64 (amd64) |
Enterprise Linux | 6, 7, 8 | x86_64 (amd64) |
Fedora | 20 through 31, rawhide | x86_64 (amd64) |
Gentoo (openrc) | Current | x86_64 (amd64) |
Gentoo (systemd) | Current | x86_64 (amd64) |
OpenSUSE | 13.1 through tumbleweed | x86_64 (amd64) |
Oracle Linux | 6, 7, 8 | x86_64 (amd64) |
Ubuntu | 16.04 through 20.04 | x86_64 (amd64) |
Managed Prometheus software
The following core Prometheus software is supported in addition to the list of exporters below. This software is fully tested on all supported OS, distributions, and architectures.
Prometheus software | Usage | Author | CI tested |
prometheus | usage | prometheus | Yes |
alertmanager | usage | prometheus | Yes |
push_gateway | usage | prometheus | Yes |
Managed exporters
All exporters are verified to install. Currently select modules receive testing via CI (Continuous Integration) and Inspec
See each exporter's usage page for more details:
Managed node_exporter textfiles scripts
Numerous node_exporter textfiles scripts are supported and can be installed via the following variables. These scripts are installed under '/opt/prometheus/scripts' by default:
node_exporter textfiles script | Source | Enable variable |
---|---|---| | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_apt: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_btrfs_stats: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_deleted_libraries: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_directory_size: true |
inotify-instances | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_inotify_instances: true |
ipmitool | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_ipmitool: true |
lvm-prom-collector | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_lvm_prom_collector: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_md_info: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_md_info_detail: true |
mellanox_hca_temp | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_mellanox_hca_temp: true |
multipathd_info | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_multipathd_info: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_ntpd_metrics: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_nvme_metrics: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_pacman: true | | mesaguy/ansible-prometheus | prometheus_script_promcron: true | | mesaguy/ansible-prometheus | prometheus_script_promrun: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_smartmon_python: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_smartmon: true | | mesaguy/ansible-prometheus | prometheus_script_sssd_check: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_storcli: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_tw_cli: true | | node_exporter examples | prometheus_script_yum: true |
Role Variables
A 'prometheus_components' array variable is used to specify the Prometheus software to install. This example installs all supported prometheus_components:
# Demonstration only. Clients should only have applicable software and exporters defined:
# Core components:
- alertmanager
- prometheus
- push_gateway
# Exporters
- 389ds_exporter_terrycain
- apache_exporter_lusitaniae
- aerospike_exporter_alicebob
- bigip_exporter_expressenab
- bind_exporter_prometheus_community
- blackbox_exporter
- ceph_exporter_digitalocean
- clickhouse_exporter_clickhouse
- cloudwatch_exporter
- collectd_exporter
- consul_exporter
- couchbase_exporter_blakelead
- couchdb_exporter_gesellix
- digitalocean_exporter_metalmatze
- elasticsearch_exporter_prometheus_community
- fping_exporter_schweikert
- gluster exporter_ofesseler
- graphite_exporter
- grok_exporter_fstab
- haproxy_exporter
- influxdb_exporter
- iperf3_exporter_edgard
- ipmi_exporter_prometheus_community
- iptables_exporter_retailnext
- jmx_exporter
- kafka_exporter_danielqsj
- keepalived_exporter_gen2brain
- memcached_exporter
- mysqld_exporter
- nginx_exporter_nginxinc
- node_exporter
- ntp_exporter_sapcc
- nvidia_exporter_bugroger
- nvidia_gpu_exporter_mindprince
- openldap_exporter_tomcz
- openvpn_exporter_kumina
- phpfpm_exporter_hipages
- ping_exporter_czerwonk
- postgres_exporter_prometheus_community
- process_exporter_ncabatoff
- proxysql_exporter_percona
- rabbitmq_exporter_kbudde
- redis_exporter_oliver006
- script_exporter_adhocteam
- smokeping_exporter_superq
- snmp_exporter
- sql_exporter_free
- squid_exporter_boynux
- ssl_exporter_ribbybibby
- statsd_exporter
- wireguard_exporter_mdlayher
Mesaguy script documentation
- promcron for monitoring the execution of cron jobs
- promrun for monitoring the execution of commands
- sssd_check for monitoring the status of SSSD
Common variables
By default, if a Prometheus software or exporter binary fails to install, the installation fails. This default can be overridden causing an installation via source by setting the global 'prometheus_fallback_to_build' boolean or a software specific override. For example, to allow the blackbox_exporter to be built from source if no binary can be found set:
prometheus_blackbox_exporter_fallback_to_build: true
All daemon installer tasks have a 'runas' parameter to specify which user the daemon will run as. By default all users run as the 'prometheus_user' (defaults to: prometheus). For example, to have the blackbox_exporter run as user 'test' set the following variable:
prometheus_blackbox_exporter_runas: test
Global variables
Link the Prometheus etc directory to '/etc/prometheus'. The Prometheus etc directory defaults to '/opt/prometheus/etc':
prometheus_link_etc: true
Attempt to force the etc directory symlink referenced above:
prometheus_link_etc_force: false
Install the 'sponge' utility. Recommended by the Prometheus project when writing to node_exporter's textfile directory. The EPEL repository is required if installing on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux derivative. CentOS 8.x requires the 'CentOS-PowerTools' yum repository, OracleLinux 7 requires the 'ol7_optional_archive' repository, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 requires the 'Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder' yum repository be enabled:
prometheus_install_sponge: false
Purge old and now orphaned versions of software:
prometheus_purge_orphans: false
Purge backups of prometheus configuration files from the prometheus 'etc' directory files after 'prometheus_etc_backup_max_age' days (Default: 31d). Option 'prometheus_etc_purge_backups' defaults to 'false':
prometheus_etc_purge_backups: true
prometheus_etc_backup_max_age: 31d
Root directory to install Prometheus software:
prometheus_root_dir: '/opt/prometheus'
Test each service port after installing and starting each service:
prometheus_test_service_port: true
Manage the 'prometheus' service user and group:
prometheus_manage_group: true
prometheus_manage_user: true
Name of the Prometheus service and group:
prometheus_group: prometheus
prometheus_user: prometheus
Create the Prometheus user and group as system accounts, defaults to 'false':
prometheus_group_is_system: true
prometheus_user_is_system: true
Configure ulimits for 'prometheus' user:
prometheus_configure_ulimits: false
prometheus_ulimit_hard_nofile: 8192
prometheus_ulimit_soft_nofile: 4096
If installing a Prometheus application binary fails, fall back to installing the Prometheus software via source. Installation from source generally requires installing compilers. It is also possible to enable 'fallback_to_build' on a case-by-case basis (ie: prometheus_blackbox_exporter_fallback_to_build: true):
prometheus_fallback_to_build: false
Go version to use when building Prometheus software:
prometheus_go_version: 1.13.10
The Prometheus etc directory, defaults to '/opt/prometheus/etc':
prometheus_etc_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/etc"
The root directory in which exporters are installed, defaults to '/opt/prometheus/exporters':
prometheus_exporters_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/exporters"
The root directory in which 'go' is installed. Go is only installed if Prometheus software is being installed from source. Defaults to '/opt/prometheus/go':
prometheus_go_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/go"
The directory in which logs are created. Systems using journalctl will generally log to journalctl instead of files:
prometheus_log_dir: "/var/log/prometheus"
The directory to use for temporary space, principally when building Prometheus software. Defaults to '/opt/prometheus/tmp':
prometheus_tmp_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/tmp"
The directory to use when storing persistent Prometheus data (ie: The Prometheus server's data), defaults to '/opt/prometheus/var':
prometheus_var_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/var"
Optionally disable symlink of tool applications (amtool, promtool, etc) to /usr/local/bin. Defaults to 'true':
prometheus_symlink_tools: false
Cache downloaded software on the Ansible host and push cached software to the remote hosts Ansible is configuring. Defaults to disabled via 'false':
prometheus_local_archive: true
prometheus_local_archive_dir: ../archive/prometheus
Prometheus rule management variables
Enable management of Prometheus 'rules':
prometheus_manage_rules: true
Local location to find rules files, defaults to empty (disabled):
- ../files/prometheus/rules
- ../files/prometheus/additional_rules
Ownership and permissions of rules files, defaults:
prometheus_rules_dir_mode: 0755
prometheus_rules_file_mode: 0644
prometheus_rules_group: '{{ prometheus_group }}' # prometheus
prometheus_rules_owner: '{{ prometheus_user }}' # prometheus
Purge backups of rules files after 'prometheus_rules_backup_max_age' days (Default: 90d). Option 'prometheus_rules_purge_backups' defaults to 'false':
prometheus_rules_purge_backups: true
prometheus_rules_backup_max_age: 90d
Purge undefined (orphaned) rules from Prometheus servers. Defaults to 'false':
prometheus_rules_purge_orphans: true
Prometheus log rotation variables
Log rotation is disabled by default, but can be configured simply using the following variables. Log rotation is configured for all .log files in the Prometheus log directory (ie: /var/log/prometheus/.log).
Enable installing a prometheus log rotation script. Defaults to 'false':
prometheus_logrotate: true
Number of log rotation (days) to keep:
prometheus_logrotate_count: 31
Boolean specifying whether logs should be compressed:
prometheus_logrotate_compress: true
Log rotation configuration file directory:
prometheus_logrotate_dir: /etc/logrotate.d
Prometheus client variables
Cause all Prometheus servers defined in a 'prometheus_servers' array/list variable to verify connectivity to each of the client's exporters:
prometheus_software_server_side_connect_test: true
Configure firewalld rules to permit server IPs defined in a 'prometheus_server_ips' array/list variable to connect to each of the client's exporters. This functionality requires that the python 'netaddr' module be installed (ie: yum install -y python-netaddr
or dnf install -y python-netaddr
or pip install netaddr
). Only enable this variable on servers that use firewalld, otherwise the task will fail:
prometheus_manage_client_firewalld: true
# Optionally set:
prometheus_firewalld_zone: public
If firewalld customization is required, one can add firewalld rules using a playbook as follows:
- name: Allow incoming prometheus server connections to node_exporter
become: true
immediate: true
port: 9100/tcp
permanent: true
source: "{{ item }}"
state: enabled
zone: public
with_items: "{{ prometheus_server_ips }}"
when: uses_firewalld is defined and 'node_exporter' in prometheus_components
Configure iptables rules to permit server IPs defined in a 'prometheus_server_ips' array/list variable to connect to each of the client's exporters. Only enable this variable on servers that use iptables, otherwise the task will fail:
prometheus_manage_client_iptables: true
If iptables_raw has been installed, you can enable the following variable:
prometheus_manage_client_iptables_raw: true
This role can manage your Prometheus server 'target groups' (tgroups) automatically, dynamically creating tgroup files in a specified directory (/opt/prometheus/etc/tgroups by default) for each client exporter.
Automatic tgroup file management can be enabled for client side operation, server side operation, or both. In client mode, client's exporters are registered automatically on the Prometheus server specified in a 'prometheus_servers' array. In server mode, the inventory is parsed to determine which exporters are available on each host and all clients are registered with the server's specified in each client's 'prometheus_servers' array.
By default, client and server tgroups use 'inventory_hostname' (fqdn) and 'inventory_hostname_short' (hostname) values for server fqdn/hostnames and ignore facts. This is done because server-side population of tgroups cannot account for client's facts unless clients are configured to cache their facts. To use fact based 'ansible_fqdn' (fqdn) and 'ansible_hostname' (hostname) variables enable 'prometheus_tgroup_use_facts'. At this time, enabling 'prometheus_tgroup_use_facts' for any clients disables server side tgroup management:
prometheus_tgroup_use_facts: true
To enable automatic tgroup file generation on the client side, you must define 'prometheus_manage_client_tgroups' as true and list your Prometheus servers in a 'prometheus_servers' variable in your Ansible variables or inventory. The following will create tgroup files in /opt/prometheus/etc/ansible_tgroups:
prometheus_manage_client_tgroups: true
- 'prometheus1'
- 'prometheus2'
# Optional, defaults to /opt/prometheus/etc/tgroups:
prometheus_managed_tgroup_dir: '/opt/prometheus/etc/ansible_tgroups'
If this role is managing your tgroup files, you can apply labels to your exporter/s using the 'prometheus_tgroup_labels' variable:
- hosts: prometheus_clients
- node_exporter
environment: development
site: primary
- mesaguy.prometheus
Using 'set_fact' to do the same:
- name: Set Prometheus labels for host set_fact: prometheus_tgroup_labels: environment: 'development' site: primary
Exporters that aren't managed by this role can be specified using a 'prometheus_additional_exporters' variable as follows. Any labels specified in 'prometheus_tgroup_labels' will be merged with labels defined in 'prometheus_additional_exporters'. Firewall rules will be created for additional exporters if 'prometheus_manage_client_firewalld' or 'prometheus_manage_client_iptables' is defined.
- name: docker
port: 9323
labels: {}
- name: foo
port: 9999
team: foo
department: IT
To enable automatic tgroup file generation on the server side, you must define 'prometheus_manage_server_tgroups' as true and list your Prometheus servers in a 'prometheus_servers' variable in your Ansible variables or inventory. The following will create tgroup files in /opt/prometheus/etc/ansible_tgroups for all clients that have 'prometheus_compenents' and/or 'prometheus_additional_exporters', clients must also have 'prometheus_servers' array configured:
prometheus_manage_server_tgroups: true
To only configure server tgroups and perform no role tasks, enable 'prometheus_manage_server_tgroups_only':
- hosts: prometheus_servers
prometheus_manage_server_tgroups_only: true
- mesaguy.prometheus
Purge undefined (orphaned) exporters. When run in client mode, this option only effects client's orphaned files. When run in server mode this affects all tgroup files:
prometheus_tgroup_dir_purge_orphans: true
Specify a FQDN for a host when the FQDN isn't in Ansible's inventory and isn't the host's official FQDN. This option should be generally avoided, fixing DNS or Ansible's inventory is a better option:
Prometheus server configuration
To enable prometheus server include role task: prometheus
Prometheus configuration files are validated using 'promtool' before Prometheus is restarted.
The configuration content. The example below utilizes a file named 'prometheus_server.yml' in your Ansible root directory's 'files' directory. If no configuration content is defined, a default configuration file is utilized. You will want to customize your configuration file content!:
prometheus_server_cfg: '{{ lookup("file", "../files/prometheus_server.yml") | from_yaml }}'
Or embedding the YAML directly into your playbook:
scrape_interval: 15s
# Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with
# external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).
monitor: 'codelab-monitor'
# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'prometheus'
# Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds.
scrape_interval: 5s
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
An array of additional flags to pass to the prometheus daemon:
prometheus_extra_opts: []
The version of Prometheus to install. The default version can be found in the prometheus variables file and the default version can be overridden using the following variable:
prometheus_version: "v1.0.0"
Allow the use of prerelease versions (beta, test, development, etc versions), defaults to 'false':
prometheus_use_prerelease: true
Where to store Prometheus's database, defaults to /opt/prometheus/var/prometheus
prometheus_storage_dir: /opt/prometheus/var/prometheus
Prometheus web console templates to utilize. The defaults suffice under most circumstances and this variable should remain unset under most circumstances:
prometheus_web_console_libraries_dir: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/x.x.x/console_libraries
prometheus_web_console_templates_dir: /opt/prometheus/prometheus/x.x.x/consoles
Port and IP to listen on. Defaults to listening on all available IPs on port 9090:
prometheus_host: ""
prometheus_port: 9090
Example Playbook
Prometheus server
The following example installs Prometheus (server), alertmanager, blackbox_exporter, and the node_exporter. The Prometheus (server) port and storage retention parameters have been changed from the defaults.
The Prometheus server should be installed only on designated Prometheus server hosts. Prometheus clients should only have select and specific exporters installed.
Class use method:
- hosts: prometheus_servers
- prometheus
- alertmanager
- blackbox_exporter
- node_exporter
prometheus_port: 10000
- '--storage.tsdb.retention=90d'
- mesaguy.prometheus
Longer 'include_role' use method:
- hosts: prometheus_servers
prometheus_port: 10000
- '--storage.tsdb.retention=90d'
- name: Prometheus server
name: mesaguy.prometheus
tasks_from: '{{ prometheus_component }}'
loop_var: prometheus_component
- prometheus
- alertmanager
- blackbox_exporter
- node_exporter
Additional information
Software installation methods
Installations are performed using pre-compiled binary files where possible. Where pre-compiled binaries are not available, this Ansible role:
- Installs the tools necessary to compile the binaries
- Compiles the binaries
- Installs the binaries in a directory specifying both the version of the Prometheus software and version of go utilized for the installation (ie: /opt/prometheus/exporters/smokeping_exporter_superq/v0.3.1__go-1.14.14/smokeping_prober)
If a binary fails to install or is unavailable despite the existence of some pre-compiled binaries, then the Prometheus module will still be installed using source code.
This module does not manage firewall rules, employ https, or employ authentication to secure the Prometheus software. All of these security measures are worthwhile, but are currently outside the scope of this role.
We closely monitor the release of new Prometheus software as well as the Go compiler and release new versions of this Ansible role accordingly.
All daemons are run via a non-privileged 'prometheus' user by default.
When Prometheus software is installed using source code, the installation destination directory is named for both the Prometheus software version and the Go compiler version. This naming convention ensures that the use of newer versions of the Go compiler force a rebuild of the Prometheus modules build from source. This naming convention also differentiate installations by binary versus installations by compiled source. Forcing Prometheus source rebuilds each time a new version of Go is released has the negative of introducing more work by the clients, but have the benefit of ensuring that and vulnerabilities within the Go core libraries are patched. We assume that Prometheus software that is provided in binary form is monitored for vulnerabilities by the developer and rebuilt as necessary.
Future: When source is compiled, all compile commands are executed using an unprivileged user account. This combined with running daemons as an unprivileged user mitigates many security risks. -- This is currently complicated by limits with become
MIT See the LICENSE file
Author Information
install and manage prometheus and prometheus exporters
ansible-galaxy install mesaguy.prometheus