

Role installs jstatd daemon on Linux (Debian) based systems with SysVinit service system. Tested on Ubuntu Server 14.04.04/trusty. Use jstatd on development and very low security level environments only. Never use jstatd on production system, use JMX with authentication support instead. Role installs:

  • creates file /etc/default/jstatd
  • creates file /etc/init.d/jstatd
  • creates file /etc/jstatd.policy
  • registers service jstatd


Requires JVM installed at default (ubuntu) path (/usr/bin/java, /usr/bin/jstatd) or change java_home variable (e.g. /opt/java/jdk8). JDK/JRE installation is out of the scope of this role.

Role Variables

Roles variables along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Jstatd home directory (contains bin/jstatd), default Ubuntu with OpenJDK - /usr/bin/java, /usr/bin/jstatd. Change jstatd_home if custom installation of JDK is in use.

jstatd_home: /usr

Jstatd log directory. Jstatd generates very few data or nothing at all.

jstatd_log: /var/log/jstatd.log

OS user the jstatd is running under.

jstatd_user: root

Java policy premissions used to start jstatd. By default All permissions are granted to jstatd.

jstatd_policy_permission: "java.security.AllPermission"

Jstatd policy file to use. Default value is jstatd.policy file createad by this Role. Default policy file created by this role cannot be changed, however jstatd can use any other policy file.

jstatd_policy: "/etc/jstatd.policy"

Java RMI debug optin.

jstatd_debug_rmi: false

Additional options, e.g. java.net.preferIPv4Stack or java.net.preferIPv6Addresses.



There are no dependencies in the role, however role requires JVM installed on target system. Use any other role suitable for JVM installation.

Example Playbook

Install role. requirements.yml (in your playbook):

src: mvolejnik.jstatd
name: jstatd

Extend role path for .roles in ansible.cfg if you want to place external roles in your playbook but not in (your) "roles" directory. Defined directory must exists.

roles_path = .roles

Install role on command line, using requirements file and folder for external roles:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p .roles

or install into the standard location of Ansible roles (/etc/ansible/roles):

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

or install without using requriements.yml (if you don't need it in your CVS):

ansible-galaxy install mvolejnik.jstatd

or install role as a part of your playbook as a play (I like this approach, external role becomes part of installation bundle, but you can exclude it form CVS commits):

- hosts: all
    - name: Prepare Ansible host (local) - downloads external roles.
      local_action: command ./prepare.sh {{ local_dir }}
      run_once: yes


ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p .roles

Simple example play:

- hosts: javaee
     - { role: jstatd }

Simple example play not using default java installation directory

- hosts: javaee
     - { role: jstatd, java_home: "/opt/java/jdk8" }



Author Information

Michal Volejnik https://github.com/mvolejnik .`


Role instal jstatd daemon on Linux (Debian) based systems with SysVinit service system. Tested on Ubuntu Server 14.04.04/trusty. Use jstatd **only on development and very low security environment**. Never use jstatd on production system, use JMX and authe

ansible-galaxy install mvolejnik/ansible-jstatd
GitHub repository