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Project archive

This role expects you to bundle your django application into archive. We recommend to use setuptools as it is widely used, but a simple zip archive should work as well. Set django_archive to path of your archive.

Project environment

django_project_environment is used to deploy multiple environments on same host, which can be useful, when you're running lowcost. Defaults to "staging".

Project name

Set django_project_name to your project name. Looks for environment variable DJANGO_PROJECT_NAME by default.

Project version

Set django_project_version to your project version. Defaults to "develop". Deploying same version twice will overwrite what is on the server. Old versions are stored on the server, so it is easy to quickly fall back just by changing the symlink.

Server name

Set django_server_name to domain name of your project. Separate by space to use multiple names. Looks for environment variable DJANGO_SERVER_NAME by default.

Server django projects directory

Set django_projects_directory to path where you usually store django projects. Defaults to "/var/www".

Static files directory

Set django_static_dir to directory where you store static files. Defaults to empty string. We recommend storing static files externally on CDN, for example AWS S3. Looks for environment variable DJANGO_STATIC_DIR by default.

Django configuration module

Set django_config to module path of your Django configuration. For example: 'app.settings'.

Extra django configuration template

Set django_config_file to path of external configuration template of your django application.

Django wsgi file

Set django_file_file to path of wsgi file of your django application.


Deploy your Django project to Nginx with minimal config

ansible-galaxy install practical-ansible/nginx-django
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Tiny Ansible roles and playbooks that help you with web hosting in a world of VPS