
Ansible role pisto.virtual_slice_hosts

This utility role uses the add_host (ansible.builtin.add_host) module to create virtual "slices" of your inventory hosts, in order to run tasks in parallel on each virtual slice.

You can parallelize loops very easily: consider this playbook, where the role run-job is executed to run some work, out of a list of work items work_items:

- name: Use run-jobs role in a loop
  hosts: all
  - name: Launch all job items
    loop: "{{ work_items }}"
      name: run-job
      id: "{{ item }}"

The above playbook would run hosts in parallel (according to the number of forks), but it would run each element in work_items serially. It is also not possible to use async and poll: 0, because include_role does not support async tasks.

With pisto.virtual_slice_hosts, you can create "virtual" copies of your hosts that are added in the in-memory inventory of Ansible in a virtual group. The new hosts will hold slices of the whole work_items array, and so Ansible can parallelize operations at the host level!

First install it:

ansible-galaxy install pisto.virtual_slice_hosts

The serial playbook can be parallelized as below:

# Prepend this play to your playbook:
- name: Prepare work items and create virtual slice hosts
  hosts: all
  - name: Create virtual slice hosts
      name: pisto.virtual_slice_hosts
      payload_var: work_items     # the name of the host variable that holds the list of work items
      batch: 10                   # the maximum batch size

# Minimal modifications to the original play:
- name: Use run-jobs role in a loop for each virtual slice host
  hosts: all,&virtual             # notice the modified host pattern that selects the newly added hosts
  strategy: free                  # this is important for performance! Allows hosts to run independently of each other
  - name: Launch all job items
    loop: "{{ work_items }}"      # `work_items` here will be just a slice (max size 10) of the original list
      name: run-job
      id: "{{ item }}"

For example, if you have some-host with a work_items list of size 100, the above playbook will run the run-job role for 10 different virtual hosts some-host.slice-[0-9], and each of these hosts will have a slice of size 10 of the original work_items list. The virtual hosts will run the tasks in parallel, as much as the number of forks setting allows.

Creation of the virtual host

The payload variable is selected with the payload_var. The variable is expected to hold a list, which will be split in slices of size equal to the batch parameter. The resulting number of slices determines the number of virtual hosts to create. The virtual hosts will see their own slice under the variable referenced by payload_var.

The virtual hosts inherit the same groups of the real hosts. Additionally, they are placed in an additional group, by default virtual: this group can be used to select the virtual hosts in host patterns. This group name is controlled by the variable group_name.

This role uses internally the add_host module It is not possible to remove the new hosts. It is however possible to use this role multiple times, with a different value for the the group_name parameter to select between different parallel sections of a playbook.

The virtual hosts do not inherit automatically all the real host variables. Several connection, user and privilege escalation-related variables are copied over by default. If you need additional variables to be copied over, list them in the list copy_vars.

You should be aware of the fact that since ansible.builtin.add_host runs as run_once, the role parameters should not change across the hosts thank include this role. There is explicit support for different values of the batch parameter. Setting different values across hosts for any other parameter is undefined behaviour.

Role Variables

variable description
host_suffix suffix of the generated host name, default slice
group_name group name of the new virtual hosts (default virtual)
payload_var name of the variable that holds the "work" list, that will be split in equal batches across virtual hosts
batch size of the batch
copy_vars list of copied variables (default [])
implicit_copy_vars additional list of copied variables connection, user and privilege escalation-related variables



Author Information

Lorenzo Pistone,


An utility role to "slice" hosts in virtual copies to parallelize task execution

ansible-galaxy install pisto/virtual_slice_hosts
GitHub repository