Ansible Role: ZooKeeper
An Ansible Role that manages installation and configuration of Apache ZooKeeper.
Role Variables
Available variables listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
zookeeper_version: 3.6.2
ZooKeeper application version.
zookeeper_dir: /opt/zookeeper
Application files directory.
zookeeper_data_dir: /var/zookeeper
Server data directory.
zookeeper_conf_dir: /etc/zookeeper
Server configuration directory.
zookeeper_log_dir: /var/log/zookeeper
Server log directory.
zookeeper_log_file: zookeeper.log
Log file name.
zookeeper_log_level: INFO
Logging level.
zookeeper_log_max_file_size: 265MB
Max log file size before rotation.
zookeeper_log_max_backup_index: 20
Max log file number to keep.
zookeeper_client_port: 2181
The port clients can connect to.
zookeeper_init_limit: 5
zookeeper_sync_limit: 2
zookeeper_tick_time: 2000
Consult official ZooKeeper documentation for details.
zookeeper_members: "{{ groups['all'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_default_ipv4') | map(attribute='address') | list }}"
ZooKeeper cluster members. Accepts hostname, FQDN or IP list.
zookeeper_member_id: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
ID of the current cluster member (index of the member's hostname, FQDN or IP in the zookeeper_members
zookeeper_server_username: foo
zookeeper_server_password: foz
SASL based authentication for the cluster member communication.
- username: bar
password: baz
SASL based authentication for the clients.
Hostname/IP JMX will be exposed on.
zookeeper_jmx_port: 9181
JMX remote agent port.
zookeeper_jmx_rmi_port: 9182
RMI connector port.
zookeeper_jmx_username: foz
JMX username.
zookeeper_jmx_password: baz
JMX user password.
zookeeper_jmx_role: readonly
JMX user role.
zookeeper_4lw_commands_whitelist: srvr,stat,mntr
Whitelisting of ZooKeeper 4lw commands.
zookeeper_global_outstanding_limit: 1000
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_prealloc_size: 64M
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_snap_count: 100000
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_max_client_cnxns: 10
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_min_session_timeout: "{{ 2 * zookeeper_tick_time }}"
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_max_session_timeout: "{{ 20 * zookeeper_tick_time }}"
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_autopurge_snapretain_count: 10
s. Clickhouse Usage Recommendations for Zookeper.
zookeeper_purge_interval: 1
s. Clickhouse Usage Recommendations for Zookeper.
zookeeper_fsync_warning_threshold_ms: 1000
s. ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide.
zookeeper_heap_size: 1024
JVM heap size in MB.
Example Playbook
- hosts: all
- nl2go.zookeeper
Use docker-molecule following the instructions to run Molecule or install Molecule locally (not recommended, version conflicts might appear).
Provide Hetzner Cloud token:
export HCLOUD_TOKEN=123abc456efg
Use following to run tests:
molecule test --all
See the file for details.
Author Information
This role was created in 2020 by Newsletter2Go GmbH.
An Ansible Role that manages installation and configuration of Apache ZooKeeper
ansible-galaxy install nl2go.zookeeper