Ansible Sqitch Migrations
Use this role to set up a database using sqitch migrations.
The database setup process is in three stages:
- Set up
- One or more repositories that contain database migrations are cloned. Both private and public git repositories can be cloned. Private repositories require that you have the relevant ssh key added to ssh-agent.
- Create a pgpass file to make authentication against the DB easy and standard throughout the role
- Execute any SQL queries that need to be run to set up the database. These may be things such as creating databases and database users, creating postgres extensions etc.
- Sqitch migrations - the sqitch migrations are deployed and verified. The role is able to support running multiple sqitch migration plans, for different databases.
- Set up periodic jobs - Ensure any SQL queries that need to be run periodically are set up a cron jobs. These may be queries such as a daily data dump, refreshing materialized views, etc.
- At this moment, only PostgreSQL is supported.
- This role does not concern itself with installing database systems.
Role Variables
Some of the more important variables are briefly described below. You can see all variables by looking at the defaults/main.yml file.
This is the user which is used while running the role. The default is "nomad" - you know, because they migrate :)
sqitch_migrations_system_user: nomad
This is a variable defined for convenience as it is used very often. It defines the home directory of the sqitch_migrations_system_user
sqitch_migrations_home: "/home/{{ sqitch_migrations_system_user }}"
This variable defines a list packages that should be installed as part of setting up the role.
# system-wide dependencies
- git
This is the directory in which logs will be stored.
sqitch_migrations_log_path: "/var/log/sqitch_migrations"
A list of git repositories to clone, the database migrations we want to run are located here.
- url: [email protected]:onaio/data-solutions.git
destination: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions"
version: master
An object containing database connections to use when running the role.
db_admin_user: # used to identify this particular connection
user: db_username
password: hunter2
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: dbname
db_other_user: # used to identify this particular connection
user: othe_ruser
password: hunter2
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: dbname2
An object describing files containing SQL queries that should be run BEFORE database migrations.
db_admin_user: # used to identify the db connection to use
- absolute-path-to-file-containing-sql
- /tmp/some-file.sql
An object containing the actual sqitch database migrations to be run.
db_admin_user: # used to identify the db connection to use
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/examples/sqitch_test"
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/1-utils"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
engine: pg
As you can tell, it is an object/dictionary where each entry contains a list of other objects. The structure of these inner objects is as follows:
- directory: absolute path to a directory that contains a sqitch plan
- registry: (optional) the sqitch registry to use, default is "sqitch"
- extra_args: (optional) extra args for sqitch deploy command, default is "--verify"
- engine: (optional) database engine to use, default is pg
An object containing SQL queries that should be executed periodically.
db_admin_user: # used to identify the db connection to use
- file: "/tmp/test.sql" # absolute path to file containing sql to be run periodically
schema: test # database schema for this to be run in
minute: "*/5" # cron config for every 5 minutes
As you can tell, it is an object/dictionary where each entry contains a list of other objects. The structure of these inner objects is as follows:
- file: absolute path to the sql file
- schema: (Optional) the database schema to use, default is "public"
- month: (Optional) cron config for month, default is "*"
- weekday: (Optional) cron config for weekday, default is "*"
- day: (Optional) cron config for day, default is "*"
- hour: (Optional) cron config for hour, default is "*"
- minute: (Optional) cron config for minute, default is "*"
- onaio.sqitch: for installing sqitch
You can install these by running the following ansible command:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Example Playbook
- hosts: servers
- role: ansible-sqitch-migrations
- sqitch_migrations_system_dependencies:
- git
- sqitch_migrations_repositories:
- url: [email protected]:onaio/data-solutions.git
destination: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions"
version: master
- url: [email protected]:OpenSRP/opensrp-reveal-datawarehouse.git
destination: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/reveal-datawarehouse"
version: master
- sqitch_migrations_db_connections:
user: admin
password: hunter2
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: productiondb
user: regular
password: hunter2
host: localhost
port: 5432
database: productiondb
- sqitch_migrations_sql_for_setup:
- "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/setup/extensions.sql"
- sqitch_migrations_sqitch_plans:
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/examples/sqitch_test"
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/1-utils"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
engine: pg
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/1-common-migrations/1-transaction-tables"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/1-common-migrations/2-raw-tables"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/1-raw_tables"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/2-transaction_tables"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/3-views"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/4-FI/1-Thailand-2019"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/5-IRS/1-generic"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/5-IRS/2-Zambia-2019"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- directory: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/migrations/5-IRS/3-Namibia-2019"
registry: sqitch_test
extra_args: --verify --set schema=test
- sqitch_migrations_sql_jobs:
- file: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/jobs/materialized-views/refresh_jurisdictions_materialized_view.sql"
schema: test
minute: "*"
- file: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/jobs/materialized-views/refresh_plans_materialzied_view.sql"
schema: test
minute: "0"
hour: "*/2"
- file: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/jobs/materialized-views/refresh_reporting_lag.sql"
schema: test
hour: "*/1"
- file: "{{ sqitch_migrations_home }}/data-solutions/OpenSRP/2-reveal/jobs/materialized-views/refresh_reporting_time.sql"
schema: test
This project uses molecule for testing.
Start by creating a virtual environment and installing python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then to run the full test sequence:
Apache 2
ansible-galaxy install onaio/ansible-sqitch-migrations