
Ansible Role: Razor Manage Hosts

An Ansible Role that manages hosts in Puppet Razor on Linux. It provides the following functionality:

  • Add a host to Razor for OS provisioning
  • Remove a host from Razor

Razor Summary

Puppet Razor Server is an Open Source Operating System provisioning tool, details are here:



This Role was built and tested after the following Ansible Galaxy Roles were deployed but could be used for other Razor deployments, ensure the Tasks and Repos exist that the host is being configured with:

  • nicholasrodriguez.razor
  • nicholasrodriguez.razor_tasks_esxi
  • nicholasrodriguez.razor_tasks_centos

The metadata being injected into the host being managed in Razor via this Role aligns with the following personal lab Repo:


Hosts being managed in Razor needs to be resolvable by the Ansible Controller, you can use the shortname or FQDN.

Role Variables

The Role will target the Razor server so the following vars are all defined per managed host instance. i.e. the target host you want Razor to build therefore this Role will lookup the vars below against that target host in your inventory. Example values are listed below.

Mode of operation:

add_or_delete: add

Short hostname of the host being managed in Razor:

hostname: lvm01

Razor Repo name:

repo: "CentOS-8.2-minimal"

Razor Task name:

task: "centos/8.2"

Razor Broker name:

broker: "noop"

Root password of the host being managed in Razor:

root_pw: "Password123"

1st DNS Server

dns1: ""

2nd DNS server

dns2": ""

Time Server

time1: "ntp.pool.org"

The domain name of the Server

domain: "testlab.local"

The serial number of the server to be built.

serial_number: "VMware-56 4d cd 0b 9d 4d e2 ca-23 88 34 45 95 b8 0f 0f"

Primary Interface IP address

ipaddress: ""

Primary Interface Network gateway

gateway: ""

Primary Interface Netmask

netmask: ""

Primary Interface name:

mgmt_nic: "ens192"

Administration User name

user_name: "Bob"

Administration User Password

user_password: "Password123!"



Example Playbook

This role is better suited to being interactive as per the prompts in the example below. The vars could be fed by other methods if preferred.

- name: Manage Razor Hosts
  connection: ssh
  gather_facts: true
  hosts: razor
  become: True
    - razor_manage_hosts
    - name: add_or_delete
      prompt: "Add or Delete a host in Razor [add/del]?"
      private: no
    - name: hostname
      prompt: "What is the hostname of the server?"
      private: no



Author Information

ansible-galaxy install nicholasrodriguez/razor-manage-hosts
GitHub repository