
Overview: ansible-role-httpd

This role will set up httpd (Apache), configure any vhosts you've defined, and setup any rewrite/redirect rules. I configure my vhosts in a way that senior admins had taught me when I worked in a datacenter. I've since continued to follow this method for my career. This setup is opinionated. You may not agree.

Variable definitions

Use this if you're running httpd behind a loadbalancer such as ELB or HaProxy. If true will copy the customer_logger.conf in to /etc/httpd/conf.d/. The customer logger will get the x-forwarded source IP header.

httpd_is_behind_loadbalancer: false

Sets the default document root directory in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. This typically needs to be overridden for a vagrant, otherwise leave it alone.

httpd_conf_docrootdir: /var/www/domains

Set the ports that httpd will listen on.

httpd_conf_port: 80
httpd_conf_port_ssl: 443

Enable or disable the httpd keepalive directive. Boolean for ansible. Docs

httpd_conf_keepalive_enable: true

Multi-processing module for processing requests. Docs

httpd_conf_mpm: prefork # Other valid options are 'event' and 'worker'

Use mod_headers to set httponly and secure on all cookies. There are implications here. Boolean, defaults to false. Docs

httpd_conf_securecookies: false

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  become: true
  become_method: sudo

      - url:
        enable_ssl_vhost: false
        #path_to_ssl_ca: /path/to/ca.pem
        #path_to_ssl_cert: /path/to/cert.pem
        #path_to_ssl_key: /path/to/key.pem
        #path_to_ssl_chain: /path/to/bundle.pem
        aliases: []
        serveradmin: [email protected]
        errorlog: "/var/log/httpd/error_log"
        accesslog: "/var/log/httpd/access_log"
        directory: "/var/www"
        docrootdir: public_html
        extra_parameters_main: |
            #RewriteEngine On
          # Rewrites requests from the ELB to https
          # We want to match on http specifically instead of the negative, !https, due to healthchecks failing at the 301 redirect
          #RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} ^http$
          #RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI}
        extra_parameters_include: |
          # This is vagrant specific
          #EnableSendfile Off
          # Hide git related stuff
          RewriteRule ^(.*/)?\.git+ - [R=404,L]
          RewriteRule ^(.*/)?\.gitignore+ - [R=404,L]

    - ansible-roles-httpd

How to hack away at this role

Prior to running any tests, you should validate your syntax with yamllint.

find . -type f -name "*.yml*" | sed "s|\./||g" | egrep -v "(\.kitchen/|\[warning\]|\.molecule/)" | xargs yamllint -f parsable

You should see output such as the following which you can take manual action on, or simply ignore. You can easily see we did find an error though. The error would probably prevented ansible from running to completion. Spotting these is a GOOD THING.

$ find . -type f -name "*.yml*" | sed "s|\./||g" | egrep -v "(\.kitchen/|\[warning\]|\.molecule/)" | xargs yamllint -f parsable
defaults/main.yml:41:121: [warning] line too long (127 > 120 characters) (line-length)
meta/main.yml:7:22: [error] syntax error: mapping values are not allowed here
test/integration/default/default.yml:4:1: [warning] comment not indented like content (comments-indentation)
test/requirements.yml:2:2: [warning] missing starting space in comment (comments)

You will need a ruby environment to install the gems for test-kitchen. We install the gems through bundler.

git clone [email protected]:pgporada/ansible-role-httpd.git
bundle install
bundle update
bundle exec kitchen create
bundle exec kitchen converge
bundle exec kitchen verify
bundle exec kitchen destroy

You should now be able to access the default page as defined by the .kitchen.yml file.

Theme Music

The Skatalites - Ska Ska Ska

Author Information


Phil Porada


Installs and configures httpd. Enables programmatic creation of vhosts.

ansible-galaxy install pgporada/ansible-role-httpd
GitHub repository
Just a guy with a computer. 🌞🔒