
Ansible Role: bamboo-agent

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Installs a local or remote Bamboo agent (node) for a specific Atlassian Bamboo master server.


You already must have an Atlassian Bamboo server, since Bamboo agents depend on it. Before using this role, make sure you have enough licenses remote Bamboo agents (if wanted) otherwise they won't show up in Bamboo.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

install_jdk: true

Whether to install JDK or not.

openjdk_version: 1.8.0

The version of openJDK to install (remote agent only).

bamboo_agent_remote: False

Whether this is a remote agent or not.

bamboo_master_version: ""
bamboo_master_fqdn: ""
bamboo_master_https: False
bamboo_master_port: ""

Bamboo master connection (remote agent only)

bamboo_master_user: bamboo

Service user for Bamboo master node (local agent only)

bamboo_agent_user: bambooagent
bamboo_agent_uid: 5000

Service user name, primary group and ID for systemd (remote agent only).

bamboo_agent_application_folder: "/opt/{{ bamboo_agent_user }}"
bamboo_agent_data_folder: "/opt/{{ bamboo_agent_user }}/bamboo-agent-home"

Path where to store application binaries and application data (remote agent only).

bamboo_agent_jvm_memory: 768m

Java heap space for remote bamboo agent (remote agent only).

bamboo_agent_npmrc: ""
bamboo_agent_maven_settings: ""

Contents of the service user's setting files for npm and maven.

bamboo_agent_capabilities: []

A list of Bamboo capabilities. For remote agents, the capabilities will be added as actual capabilities in the Bamboo remote agent, when properties is set. Unfortunately this is not possible for local agents.

If you specify the source with a proper name, an according package is installed. You must install the used package manager by yourself!

A capability has the values:

  • name
  • source (One of repository (means yum/apt/...), unarchive-remote, npm)
  • symlinks (List of symlinks to create for this binary. Set it to [] if you don't use it! Subkeys are src and dest)
  • binary_path (Value will be added to $PATH for all users and Bamboo agent service user)
  • extract_path (Path where to extract, when source: unarchive-remote)
  • properties (List of properties which are set on remote agents. Subkeys are key and value)

HTTP proxy


If set, remote agent will use this proxy for HTTP connections. This dict has the following values:


If set, remote agent will use this proxy for HTTPS connections. If unset but http_proxy set, its value will be copied to https_proxy. This dict has the following values:

  • host
  • port

Other values will be used from http_proxy.

Other notes for npm dependencies

If you configure to install npm, you must make sure to install node by yourself. Please note: If you install node to a non-default PATH, make sure to define the "symlinks" sub-variable and point the destination of npm and node to a default-path like /usr/bin/.

Simply setting "binary_path", which would add the path to $PATH variable doesn't work since ansible npm_module ignores it!

Deprecation warning

  • dicts bamboo_master and bamboo_agent are deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please consult README.
  • bamboo_agent_capabilities will not install packages anymore in the future. It will be used only for setting capability variables for remote agents, and set binary paths. Please use pre_tasks or post_tasks in your playbook, to install using your own tasks.


Normally none. But if you use this role for a local bamboo agent, it is recommended to use mimacom.bamboo role.

Example playbook

This installs a Bamboo remote agent. The binary will be fetched from the Bamboo master node (according to bamboo_master_* variables). The jar will be setup as a systemd service.

Nodejs as a capability will be downloaded, extracted, symlinked and the binary path will be added to the systemd service in order for the agent to find nodejs.

Angular CLI as a second capability will be installed using npm. No symlinks are created, and a custom capability will be set on the remote agent according to its properties.

- hosts: build-agents
  become: yes
    - role: mimacom.bamboo-agent
      bamboo_agent_remote: true
      bamboo_master_version: 6.2.2
      bamboo_master_fqdn: "
      bamboo_master_https: true
      bamboo_master_port: 443
        - name:
          source: unarchive-remote
          binary_path: /opt/nodejs/node-v7/bin/
          extract_path: /opt/nodejs/
            - src: /opt/nodejs/node-v7.7.4-linux-x64
              dest: /opt/nodejs/node-v7

            - src: /opt/nodejs/node-v7.7.4-linux-x64/bin/npm
              dest: /usr/bin/npm

            - src: /opt/nodejs/node-v7.7.4-linux-x64/bin/node
              dest: /usr/bin/node
            - key: system.builder.node.node-7
              value: /opt/nodejs/node-v7/bin/node

        - name: "@angular/cli"
          source: npm
          symlinks: []
            - key:
              value: "true"

Upgrade Bamboo remote agent

Bamboo remote agents will not be upgraded when you change the bamboo_master_version variable. Each remote agent will update itself once it has detected a new version on the master node. So, simply worry about upgrading the Bamboo master :-)


Apache License 2.0

Author Information

This role was created by Remo Wenger.


Installs a local or remote Bamboo agent with capabilities

ansible-galaxy install mimacom/ansible-role-bamboo-agent
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