oVirt Image Template
This role has been migrated to oVirt Ansible Collection, please use latest version from there. This repository is now readonly and no longer used for active development
The ovirt.image-template
role creates a template from external image. Currently the disk can be an image in Glance external provider or QCOW2 image.
Please note that when installing this role from Ansible Galaxy you are instructed to run following command:
$ ansible-galaxy install ovirt.image-template
This will download the role to the directory with the same name as you specified on the
command line, in this case ovirt.image-template
. But note that it is case sensitive, so if you specify
for example OVIRT.image-template
it will download the same role, but it will add it to the directory named
, so you later always have to use this role with upper case prefix. So be careful how
you specify the name of the role on command line.
For the RPM installation we install three legacy names oVirt.image-template
, ovirt.image-template
and ovirt-image-template
So you can use any of these names. This documentation and examples in this repository are using name ovirt.image-template
and ovirt-image-template
role names are deprecated.
- Ansible version 2.9 or higher.
- Python SDK version 4.3 or higher.
- oVirt has to be 4.1 or higher and ovirt-imageio must be installed and running.
- CA certificate of oVirt engine. The path to CA certificate must be specified in the
variable. - file
- We don not support Ansible Check Mode (Dry Run), because this role is using few modules(command module), which do not support it. Once all modules used by this role will support it, we will support it.
Role Variables
Name | Default value | |
qcow_url | UNDEF (mandatory if glance is not used) | The URL of the QCOW2 image. You can specify local file with prefix 'file://'. |
qcow_url_client_cert | UNDEF | Path to client certificate if needed for retrieving QCOW from authenticated site. |
qcow_url_client_key | UNDEF | Path to client key if needed for retrieving QCOW from authenticated site. |
image_path | /tmp/ | Path where the QCOW2 image will be downloaded to. If directory the base name of the URL on the remote server will be used. |
image_checksum | UNDEF | If a checksum is defined, the digest of the destination file will be calculated after it is downloaded to ensure its integrity and verify that the transfer completed successfully. Format: |
image_cache_download | true | When set to false will delete image_path at the start and end of execution |
template_cluster | Default | Name of the cluster where template must be created. |
template_io_threads | UNDEF | Number of IO threads used by template. 0 means IO threading disabled. (Added in ansible 2.7) |
template_name | mytemplate | Name of the template. |
template_memory | 2GiB | Amount of memory assigned to the template. |
template_memory_guaranteed | UNDEF | Amount of minimal guaranteed memory of the Virtual Machine |
template_memory_max | UNDEF | Upper bound of virtual machine memory up to which memory hot-plug can be performed. |
template_cpu | 1 | Number of CPUs assigned to the template. |
template_disk_storage | UNDEF | Name of the data storage domain where the disk must be created. If not specified, the data storage domain is selected automatically. |
template_disks | [] | List of dictionaries specifying the additional template disks. See below for more detailed description. |
template_disk_size | 10GiB | The size of the template disk. |
template_disk_name | UNDEF | The name of template disk. |
template_disk_format | UNDEF | Format of the template disk. |
template_disk_interface | virtio | Interface of the template disk. (Choices: virtio, ide, virtio_scsi) |
template_seal | true | 'Sealing' erases all machine-specific configurations from a filesystem. Not supported on Windows. Set this to 'false' for Windows. |
template_timeout | 600 | Amount of time to wait for the template to be created/imported. |
template_type | UNDEF | The type of the template: desktop, server or high_performance (for qcow2 based templates only) |
template_nics | {name: nic1, profile_name: ovirtmgmt, interface: virtio} | List of dictionaries that specify the NICs of template. |
template_operating_system | UNDEF | Operating system of the template like: other, rhel_7x64, debian_7, see others in ovirt_template module. |
glance_image_provider | UNDEF (mandatory if qcow_url is not used) | Name of the glance image provider. |
glance_image | UNDEF (mandatory if qcow_url is not used) | This parameter specifies the name of disk in glance provider to be imported as template. |
template_prerequisites_tasks | UNDEF | Works only with qcow image. Specify a path to Ansible tasks file, which should be executed on virtual machine before creating a template from it. Note that qcow image must contain guest agent which reports IP address. |
The template_disks
List of dictionaries can contain following attributes:
Name | Default value | |
name | UNDEF (Required) | The name of the additional disk. |
size | UNDEF (Required) | The size of the additional disk. |
storage_domain | UNDEF | The name of storage domain where disk should be created. If no value is passed, value is set by template_disk_storage. |
interface | UNDEF | The interface of the disk. If no value is passed, value is set by template_disk_interface. |
format | UNDEF | Specify format of the disk. If no value is passed, value is set by template_disk_format.
bootable | UNDEF | True if the disk should be bootable. |
Example Playbook
- name: Create a template from qcow
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
engine_fqdn: ovirt-engine.example.com
engine_user: admin@internal
engine_password: 123456
engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem
qcow_url: https://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
#qcow_url: file:///tmp/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
template_cluster: production
template_name: centos7_template
template_memory: 4GiB
template_cpu: 2
template_disk_size: 10GiB
template_disk_storage: mydata
- ovirt.image-template
- name: Create a template from a disk stored in glance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
engine_fqdn: ovirt-engine.example.com
engine_user: admin@internal
engine_password: 123456
engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem
glance_image_provider: qe-infra-glance
glance_image: rhel7.4_ovirt4.2_guest_disk
template_cluster: production
template_name: centos7_template
template_memory: 4GiB
template_cpu: 2
template_disk_size: 10GiB
template_disk_storage: mydata
- ovirt-image-template
- name: Create a template from qcow2.xz
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- name: Download qcow2.xz file
url: "https://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2.xz"
dest: /tmp
register: downloaded_file
- name: Extract downloaded QCOW image
command: "unxz --keep --force {{ downloaded_file.dest }}"
- name: Set qcow_url to extracted file
qcow_url: "file://{{ (downloaded_file.dest | splitext)[0] }}"
engine_fqdn: ovirt-engine.example.com
engine_user: admin@internal
engine_password: 123456
engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem
template_cluster: production
template_name: centos7_template
template_memory: 4GiB
template_cpu: 2
template_disk_size: 10GiB
template_disk_storage: mydata
- ovirt.image-template
Apache License 2.0
ansible-galaxy install ovirt.image-template