

Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Highly-configurable Ansible role for Unbound DNS resolver

  • Ansible 2.2+
  • Compatible with systems that have systemd as their init system. Latest versions of Ubuntu/Debian, RHEL/CentOS 6.x and freeBSD


  1. Installation
  2. Examples and common use-cases
  3. Requirements
  4. Role Variables
  5. Dependencies
  6. Example Playbook
  7. Testing
    1. with molecule
    2. with geerlingguy's script


$ ansible-galaxy install publicarray.unbound

Examples and common use-cases

Please see the wiki: Examples


Ansible 2.2+



Role Variables

Here is a list of the default variables for this role. They are also available in defaults/main.yml. I recommend that you copy and paste the variables below to your group_vars/all/configs file and that you look at unbound's documentation: https://unbound.net/documentation/unbound.conf.html

# Whether to compile unbound from source or to use the package manager.
unbound_compile: false
# The unbound version to download the source from <https://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/unbound/download/>
unbound_compile_version: 1.8.0
# Checksum to compare the download the file against <https://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/unbound/download/>
unbound_compile_sha256: 78f79d6d3b643fdcd74a14fc76542250da886c82f82bc55b51e189663d61b83f
# The arguments given to the `./configure` command. <!--Solaris users should use --with-solaris-threads -->
unbound_compile_config: "--enable-dnscrypt --with-username={{unbound.server.username|default(unbound)}} --with-libevent --with-run-dir={{unbound.server.directory}} --with-conf-file={{unbound.server.directory}}/unbound.conf"

# Whether to use the optimisation guidelines from <http://unbound.nlnetlabs.nl/documentation/howto_optimise.html>
unbound_optimise: false
# Percentage of physical memory to use for unbound. Only used when `unbound_optimise` is true
unbound_optimise_memory: 100

## DNS-over-TLS settings
# see <https://github.com/publicarray/ansible-role-unbound/wiki/Examples#dns-over-tls> for an example
# Common name for cert signing request
unbound_tls_domain: example.com
# Certificate generation method. Must be one of: selfsigned or acme.
# The 'acme-cf' option (implemented with dehydrated) is deprecated in favor of the new 'acme' option (implemented with acme.sh)
unbound_tls_cert_provider: selfsigned
## acme.sh options https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/Options-and-Params
# Option to automatically update the acme.sh script, 0 = false, 1 = true
unbound_tls_acme_auto_upgrade: 0
# Certificate Authority. The default is the Let's Encrypt API v1, v2 is coming in 27th of Feb 2018 (--server)
# https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/staging-endpoint-for-acme-v2/49605
# - https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
unbound_tls_acme_ca: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
# Use staging server for testing (--staging, --test)
# https://letsencrypt.org/docs/staging-environment/
# NOTE: when changing from staging to production you need to set 'unbound_tls_acme_force' to true.
unbound_tls_acme_staging: false
# Force create a cert (ignore expiration date)
unbound_tls_acme_force: false
# Domain validation mode. Available modes are standalone, stateless, tls, apache, dns [dns_cf|dns_dp|dns_cx|/path/to/api/file]
unbound_tls_acme_mode: dns dns_cf
# Set env variables for using DNS as domain validation
# Please see https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/tree/master/dnsapi#how-to-use-dns-api for details
  # CloudFlare email address
  # CloudFlare 'Global' API key <https://www.cloudflare.com/a/profile>
  # DO NOT paste your plaintext key! <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbooks_vault.html>
  # CloudFlare API url
  CF_Api: https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4
# Keylength [2048, 3072, 4096, 8192 or ec-256, ec-384] (--keylength, -k)
unbound_tls_acme_keysize: 4096
# Create a ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) Certificate (--ecc)
unbound_tls_acme_ecc: false
# Output debug info (--debug)
unbound_tls_acme_debug: false
# Any additional commands. https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/Options-and-Params
# e.g --dnssleep 300, --webroot /path/to/webroot/

### OpenNic <https://www.opennic.org/>
## The address and port for the authorative server e.g. nsd <https://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/nsd/>
# opennic_address: ""
## The TLDs served by the authorative server and OpenNic
# opennic_tlds: [ free, geek, oss, ... ]
## Example of Retrieving OpenNIC TLDs
## - name: Get OpenNIC TLDs
##   shell: "dig @ TXT tlds.opennic.glue +short | grep -v '^;' | sed s/\\\"//g | tr \" \" \"\\n\""
##   register: opennic_tlds_temp
##   check_mode: false
## - name: Set OpenNIC TLDs - https://wiki.opennic.org/opennic/dot
##   set_fact:
##     opennic_tlds: "{{opennic_tlds_temp.stdout_lines}}"

## Main unbound configuration
# See <https://unbound.net/documentation/unbound.conf.html> for more options and detailed descriptions
# Note: In Ansible the variables must use underscores (_) not dashes (-) as separators
    verbosity: 1
    # interface: [, "::1"]
    # access_control: [ allow, "::0 allow"]
    # use_syslog: no
    # log_time_ascii: yes
    logfile: unbound.log
    auto_trust_anchor_file: root.key
    root_hints: root.hints
    pidfile: "{{_unbound.pidfile|default('unbound.pid')}}"
    username: "{{_unbound.user}}"
    # If not compiling use distribution default directory else use unbound default directory
    directory: "{{_unbound.conf_dir if unbound_compile == false else \"/usr/local/etc/unbound\"}}"
    chroot: "{{_unbound.conf_dir if unbound_compile == false else \"/usr/local/etc/unbound\"}}"
    ## DNS-over-TLS
    # interface: [, '::0@853']
    # ssl_service_key: "private.key"
    # ssl_service_pem: "certificate.pem"
    # ssl_port: 853
  remote_control:  # unbound-control
    control_enable: false



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - { role: publicarray.unbound }
    - unbound_optimise: true
$ ansible-playbook -i dns.example.com, playbook.yml


with molecule

Requires python 2.7 and docker

virtualenv --no-setuptools venv
source venv/bin/activate or source venv/bin/activate.fish
pip install docker-py molecule
molecule test # --debug - for verbose output

with geerlingguy's script

  1. Install and start Docker.
  2. Download the test shim into tests/test.sh: - wget -O tests/test.sh https://gist.githubusercontent.com/geerlingguy/73ef1e5ee45d8694570f334be385e181/raw/
  3. Make the test shim executable: chmod +x tests/test.sh.
  4. Run (from the role root directory) distro=[distro] playbook=[playbook] ./tests/test.sh. If you don't want the container to be automatically deleted after the test playbook is run, add the following environment variables: cleanup=false container_id=$(date +%s)

Credits for the test script go to @geerlingguy


  • centos7
  • ubuntu1604
  • ubuntu1404
  • debian9
  • debian8

Playbooks: are located in tests directory

  • test.yml Test the default configuration
  • compile-test.yml Test compiling of unbound
  • package-test.yml Test dns-over-dns and optimised configuration

Example in bash/sh:

$ distro=debian9 playbook=package-test.yml cleanup=false container_id=$(date +%s) ./tests/test.sh
$ distro=debian9 playbook=compile-test.yml cleanup=false container_id=$(date +%s) ./tests/test.sh

Example in fish shell:

$ set -x distro debian9; set -x playbook package-test.yml; set -x cleanup false; set -x container_id (date +%s); ./tests/test.sh
$ set -x distro debian9; set -x playbook compile-test.yml; set -x cleanup false; set -x container_id (date +%s); ./tests/test.sh



Author Information



Unbound - Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver

ansible-galaxy install publicarray/ansible-role-unbound
GitHub repository