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PolicydRateGuard Role for Ansible

Ansible Role onlime.policyd_rate_guard Ansible Quality Score Ansible Role Downloads Latest release

Install and setup PolicydRateGuard for on a Debian mailserver with Postfix.


The role uses the following Ansible modules: apt, pip, git, mysql_db, mysql_user which might have additional dependencies.

It only installs and configures PolicydRateGuard as a daemon (Systemd service) and will not touch your existing Postfix installation. Please follow the Postfix Configuration instructions in PolicydRateGuard's README > Production INSTALL.


Installation from Ansible Galaxy onlime.policyd_rate_guard:

$ ansible-galaxy install onlime.policyd_rate_guard

Or put the following into your Ansible project's requirements.yml:

  - name: onlime.policyd_rate_guard
    version: main

... and then run:

$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

For usage in your own roles, see Role Usage Examples below.

Role Variables

  • policyd_version:
    • Default: main
    • Description: What version of the repository to check out. This can be the literal string HEAD, a branch name, or a tag name.
  • policyd_install_path:
    • Default: /opt/policyd-rate-guard
    • Description: PolicydRateGuard installation directory.
  • policyd_log_path:
    • Default: /var/log/policyd-rate-guard
    • Description: The path to the policyd-rate-guard.log log file
  • policyd_sentry_dsn:
    • Default: None
    • Description: Enable Sentry exception reporting by entering your Sentry DSN.
  • policyd_mysql_dbname:
    • Default: policyd-rate-guard
    • Description: MySQL database name.
  • policyd_mysql_user:
    • Default: policyd
    • Description: MySQL database username.
  • policyd_mysql_pass:
    • Default: ''
    • Description: MySQL database password.

Role Usage Examples

Example with minimal customization:

- hosts: smtphosts
    - role: onlime.policyd_rate_guard
      policyd_version: stable
      policyd_mysql_pass: '{{ vault_policyd_mysql_pass }}'

[!IMPORTANT] I recommend to store any credentials like policyd_mysql_pass in an Ansible vault. Best practice is to name all vault variables with a vault_ prefix, followed by the variable name which you are going to assign it to.

You could also use this Ansible role onlime.policyd_rate_guard as a dependency in your own role, using the following structure:

├── meta
│   └── main.yml
├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
└── vars
    └── main.yml

and then put the role's default variables overrides directly into vars/main.yml:

policyd_version: stable
policyd_mysql_pass: '{{ vault_policyd_mysql_pass }}'
policyd_sentry_dsn: '{{ vault_policyd_sentry_dsn }}'


GPL-3.0 license


This role is maintained by Philip Iezzi (Onlime GmbH).


Install PolicydRateGuard on a Postfix mail server

ansible-galaxy install onlime/ansible-role-policyd-rate-guard
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