

duplicity wrapper

This Ansible role installs a simple wrapper around the duplicity backup tool. It has two modes of operation - backing up to Amazon S3, or an encrypted Mac disk image on an external Volume. The dupwrap tool supports multiple backup profiles on a single host. It may be run as either the root user to backup servers, or as another user to backup workstations.

S3 Mode

This will upload the GPG encrypted backup to a specified S3 bucket. The IAM user associated with the provided API keys requires both read/write permissions.

Mac USB Mode

This will create/maintain a encrypted volume on external volumes. This does result in a double encryption but I don't really mind. This mode does not yet support scheduled backups.


These are variables which have defaults. These values are selected to make it easy to backup an entire server, just add source and destination.

  • dupwrap_user defaults to root
  • dupwrap_group defaults to root
  • dupwrap_config_prefix defaults to /etc
  • dupwrap_bin_prefix defaults to /usr/local/bin which is sufficient for
  • dupwrap_cron defaults to false - enable to setup a cronjob
  • dupwrap_cron_verbose defaults to false but you can make this thing way more chatty than you could ever possibly really want
  • dupwrap_n_full defaults to 3 and controls how many full backups to keep
  • dupwrap_remove_older defaults to 12 will remove backups older than the specified number of months
  • dupwrap_full_older defaults to 30D and determines how frequently to force full backups

Multiple backup profiles may be defined. They are all stored in a a directory named dupwrap relative to the config prefix. The dupwrap_backups variable is used to define backup profiles. This variable contains a list of yaml objects, which may default to global settings.

  • passphrase (defaulting to dupwrap_passphrase) specifies the password use for encryption routines
  • aws_access_key (defaulting to dupwrap_aws_access_key) is the AWS Access Key ID, needed for S3 backups
  • aws_secret_key (dupwrap_aws_secret_key) is the AWS Secret Access Key, needed for S3 backups
  • bucket (dupwrap_bucket) is the S3 URI to use, needed for S3 backups

You must pass these instance variables if backing up to Mac/USB

  • dupwrap_unencrypted_volume is the name of the mounted external volume to use
  • dupwrap_encrypted_volume is the name of the encrypted volume to make
  • dupwrap_encrypted_volume_size is the size of the volume, and defaults to 256m

dupwrap script

This script is the interface around duplicity. It is also what gets called by cron, if using that. All mac/usb interactions will ask for a password.


These options change the default behaviour. Note that some actions will require a profile specified.

  • -d when specified on a mac backup will cause it to leave things mounted when done backing up.
  • -v spits out a bunch of debugging information
  • -f skips confirmation when removing things for ever
  • -c specifies the directory where configuration files are stored. This defaults to whatever dupwrap_config_prefix is set to
  • -p specifies a backup profile.
  • -t Specifieds the time to restore a file from. I have no idea why this is an option and not an action argument. Probably because I'm terrible at computers.


  • backup will kick off a backup. If no profile specified then every found backup will be run.
  • list lists everything in the most recent backup
  • restore_file will restore a specific file to the given location
    • restore_file <file> <dest> to restore most recent
  • status basic information on the backup set
  • prune will remove old backups. If no profile is specified then every found backup will be purged.

On macOS, there are some additional actions available.

  • init will create the encrypted disk image
  • purge will remove the encrypted disk image
  • mount will mount the encrypted disk image
  • unmount will unmount the encrypted disk image

Swap Helper

The swap helper script (dupwrap-swap-helper) is meant to be used with the pre_script and post_script job variables. It is invoked with a single argument which is either pre or post.




This Ansible role was created by Jonathan Freedman because he was tired of losing things to the inexorable decay of data.


Duplicity wrappers for easy backups hooray

ansible-galaxy install otakup0pe/ansible-dupwrap
GitHub repository
Just another freak in the freak kingdom.