

A secure-by-default, principled, fullstack mailserver focusing on minimizing required configuration options while providing high-domain reputation.

Configures Mail:

  • Amavis
  • Clamav
  • Dovecot
  • OpenDKIM
  • OpenDMARC
  • Pflogsumm
  • Policyd-SPF
  • Postfix
  • Postgrey
  • Postsrsd
  • Postwhite
  • Pyzor
  • Razor


Audience is a user who simply wants to turnup a self-hosted, secure-by-default, high-domain reputation non-docker mailserver with minimal fuss.

This does not intend to be a 'one role fits all' mail server solution. If you need more complex setups (ldap, db, kerberos, etc), or are a business/company; you are not the intended audience. Please fork (or make an offer :D).

DNS control is needed to setup correct DNS records. Configuration of these options are guided during role deployment if the option is enabled.

Feedback is appreciated. Please submit feedback and bugs to issues.

Hardware Requirements:

  • OS: Debian 11 Bullseye
  • RAM: 4GB
  • CPU: 4 Threads (2 cores, 4 threads or 4 cores)
  • Disk: 4GB Disk (+mail space)

Intended to be used with a total mail load below:

  • ~ <30 mails per second
  • ~ 500k mails/day

Role Variables

Minimum Configuration. Defaults will work for a majority of users out of box. Settings have been throughly documented for usage.

The first domain listed is considered the primary domain, the first user listed is considered the mail admin (receives postmaster@, abuse@, and reports).

  - ''
  - ''

  - {user: '[email protected]', pass: '{{ vault_user_admin_pass }}'}
  - {user: '[email protected]', pass: '{{ vault_user_pass }}'}

SSL Certificates must exist.



All ports and protocols have been defined for the role.

Hosts should only define firewall rules for ports they need.




Example Playbook

Apply additional roles to support configuration needs as wanted. In this example we configure the base debian system, configure certificates, apply this mail role, and finally configure a firewall and fail2ban.

See defaults/main/ports.yml for a complete definition of ports used in this role ready for firewall application.


  - ''
  - ''

  - {user: '[email protected]', pass: '{{ vault_user_admin_pass }}'}
  - {user: '[email protected]', pass: '{{ vault_user_pass }}'}


- hosts:
    - {debian-base-role}
    - {letsencrypt-cert-management-role}
    - mail
    - {firewall-role}
    - {fail2ban-role}


Users just want mail. They don't want 3,000 options to fit all possible configurations, nor care about configuration minutiae. KISS/DRY principals apply for user settings.

Focus on a single task. Focus solely on secure mail delivery. Areas outside of mail delivery, such as certificate management, firewall configuration, and IP blocking should be left to tools which do those tasks better.

Tell the user what to do. Automate complexity. Users should not need to read RFC's, multiple tutorials, and sourceforge questions to configure required DNS settings for secure, high-domain reputation mail, such as SPF, DMARC, DKIM. Pick reasonable, secure defaults using user settings and explicitly guide them on what needs to be set outside of the mail server.

Document decisions. Users should be able to look at the code in the future and understand why decisions were made. Even 'trivial' decisions are lost without context after multiple years. Developers must document design decisions either in the task name or comments explaining the reasoning behind decisions.

Trust but verify. Users shoud not need to debug a configuration. Validate configuration within reason using tools to ensure mail configuration is correct.


Create a bug and provide as much information as possible.

Associate pull requests with a submitted bug.


AGPL-3.0 License

Author Information

ansible-galaxy install r-pufky/ansible_mail
GitHub repository