Ansible Role: Cloud SQL Proxy
Installs Cloud SQL Proxy on RHEL / CentOS 7 complete with unit scripts to keep cloud-sql-proxy.service
Just a Cloud SQL instance for the proxy to connect to.
Role Variables
cloud_sql_proxy_connection_name: <project_id>:<region>:<instance_name>
The connection name for the Cloud SQL instance. See this page for more info. An appropriate value for this can be found on the Cloud SQL instance in the Cloud Console.
This string is also used by the proxy to determine the socket path. Example: When tf-project-298d32a1:us-central1:tf-master-db1
is used as the connection name, the resulting unix socket will be /var/run/cloud-sql-proxy/tf-project-298d32a1:us-central1:tf-master-db1
cloud_sql_proxy_tcp_port: <tcp_port>
Setting this will cause the Cloud SQL Proxy service to listen on a local TCP port rather than a unix socket.
Example Playbook
- hosts: web-servers
cloud_sql_proxy_connection_name: tf-project-298d32a1:us-central1:tf-master-db1
- { role: davidalger.cloud_sql_proxy, tags: database }
This work is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
Author Information
This role was created in 2018 by David Alger.
ansible-galaxy install niainalens.cloud_sql_proxy