
Sample Linux Role for OpenSwitch OPX

This sample role facilitates the configuration of Quality Of Service(QOS) parameters using CPS API in OPX. The ansible-role-opx-qos role requires an SSH connection for connectivity to a Dell EMC OPX device.


ansible-galaxy install open-switch.opx-qos

Role Variables

  • Role is abstracted using the ansible_net_os_name variable that needs the value "openswitch".
  • Any role variable with a corresponding state variable set to absent negates the configuration of that variable
  • Setting an empty value for any variable negates the corresponding configuration
  • Variables and values are case-sensitive

ansible-role-opx-qos keys

Key Type Description
opx_qos list Configures create/delete QOS parameters (see opx_qos.*)
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data dictionary Configures the WRED entry
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.green-enable integer Enables/disables the green WRED entry; 1 for enable and 0 for disable; value is set to 0 by default if disabled
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.green-min-threshold integer Minimum threshold in bytes after which packets will be dropped based on the drop probability
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.green-max-threshold integer Maximum threshold in bytes after which packets will be tail dropped
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.green-drop-probability integer Percentage probability with which packets will be dropped when minimum threshold is reached; value is set to 100 by default if unspecified
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.yellow-enable integer Enables/disables the yellow WRED entry; 1 for enable and 0 for disable; value is set to 0 by default if unspecified
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.yellow-min-threshold integer Minimum threshold in bytes after which packets will be dropped based on the drop probability
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.yellow-max-threshold integer Maximum threshold in bytes after which packets will be tail dropped
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.yellow-drop-probability integer Percentage probability with which packets will be dropped when minimum threshold is reached; value is set to 100 by default if unspecified
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.weight integer Average queue size depends on the previous average as well as the current size of the queue; weight indicates the importance of the previous average queue length compared to the current queue size; value is set to 0 by default if unspecified
opx_qos.qos_wred_attr_data.npu-id-list list List of NPU Ids
opx_qos.qos__scheduler dictionary Configures the scheduler profile entry
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.algorithm integer Parameter gets the type of scheduling algorithm; 1 for strict priority, 2 for WDD, and 3 for WDRR; value is set to 3 (WDRR) by default if unspecified
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.weight integer Scheduling weight
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.meter-type integer Parameter get the meter type; 1 for packet and 2 for byte
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.min-rate long Guaranteed bandwidth shape rate (bytes/sec or PPS)
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.min-burst long Guaranteed burst for bandwidth shape rate (bytes or packets)
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.max-rate long Maximum bandwidth shape rate (bytes/sec or PPS)
opx_qos.qos__scheduler.max-burst long Maximum burst for bandwidth shape rate (bytes or packets)
opx_qos.qos_dscp_map_id dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in CPS for DSCP map ID entry
opx_qos.qos_dscp_map_id.name string Optional user-provided name for the map
opx_qos.qos_dscp_map_entry dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in CPS for DSCP map entry
opx_qos.qos_dscp_map_entry.tc integer Traffic class
opx_qos.qos_dscp_map_entry.color integer Packet color that given dscp is mapped to
opx_qos.qos_dscp_map_entry.dscp integer Incoming DSCP value
opx_qos.qos_tc_map_id dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in CPS for traffic class map ID entry
opx_qos.qos_tc_map_id.name string Optional user-provided name for the map
opx_qos.qos_tc_map_entry dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in CPS traffic class map entry
opx_qos.qos_tc_map_entry.tc integer Traffic class
opx_qos.qos_tc_map_entry.color integer Packet color
opx_qos.qos_tc_map_entry.dscp integer Egress DSCP value for this traffic class and color
opx_qos.qos_policer_meter dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in CPS meter entry
opx_qos.qos_policer_meter.peak-rate long Peak rate in byte-per-second or packets; only valid for two-rate tri-color meter
opx_qos.qos_policer_meter.type integer Parameter get the meter type; 1 for packet and 2 for byte
opx_qos.qos_policer_meter.mode integer Meter mode type; 1 for single-rate, 2 for two-rate, 3 for two-color, and 4 for storm control
opx_qos.qos_queue_set_data dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in CPS for queue entry
opx_qos.qos_queue_set_data.queue-number integer Locally unique ID within a port and a specific queue type
opx_qos.qos_queue_set_data.type integer Data type; 1 for UNICAST queue 2 for multicast queue
opx_qos.qos_queue_set_data.port-id integer Port number
opx_qos.qos_queue_set_data.buffer-profile-id integer Buffer profile ID
opx_qos.qos_queue_unset_data dictionary Configures attibutes to be unset in the CPS for queue entry
opx_qos.qos_queue_unset_data.queue-number integer Locally unique ID within a port and a specific queue type
opx_qos.qos_queue_unset_data.type integer Unset data type; 1 for Unicast queue and 2 for Multicast queue
opx_qos.qos_queue_unset_data.port-id integer Port number
opx_qos.qos_queue_unset_data.buffer-profile-id Integer Buffer profile ID
opx_qos.qos_queue_unset_data.wred integer WRED profile ID
opx_qos.qos_ing_port dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in the CPS for port ingress entry
opx_qos.qos_ing_port.port-id integer port number
opx_qos.qos_egr_port dictionary Configures attibutes to be set in the CPS for port egress entry
opx_qos.qos_egr_port.port-id integer Port number

NOTE: Asterisk (*) denotes the default value if none is specified.


The ansible-role-opx-qos role is built on modules included in the core Ansible code. These modules were added in Ansible version 2.4.0.

Example playbook

This example uses the open-switch.ansible-role-opx-qos role to setup QOS using CPS Generic module. It creates a hosts file with the switch details and corresponding variables. The hosts file should define the ansible_net_os_name variable "openswitch".

It writes a simple playbook that only references the ansible-role-opx-qos role. By including the role, you automatically get access to all of the tasks to configure QoS features.

Sample hosts file

leaf1 ansible_host= <ip_address> ansible_net_os_name="openswitch" ansible_ssh_user=<login> ansible_ssh_pass=<pwd>

Sample host_vars/leaf1

  - operation: create
      green-enable: 1
      green-min-threshold: 10
      green-max-threshold: 20
      green-drop-probability: 1
      yellow-enable: 1
      yellow-min-threshold: 10
      yellow-max-threshold: 20
      yellow-drop-probability: 3
      weight: 8
      ecn-enable: 1
      npu-id-list: [0]
      name: strict priority
      algorithm: 1
      weight: 2
      meter-type: 1
      min-rate: 256
      min-burst: 300
      max-rate: 1000
      max-burst: 1200
      switch-id: 0
      name: dscp_map
      base-qos/dscp-to-tc-color-map/entry/tc: 0
      base-qos/dscp-to-tc-color-map/entry/color: 1
      base-qos/dscp-to-tc-color-map/entry/dscp: 40
      switch-id: 0
      name: dscp_map
      base-qos/tc-color-to-dscp-map/entry/tc: 0
      base-qos/tc-color-to-dscp-map/entry/color: 1
      base-qos/tc-color-to-dscp-map/entry/dscp: 40
      type: 1
      peak-rate: 10
      mode: 4
  - operation: set
      port-id: 17
      queue-number: 4
      type: 2
      buffer-profile-id: 4
      port-id: 17
      queue-number: 4
      type: 2
      buffer-profile-id: 0
      wred-id: 0
      port-id: 16
      port-id: 17
  - operation: delete


Simple playbook to setup system - leaf.yaml

- hosts: leaf1
     - { role: open-switch.ansible-role-opx-qos, when: ansible_net_os_name is defined and ansible_net_os_name == "openswitch" }


ansible-playbook -i hosts leaf.yaml

(c) 2018 Dell EMC


This sample role facilitates the configuration of Quality Of Service(QOS) parameters using CPS API in OPX.

ansible-galaxy install open-switch/ansible-role-opx-qos
GitHub repository
The OpenSwitch project.