Ansible Role: PhpStorm
Installs the Jetbrains PhpStorm IDE, on any Linux or UNIX system.
should be installed and working.
Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
phpstorm_version: '2017.1.3'
The version of PhpStorm which should be installed.
phpstorm_install_basepath: '/opt/jetbrains'
The base path where PhpStorm will be installed.
phpstorm_install_prefix: 'phpstorm'
The prefix of the installation folder within the installation path. Together with phpstorm_version
and phpstorm_install_basepath
this will result in the following default install path: /opt/jetbrains/phpstorm-2017.1.3
phpstorm_commandline_launcher: 'pstorm'
The executable name of the command-line launcher. Set to False
if you don't want to install one.
phpstorm_cleanup_releases: []
Version number of old PhpStorm releases you want to delete. It is important to not change phpstorm_install_basepath
and phpstorm_install_prefix
between installation if want to cleanup. Otherwise old versions won't be found.
Side note: Never delete the version from whom you are upgrading. It may be opened by a developer and this will lead to crashes.
Example Playbook
- hosts: phpdevs
- pixelart.phpstorm
After the playbook runs, PhpStorm will be installed, and an application and a command-line launcher will be accessible via normal user accounts.
Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
MIT, see the LICENSE file.
Author Information
This role was created in 2017 by pixelart GmbH.
ansible-galaxy install pixelart.phpstorm