oVirt Virtual Machine Infrastructure
This role has been migrated to oVirt Ansible Collection, please use latest version from there. This repository is now readonly and no longer used for active development
The ovirt.vm-infra
role manages the virtual machine infrastructure in oVirt.
This role also creates inventory of created virtual machines it defines if
is set to true
and state of virtual machine is running
All defined virtual machines are part of ovirt_vm
inventory group.
Role also creates ovirt_tag_{tag_name}
groups if there are any
tags assigned to a virtual machine and places all virtual machines with that tag
to that inventory group.
Consider the following variable structure:
- name: myvm1
tag: mytag1
profile: myprofile
- name: myvm2
tag: mytag2
profile: myprofile
The role will create inventory group ovirt_vm
with both of the virtual
machines - myvm1
and myvm2
. The role also creates inventory group ovirt_tag_mytag1
with virtual machine myvm1
and inventory group ovirt_tag_mytag2
with virtual
machine myvm2
Please note that when installing this role from Ansible Galaxy you are instructed to run following command:
$ ansible-galaxy install ovirt.vm-infra
This will download the role to the directory with the same name as you specified on the
command line, in this case ovirt.vm-infra
. But note that it is case sensitive, so if you specify
for example OVIRT.vm-infra
it will download the same role, but it will add it to the directory named
. In such case, you'll have to reference this role with uppercase prefix in the future. Therefore be careful how
you specify the role's name on the command line.
As for the RPM installation we support three legacy names - ovirt.vm-infra
, oVirt.vm-infra
and ovirt-vm-infra
You can use any of those names. This documentation and examples in this repository use the name ovirt.vm-infra
and ovirt-vm-infra
role names are deprecated.
- Ansible version 2.9 or higher
- Python SDK version 4.3 or higher
- python3-jmespath or python2-jmespath
- Does not support Ansible Check Mode (Dry Run).
Role Variables
Name | Default value | |
vms | UNDEF | List of dictionaries with virtual machine specifications. |
affinity_groups | UNDEF | List of dictionaries with affinity groups specifications. |
wait_for_ip | false | If true, the playbook should wait for the virtual machine IP reported by the guest agent. |
wait_for_ip_version | v4 | Specify which IP version should be wait for. Either v4 or v6. |
wait_for_ip_range | | Specify CIDR of virutal machine IP which should be reported. Works only for IPv4. |
debug_vm_create | false | If true, logs the tasks of the virtual machine being created. The log can contain passwords. |
vm_infra_create_single_timeout | 180 | Time in seconds to wait for VM to be created and started (if state is running). |
vm_infra_create_poll_interval | 15 | Polling interval. Time in seconds to wait between check of state of VM. |
vm_infra_create_all_timeout | vm_infra_create_single_timeout * (vms.length) | Total time to wait for all VMs to be created/started. |
vm_infra_wait_for_ip_retries | 5 | Number of retries to check if VM is reporting it's IP address. |
vm_infra_wait_for_ip_delay | 5 | Polling interval of IP address. Time in seconds to wait between check if VM reports IP address. |
The vms
and profile
variables can contain following attributes, note that if you define same variable in both the value in vms
has precendence:
Name | Default value | |
name | UNDEF | Name of the virtual machine to create. |
tag | UNDEF | Name of the tag to assign to the virtual machine. Only administrator users can use this attribute. |
cloud_init | UNDEF | Dictionary with values for Unix-like Virtual Machine initialization using cloud init. See below cloud_init section for more detailed description. |
cloud_init_nics | UNDEF | List of dictionaries representing network interafaces to be setup by cloud init. See below cloud_init_nics section for more detailed description. |
sysprep | UNDEF | Dictionary with values for Windows Virtual Machine initialization using sysprep. See below sysprep section for more detailed description. |
profile | UNDEF | Dictionary specifying the virtual machine hardware. See the table below. |
state | present | Should the Virtual Machine be stopped, present or running. Takes precedence before state value in profile. |
nics | UNDEF | List of dictionaries specifying the NICs of the virtual machine. See below for more detailed description. |
cluster | UNDEF | Name of the cluster where the virtual machine will be created. |
clone | No | If yes then the disks of the created virtual machine will be cloned and independent of the template. This parameter is used only when state is running or present and VM didn't exist before. |
template | Blank | Name of template that the virtual machine should be based on. |
template_version | UNDEF | Version number of the template to be used for VM. By default the latest available version of the template is used. |
memory | UNDEF | Amount of virtual machine memory. |
memory_max | UNDEF | Upper bound of virtual machine memory up to which memory hot-plug can be performed. |
memory_guaranteed | UNDEF | Amount of minimal guaranteed memory of the Virtual Machine. Prefix uses IEC 60027-2 standard (for example 1GiB, 1024MiB). memory_guaranteed parameter can't be lower than memory parameter. |
cores | UNDEF | Number of CPU cores used by the the virtual machine. |
sockets | UNDEF | Number of virtual CPUs sockets of the Virtual Machine. |
cpu_shares | UNDEF | Set a CPU shares for this Virtual Machine. |
cpu_threads | UNDEF | Set a CPU threads for this Virtual Machine. |
disks | UNDEF | List of dictionaries specifying the additional virtual machine disks. See below for more detailed description. |
nics | UNDEF | List of dictionaries specifying the NICs of the virtual machine. See below for more detailed description. |
custom_properties | UNDEF | Properties sent to VDSM to configure various hooks. Custom properties is a list of dictionary which can have following values: name - Name of the custom property. For example: hugepages, vhost, sap_agent, etc. regexp - Regular expression to set for custom property. value - Value to set for custom property. |
high_availability | UNDEF | Whether or not the node should be set highly available. |
high_availability_priority | UNDEF | Indicates the priority of the virtual machine inside the run and migration queues. Virtual machines with higher priorities will be started and migrated before virtual machines with lower priorities. The value is an integer between 0 and 100. The higher the value, the higher the priority. If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine. |
io_threads | UNDEF | Number of IO threads used by virtual machine. 0 means IO threading disabled. |
description | UNDEF | Description of the Virtual Machine. |
operating_system | UNDEF | Operating system of the Virtual Machine. For example: rhel_7x64 |
type | UNDEF | Type of the Virtual Machine. Possible values: desktop, server or high_performance |
graphical_console | UNDEF | Assign graphical console to the virtual machine. Graphical console is a dictionary which can have following values: headless_mode - If true disable the graphics console for this virtual machine. protocol - 'VNC', 'Spice' or both. |
storage_domain | UNDEF | Name of the storage domain where all virtual machine disks should be created. Considered only when template is provided. |
state | present | Should the Virtual Machine be stopped, present or running. |
ssh_key | UNDEF | SSH key to be deployed to the virtual machine. This is parameter is keep for backward compatibility and has precendece before authorized_ssh_keys in cloud_init dictionary. |
domain | UNDEF | The domain of the virtual machine. This is parameter is keep for backward compatibility and has precendece before host_name in cloud_init or sysprep dictionary. |
lease | UNDEF | Name of the storage domain this virtual machine lease reside on. |
root_password | UNDEF | The root password of the virtual machine. This is parameter is keep for backward compatibility and has precendece before root_password in cloud_init or sysprep dictionary. |
host | UNDEF | If you need to set cpu_mode as host_passthrough, you need to use this param to define host to use along with placement_policy set to pinned. |
cpu_mode | UNDEF | CPU mode of the virtual machine. It can be some of the following: host_passthrough, host_model or custom. |
placement_policy | UNDEF | The configuration of the virtual machine's placement policy. |
boot_devices | UNDEF | List of boot devices which should be used to boot. Valid entries are cdrom , hd , network . |
serial_console | UNDEF | True enable VirtIO serial console, False to disable it. By default is chosen by oVirt/RHV engine. |
serial_policy | UNDEF | Specify a serial number policy for the Virtual Machine. Following options are supported. vm - Sets the Virtual Machine's UUID as its serial number. host - Sets the host's UUID as the Virtual Machine's serial number. custom - Allows you to specify a custom serial number in serial_policy_value. |
serial_policy_value | UNDEF | Allows you to specify a custom serial number. This parameter is used only when serial_policy is custom. |
comment | UNDEF | Comment of the virtual Machine. |
The item in disks
list of profile
dictionary can contain following attributes:
Name | Default value | |
size | UNDEF | The size of the additional disk. |
name | UNDEF | The name of the additional disk. |
id | UNDEF | Id of the disk. If you pass id of the disk and name the disk will be looked up by id and will update name of the disk if it differs from the name passed in name parameter. |
storage_domain | UNDEF | The name of storage domain where disk should be created. |
interface | UNDEF | The interface of the disk. |
name_prefix | True | If true the name of the vm will be used as prefix of disk name. If false only the name of disk will be used as disk name - could be useful when creating vm from template with custom disk size. |
format | UNDEF | Specify format of the disk.
bootable | UNDEF | True if the disk should be bootable. |
activate | UNDEF | True if the disk should be activated |
The item in nics
list of profile
dictionary can contain following attributes:
Name | Default value | |
name | UNDEF | The name of the network interface. |
interface | UNDEF | Type of the network interface. |
mac_address | UNDEF | Custom MAC address of the network interface, by default it's obtained from MAC pool. |
network | UNDEF | Logical network which the VM network interface should use. If network is not specified, then Empty network is used. |
profile | UNDEF | Virtual network interface profile to be attached to VM network interface. |
The affinity_groups
list can contain following attributes:
Name | Default value | |
cluster | UNDEF (Required) | Name of the cluster of the affinity group. |
description | UNDEF | Human readable description. |
host_enforcing | false |
host_rule | UNDEF |
hosts | UNDEF | List of host names assigned to this group. |
name | UNDEF (Required) | Name of affinity group. |
state | UNDEF | Whether group should be present or absent. |
vm_enforcing | false |
vm_rule | UNDEF |
vms | UNDEF | List of VM's to be assigned to this affinity group. |
wait | true | If true, the module will wait for the desired state. |
The affinity_labels
list can contain following attributes:
Name | Default value | |
cluster | UNDEF (Required) | Name of the cluster of the affinity label group. |
hosts | UNDEF | List of host names assigned to this label. |
name | UNDEF (Required) | Name of affinity label. |
state | UNDEF | Whether label should be present or absent. |
vms | UNDEF | List of VM's to be assigned to this affinity label. |
The cloud_init
dictionary can contain following attributes:
Name | Description |
host_name | Hostname to be set to Virtual Machine when deployed. |
timezone | Timezone to be set to Virtual Machine when deployed. |
user_name | Username to be used to set password to Virtual Machine when deployed. |
root_password | Password to be set for user specified by user_name parameter. By default it's set for root user. |
authorized_ssh_keys | Use this SSH keys to login to Virtual Machine. |
regenerate_ssh_keys | If True SSH keys will be regenerated on Virtual Machine. |
custom_script | Cloud-init script which will be executed on Virtual Machine when deployed. This is appended to the end of the cloud-init script generated by any other options. |
dns_servers | DNS servers to be configured on Virtual Machine. |
dns_search | DNS search domains to be configured on Virtual Machine. |
nic_boot_protocol | Set boot protocol of the network interface of Virtual Machine. Can be one of none, dhcp or static. |
nic_ip_address | If boot protocol is static, set this IP address to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_netmask | If boot protocol is static, set this netmask to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_gateway | If boot protocol is static, set this gateway to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_name | Set name to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_on_boot | If True network interface will be set to start on boot. |
The sysprep
dictionary can contain following attributes:
Name | Description |
host_name | Hostname to be set to Virtual Machine when deployed. |
active_directory_ou | Active Directory Organizational Unit, to be used for login of user. |
org_name | Organization name to be set to Windows Virtual Machine. |
user_name | Username to be used for set password to Windows Virtual Machine. |
root_password | Password to be set for user specified by user_name parameter. By default it's set for root user. |
windows_license_key | License key to be set to Windows Virtual Machine. |
input_locale | Input localization of the Windows Virtual Machine. |
system_locale | System localization of the Windows Virtual Machine. |
ui_language | UI language of the Windows Virtual Machine. |
domain | Domain to be set to Windows Virtual Machine. |
timezone | Timezone to be set to Windows Virtual Machine. |
The cloud_init_nics
List of dictionaries representing network interafaces to be setup by cloud init. This option is used, when user needs to setup more network interfaces via cloud init.
If one network interface is enough, user should use cloud_init nic_* parameters. cloud_init nic_* parameters are merged with cloud_init_nics parameters. Dictionary can contain following values.
Name | Description |
nic_boot_protocol | Set boot protocol of the network interface of Virtual Machine. Can be one of none, dhcp or static. |
nic_ip_address | If boot protocol is static, set this IP address to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_netmask | If boot protocol is static, set this netmask to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_gateway | If boot protocol is static, set this gateway to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_name | Set name to network interface of Virtual Machine. |
nic_on_boot | If True network interface will be set to start on boot. |
Example Playbook
- name: oVirt infra
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
# Contains encrypted `engine_password` varibale using ansible-vault
- passwords.yml
engine_fqdn: ovirt-engine.example.com
engine_user: admin@internal
engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem
cluster: production
domain: example.com
template: rhel7
memory: 2GiB
cores: 2
ssh_key: ssh-rsa AAA...LGx user@fqdn
- size: 10GiB
name: data
storage_domain: mynfsstorage
interface: virtio
cluster: production
domain: example.com
template: rhel7
memory: 4GiB
cores: 1
ssh_key: ssh-rsa AAA...LGx user@fqdn
- size: 50GiB
name: data
storage_domain: mynfsstorage
interface: virtio
- name: ovirtmgmt
network: ovirtmgmt
profile: ovirtmgmt
- name: postgresql-vm-0
tag: postgresql_vm
profile: "{{ db_vm }}"
- name: postgresql-vm-1
tag: postgresql_vm
profile: "{{ db_vm }}"
- name: apache-vm
tag: httpd_vm
profile: "{{ httpd_vm }}"
- name: db-ag
cluster: production
vm_enforcing: true
vm_rule: negative
- postgresql-vm-0
- postgresql-vm-1
- ovirt.vm-infra
The example below shows how to use inventory created by ovirt.vm-infra
role in follow-up play.
- name: Deploy apache VM
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
# Contains encrypted `engine_password` varibale using ansible-vault
- passwords.yml
wait_for_ip: true
cluster: production
state: running
domain: example.com
template: rhel7
memory: 2GiB
cores: 2
ssh_key: ssh-rsa AAA...LGx user@fqdn
- size: 10GiB
name: data
storage_domain: mynfsstorage
interface: virtio
- name: apache-vm
tag: apache
profile: "{{ httpd_vm }}"
- ovirt.vm-infra
- name: Deploy apache on VM
hosts: ovirt_tag_apache
- apache_vars.yml
- geerlingguy.apache
Apache License 2.0
ansible-galaxy install ovirt.vm-infra